(This too is ironically ominous; within an hour, Othello's notion of his marriage bed will be filled with false visions of Cassio.) . When Othello enters, Iago sees that Othello cannot regain his peace of mind. . Desdemona carries it because she treasures it deeply. . The Moor is obsessed with the need to prove or disprove Desdemona's fidelity. Iago represents himself as an honest, but reluctant, witness. As for Desdemona's fate, Othello says that he will withdraw and find "some swift means of death" (447). Miss Parry 17,251 views 3:30 othello by William Shakespeare in hindi full analysis, explanation and summary - … I'll intermingle everything he does / With Cassio's suit" (23-26). (357). Obviously, he will do what his wife asks, but his thoughts are on other things. Desdemona's final lines here are prophetic: As Cassio's solicitor, she would "rather die / Than give [his] cause away" (27-28). But when Emilia adds that her husband, Iago, grieves "as if the cause [for Cassio's demotion] were his" (4) and that his friendship with the Moor has been severed, even the most casual listener in the audience would probably gasp in disbelief. Gender Foreshadowing Othello "She'd come again, and with a greedy ear / Devour up my discourse" (1.3.151-152) Brabantio "Where most you owe obedience?" Iago's words here are filled with forceful innuendo, and as he pretends to be a man who cannot believe what he sees, he reintroduces jealousy into Othello's subconscious. Othello takes control of the scene with a commanding, eloquent speech. • Iago says he will divert Othello’s attention so that Emilia can help Cassio speak to Need help with Act 2, scene 3 in William Shakespeare's Othello? His speech is fevered, sweeping and frantic; he believes that his wife has been unfaithful to him. mandragora (330) a soporific, or substance causing sleep. This suggestion of hellfire by Iago is a reflection of his own diabolical role in this villainy. But again the ingenious Iago is quick to remind his master that, in reality, this was no more than Cassio's dream. / Tell me, Othello" (57-68). ェイクスピア Othello Act 2 第二幕 SCENE 1. By this time, Othello's suspicions will be ripe with Iago's "poison" (325), for "trifles light as air / Are to the jealous confirmations strong / As proofs of holy writ" (322-324). (95). What Iago is doing, of course, is making Othello believe that Iago's honor is at stake if he confesses his fears. About “Othello Act 2 Scene 3” Othello assigns Cassio to guard duty and warns him not to drink too much beforehand. Here the reader should recall Othello's words to the Duke of Venice; he confessed that he knew very little of the world except for that pertaining to warfare. Othello hears, and his "O misery!" . Firstly, we have Othello’s soliloquy towards the Duke. / I prithee, name the time, but let it not / Exceed three days . About “Othello Act 3 Scene 2” Othello assigns Iago to hand off some official letters and exits with other officers to inspect the castle fortifications. By the end of Act III, Scene 3, Iago has secured a shaky dominance over Othello. But schemer that Iago is, he knows what must be done to protect himself; he must feign another vow of honesty and concern for Othello's welfare. . Othello is a master of games on the battlefield, but he is innocent of social games. Othello solemnly vows to execute "a capable and wide revenge" (459), and then he kneels. Even though she did promise Cassio not to delay speaking to Othello about the matter, such annoying insistence seems unnecessary, and it leads to Othello's becoming mildly vexed with his wife's childish pestering: "Prithee, no more; let him come when he will, / I will deny thee nothing" (74-75). Find a summary of this and each chapter of Othello! By the end of Act III, Scene 3, Iago has secured a shaky dominance over Othello. His "Ha! I've scrolled down my annotated copy so it's easier to follow along. In Act II, Scene 3, Iago told Cassio that "reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving" (268-270). Cassio will keep it and then Othello will see it in the ex-lieutenant's possession. Later, this handkerchief in Cassio's possession will be sufficient "proof" for Othello to abandon all faith in Desdemona. In his rage, the Moor declares that he will tear Desdemona to pieces. Now he swears action, and Iago swears to help him. Iago also urges Othello to recall that Desdemona deceived her own father by marrying Othello. Answer the following questions on Act 2 Scene 3, which takes place in a castle in Cyprus: Othello tells Cassio to inspect the guard at night. Cassio notes that actually that's Iago's job, but sure, he's willing to help out. There is only one thing now of which Othello is certain — the "exceeding honesty" of Iago. Cornered, Iago produces the dream story: Cassio spoke in his sleep, embraced him, called him Desdemona, and cursed the Moor. Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis. In this scene, Iago supplants Cassio, regaining his place nearest to Othello. When Iago is alone with Othello, he resumes his attack on his general's soul. Thus he lies to Othello again, saying that he is unwilling to speak further because he may be "vicious in [his] guess" (145). (35) is a blatant lie; this fraudulent tsk-tsking hides Iago's true delight; nothing could satisfy his perversity more. / To-morrow dinner then? Desdemona could not purposely have chosen a worse time to mention Cassio's name to her husband. Momentarily, Othello seems to revive his senses, snarling at Iago's villainy and sending him away, then he slumps into despair. to-night at supper? But he reminds Othello that Desdemona is a Venetian lady and "in Venice they [wives] do not let [even God] see the pranks / They dare not show their husbands" (202-203). He is consumed with doubt and suspicion. In it, Iago speaks carefully and at length with Othello and plants the seeds of suspicion and jealousy which eventually bring about the tragic events of the play. Out of seemingly idle curiosity, he asks if Desdemona was correct when she referred to the days when Othello was courting her; did Cassio indeed "know of your love?" She promises to speak of him with her husband repeatedly until the quarrel is patched up and Cassio is recalled. They go in to dinner, and Emilia picks up the fallen handkerchief, one that her husband, Iago, often urged her to steal from Desdemona. He would have been happier, he cries, if his entire company of soldiers had "tasted her sweet body" (346) and he had remained ignorant of the entire episode. Then again playing the reluctant confidant, he begs, as it were, not to be pressed about certain of his dark thoughts. Summary: Act IV, scene ii Othello interrogates Emilia about Desdemona’s behavior, but Emilia insists that Desdemona has done nothing suspicious. . This thought is similar to his father-in-law's observation in Act I, Scene 3, when Brabantio spoke of "nature erring" — when Desdemona "unnaturally" chose Othello, a man not of her own race or culture. Desdemona jests to Cassio that she will "talk him [Othello] out of patience; / His bed shall seem a school . He then asks the Moor to use his "free and noble nature" (199) to determine for himself the truth of the behavior between Desdemona and Cassio. [and tasted] Cassio's kisses on her lips" (338-341). Summary: Act II, scene iii Othello leaves Cassio on guard during the revels, reminding him to practice self-restraint during the celebration. (427) he cries. Othello is ravaged by self-loathing, reduced to comparing himself to a dungeoned toad; he is cursed by a "destiny unshunnable" (275). . Filled with what appears to be moral fervor, Iago then proceeds to a glorification of reputation. from your Reading List will also remove any Othello dismisses love and calls for vengeance. . Yet Iago must be sure that Othello is sufficiently mad; therefore, he makes reference to Desdemona's handkerchief with its intricate strawberry embroidery; Othello immediately remembers it as the very one he gave to his wife. The bestial images that Iago conjures up reek of base sexuality, for now Iago no longer needs to rely on innuendo. Othello's mental agony approaches the emotional climax of the play; here is the first turning point of the drama. In his denial, he shows himself most vulnerable. He swears that he will "see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove" (190). Then Cassio seized Iago's hand, kissed him hard on the mouth, and threw his leg over Iago's thigh, kissing him all the while, and cursing fate, which "gave [Desdemona] to the Moor!" PK ! SCENE II. Act 3, scene 2 Themes and Colors Key LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Othello , which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. One might profitably recall Iago's antithetical views on the same subject when he was talking with Cassio earlier. He employs a number of subtle rhymes and alliterations: “turn’d Now we hear Othello in a soliloquy (258-277), and the range of the imagery he uses underscores the appalling change in his character. Iago seizes the opportunity to make an undermining comment — "Ha, I like not that" — that rankles in Othello's mind. As Desdemona leaves, Othello chides himself for being irritated by his wife. commands. At last Othello utters a true appraisal of Iago: "villain, be sure thou prove my love a whore" (359). Desdemona speaks of Cassio, and Othello, to please her, agrees to see him, but he is distracted by his private thoughts. Iago persuades Cassio to join the partying even though Cassio is unwilling because he cannot hold his drink. Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis. Get an answer for 'In Iago's soliloquy in Act 2, Scene 3, lines 303-328, why does Shakespeare use so many contrasts and references to hell, and what effect does this have?' Othello and Desdemona leave to consummate their marriage. Alone, Emilia picks up the handkerchief. This page contains the original text of Othello Act 3, Scene 2.Shakespeare’s original Othello text is extremely long, so we’ve split the text into one Scene per page. (421-26). Othello is no longer as sure as he was of Desdemona's fidelity, for he ponders on the possibility of " . / But he that filches from me my good name / Robs me of that which not enriches him, / And makes me poor indeed") (156-161). Othello contents オセロを読む 対訳『オセロ』目次 Othello Contents List of Characters 登場人物一覧 Act 1 第一幕 Scene 1: Venice. Cassio expresses his gratitude, but he urges Desdemona not to delay, for if Othello waits too long to appoint a new lieutenant, he may "forget my love and service" (18). Synopsis via Hudson Shakespeare Company: All rights reserved. (Herald) A Herald reads out Othello’s proclamation that in thanks for the victory over the Turks the night should be one of reveling. jesses (261) straps for holding a hawk to the trainer's wrist. (Later, Othello will believe not only that she has violated a vow of friendship, but that she has violated their vows of marriage.) She wants the clown to make it clear that she's been good to her word about asking Othello for Cassio's reinstatement. Othello is convinced that Iago is withholding something and asks for his ruminations, the "worst of thoughts / The worst of words" (132-133). hold her free (255) believe her to be guiltless. The implication is clear; Iago does not have to state it: If Desdemona deceived her own flesh and blood, she might just as naturally deceive her husband. Once Othello is gone, Iago enters and joins Cassio on guard. Here it is significant that twice Emilia uses the verb steal and also the verb filch when she refers to Iago's request (lines 293, 309, and 315). When Othello and Iago enter, Cassio, who is embarrassed because of his antics the previous night, embraces Desdemona and departs. Othello: Act 1, Scene 2 Works After Emilia leaves, he reveals the next step in his plan: he will go to Cassio's lodgings, leave the handkerchief there, and let Cassio find it. Iago bids the Moor not to rise yet, and he himself kneels and dedicates himself to "wrong'd Othello's service" (467). Othello will then conclude that Desdemona either gave the handkerchief to Cassio as a token of their love or left it at Cassio's lodgings after a rendezvous. Othello sees himself as an old man, an old cuckold, one who has treasured Desdemona blindly, beyond reason. Othello is enraged to the point where he is convinced that absolutely all of his suspicions are true. To Brabantio, Desdemona pretended to be afraid of Othello's dark looks; she pretended to shake and tremble at Othello's exotic demeanor, yet "she lov'd them [Othello's features] most" (207). Even now Othello's blood "burn[s] like the mines of sulphur" (329). ^ÿ†?ŠÚMgDñ]Ánô^wü㺋¢–²ÏbcV¸S©í"¼GjÞô\¦8êµÍ÷¹Lqô,Œ)ŽÂ…1ÅѼ0¦8*ÆGØâ(eÓÛ¾µª‡þ4ÿPCvò†ª†7ïNU¥A²>DÐôîàôG±œ+둥ó8”pÛ¦ÎCD™Ox4þBõm¡€¢%6¯¿eÌ~ ÿÿ PK ! and when I love thee not, / Chaos is come again" (90-92). Removing #book# In a metaphorical sense, perdition will soon catch Othello's soul, and chaos will soon replace order in his life. \d [Content_Types].xml ¢(  ̘ÛnÛ0†ïìݱ’n=lˆÓ‹®Ö­@»Ðl&Ñ&K‚ÄdÍۏvsw^*ÞM Y&ù‘vø‹ž^?”*YƒóÒèŒMÒ1K@禐z‘±o÷ŸFW,ñ(t!”ѐ± xv={ùbz¿±à²Ö>cKDûŽsŸ/¡>54í̍+ÒÒ-¸ùO± ~6_ðÜh#¬|°ÙôÌÅJaòñ.oI¬^°äýö¾*TÆdYÙW×y«Åí&õF»åÂk•ÌR=øZG¹Œvy¤dYßã—ÒúW”ìTÕÎãvv_é8Y@r+~%eË­EnxªS(ý»§T3ŸË There is an element of prophecy here not only in Desdemona's and Othello's farewells to one another, but also in their lines and in the remainder of the Moor's first speech after Desdemona leaves. Iago appears incredulous, and it is then that Othello turns on him with words that make Iago only too aware of the danger that faces him. A Sea-port in Cyprus. He must also measure how well he has succeeded thus far. Othello promptly concedes that Iago is honest, and the villain knows that for the time being he is safe. She is puzzled by his request, but now she has an opportunity to have the embroidery pattern copied, and she can give it to her whimsical husband. leet and law days (140) meetings of the court. Iago stresses that Cassio is his "worthy friend"; in other words, one does not lie about one's friends and, therefore, the Moor must not exaggerate in his imagination what he hears. Synopsis of Act 2 Scene 3 Othello retires to enjoy his first night with his bride, leaving Cassio in charge of the island’s security. Act 1, scene 3 The duke and the senators discuss the movements of the Turkish fleet and In fact, a conclusion is hardly necessary; for a mind as inflamed with jealousy as Othello's, the handkerchief itself is metaphor enough. / to-morrow night; on Tuesday morn; / On Tuesday noon, or night; on Wednesday morn. Cassio, sobered, grieves for his lost reputation: "I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial" (242-244), and Iago replies "Reputation is an idle and most false imposition, often got without merit, and lost without deserving" (247-248). Enter a Herald with a proclamation; People following Herald It is Othello's pleasure, our noble and valiant general, that, upon certain tidings now arrived, importing the mere perdition of the Turkish fleet, every man The musicality of his phrasing marks a change in tone from the brawl to the aftermath. Act 1, scene 2 Iago warns Othello about Brabantio’s anger, but Othello is confident in his own strength and in his love for Desdemona…. Once he felt he was one of the "great ones" (273); now his pride in himself and in Desdemona's love for him is destroyed. (1.3.182) “Stol’n from me and corrupted” (1.3.62) Desdemona “A moth of . . He snatches it from her and refuses to tell her why he wants it. © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. When Desdemona re-enters, Othello's aspect is changed; he watches her intently, looking for signs, and brushes away her handkerchief when she seeks to sooth him. Perhaps she is merely young and eager to have her requests granted, or perhaps she is too eager to prove to herself that her new husband is obedient; whatever the reason, she harries Othello about when he will reinstate Cassio as his lieutenant: " . He does not wish to call Cassio back at the moment, but Desdemona is insistent. This is Iago's "proof" that makes it perfectly clear to him that Cassio has had illicit relations with Desdemona. Chapter Summary for William Shakespeare's Othello, act 1 scene 3 summary. Act 3 Scene 1 & 2 • Cassio hires some musicians to serenade to Othello and Desdemona but Othello sends a clown to pay the musicians to leave. Original Text Translated Text Source: Folger Shakespeare Library OTHELLO Good Michael, look you to the guard tonight. Othello then turns on Iago with savage intensity and demands to see the proof of Desdemona's infidelity. Before the two men part, Iago goes to further pains to make Othello believe in his honesty and also to insure that Othello's jealousy has been sufficiently inflamed. The superb "farewell speech" that follows emphasizes how much Othello has lost — he, the model commander, the premier soldier — his "occupation's gone!" This dropped, unnoticed handkerchief should not escape our notice. Here, compare this madman, incensed by Iago's poison, with the noble Moor who, only a few hours ago, repeatedly demonstrated such complete command of himself. One should never doubt that Iago will speak the "worst of thoughts" (132), although at first he does not answer directly. One can see how skillfully Iago makes use of his public reputation for honesty. . Iago enters and, after a brief exchange with his wife, learns that she has the very handkerchief that he has longed for. When Desdemona offers to bind his aching head with her handkerchief, he declines because the handkerchief is too small. . Convulsed with introspection, he curses his black skin and his lack of social graces and also the fact that he is "into the vale of years" (266) (he is much older than Desdemona) — all these things, he fears, could turn a woman from her husband's bed. When shall he come? Then he bids Iago farewell, painfully asking himself why he married at all; it is obvious to him that "this honest creature [Iago] doubtless / Sees and knows more, much more, than he unfolds" (242-243). Certainty has freed his mind from doubt and confusion. happily (238) [Archaic] haply, by chance. The dramatic irony is especially keen here as Desdemona tells Cassio that she is convinced that she "will have [her] lord and [him] again / As friendly as [they] were" (6-7). nature erring from itself — " (227). Let’s In unusually coarse imagery, Iago then introduces the subject of what kind of evidence would resolve Othello's doubts. . . Othello's soul is so hopelessly ensnared in Iago's web of treachery that he proclaims Iago as his new lieutenant and states tragically, "I am your own for ever" (449). He turns to his general and fawns over his master's distress, noting that Othello is "eaten up with passion" (391). All these coincidences will fester later in Othello's subconscious as Iago continues to fire the Moor's jealousy. Equally important, this simile makes clear the absoluteness in Othello's character; once he has decided which course to take, he cannot turn back, and this decision does much to make plausible the almost incredible actions that follow. About “Othello Act 3 Scene 3” the pivotal Scene in Othello and one of the most complex and scenes. To bind his aching head with her husband his phrasing marks a change in tone from the to. 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