Thrips 3. Eggplant can be sauteed, grilled, stuffed, baked and fried. Both adults and nymphs run sideways and are good jumpers. Preventative application of Reclaim IT Insecticide will ensure Leaf Hoppers stay away from your garden. 30 Brinjal Leaf Hopper 31 Control of Leafhoppers. The pest is active throughout the year. Leafhoppers feed on phloem, leaving pale, circular spots or peppery specks on leaves. Antoba olivacea M.  The yellowish coloured grubs and adults feed voraciously on the leaves and tender parts of the plant and often cause serious damage when they appear in numbers. Lower leaves may droop first before wilting occurs. Spray of Premier 200 SL _at_ 1ml/lit of Water at 7 … This relative of the cicada insect is nowhere near as noisy as its distant cousin. Full grown larva is light pink measuring about 12mm long. Little leaf of brinjal Symptoms: This is a serious viral disease of brinjal. As a result of damage, affected shoots wither and plants exhibit the symptoms of drooping. Adults are oval in shape, straw coloured dorsaly and black on the ventral side. Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne javanica. Leafhoppers are often found on the underside of the leaves. Plant is one of the common and popular vegetables grown throughout the world. Bacterial ooze comes out from the affected parts. help in the reduction of nematode population. The infestation may lead to fruit drop or the fruits remain on the shoots in a dried and shriveled condition. 5. A leafhopper is the common name for any species from the family Cicadellidae.These minute insects, colloquially known as hoppers, are plant feeders that suck plant sap from grass, shrubs, or trees. Fruiting is adversely affected. Infestation starts after few weeks of transplantation. 1. The leaves show a reduction in … Application of Aldicarb or Carbofuran @1-2 kg a.i. Pests of brinjal 2 1. Incubation period is 3-5 days, larva become full grown in 7-13 days. Note:There are more leafhopper species worldwide than all species of birds, mammals, … A female lays on an average 250 eggs on leaves, shoots or sometimes on fruits. The leaves show a reduction in size and are malformed. It is one of the most serious pests of brinjal fruits and plants. The infestation on brinjal can be as high as 70 per cent. Brown leafhopper: Cestius phycitis (Cicadellidae, Hemiptera) It is a vector of little leaf of brinjal. This pest is widely distributed all over India and is found associated with a number of host plants. The BLL disease is transmitted by insect-vectors leaf hoppers (Hishimonas phycitis and Empoasca devastans) and grafting. Virginia creeper leafhopper (Erythroneura ziczac) Western grape leafhopper (Erythroneura elegantula). Eggs is laid on lower surface of the leaves. Brown leafhopper: Cestius phycitis (Cicadellidae, Hemiptera) Aphids are tiny yellowish soft-bodied insects, the adult is along 1mm long and has two projections called cornicles on the dorsal side of abdomen. Lucinodes orbonalis Guen The adults are small light brown leafhoppers having bright yellow marks on its thorax. The pupal period lasts about 7-10 days. Both nymphs and adult suck the sap from the lower surface of the leaves. Aphids are found in large colonies on underside o leaves and tender shoots. Nymphs and adults suck cell sap and white patches appear on leaves. Vector of little leaf of brinjal; Identification of pest: Adult: Small light brown leaf hopper; Management: Remove infected plants and destroy them; Before transplantation dip the seedlings in 0.2% carbofuran 50 STD solution (control insect vectors) Spray with dimethoate 0.3% Depending on species they may be green, brown or yellow in color and often have colorful markings. Such leaves are […] Nymphs do not have wings and are generally lighter in color than adults. Hopper burn will also be apparent, which refers to the yellowing at the top of the leaves. Mycoplasma disease Name of disease: Host plant: Vector: Yellow dwarf disease: Rice: GLH: Phyllody: Sesame: Leaf hopper: Little leaf: Brinjal: Leaf hopper: Grassy shoot Garden ladybugs for controlling aphids and other harmful insects. Adults and apterous forms reproduce parthenogenitically. However little information is available on the brinjal little leaf disease (BLL). Leaves show characteristic curling symptoms similar to that of a virus. Adults lay eggs on the leaves of plants, and they and their nymphs feed by sucking the plant's sap. The damaged leaves curl upwards along the margins. The holes later plugged with excreta leaving no visible sign of infestation. The highest leaf hopper number per leaf was found as 12.96 + 0.93 on 9.7.96. There are 8 overlapping generations in a year. Pest description and crop damage Adult western grape leafhoppers (WGLH) and Virginia creeper leafhoppers (VCLH) are about 0.12 inch long and are pale yellow with reddish and dark brown markings. Control: Collection and destruction of infested leaves along with the grubs, adult and eggs reduces the pest incidence. An investigation was carried out in the Department of Entomology, College of Horticulture, Dr. Y.S.R. (Sinhala –“PathraKeedawa”; Tamil-“Pachchaiilaithaththikal”) Upward curled and scroched leaf due to hopper damage (farmer field, Vavunia-Mr Vakeeshan) Overall appearance of a plant affected with Leaf hoppers (Farmer field, Vavunia plant vigour Mr Vakeeshan) Spray 3-4 times at 10 days interval with methyl parathion 750 ml or dimethoate 500 ml or monocrotophos  500 ml or endosulfan 1.0 L or imidacloprid 125 ml in 500 -750 L of water /ha. Before transplantation dip the seedlings in 0.2% carbosulfan 25 DS solution to control the insect vectors. Family: – Pyralidae Out of 44 brinjal genotypes tested, It is specific pest of brinjal. The disease is transmitted by leaf hopper (Cestius (Hishimonus) phycitis and Amrasca biguttula biguttula). Sulphur dusting or 0.2% sulphur or Dicofol 0.04% or formothion 0.05% spray controls mites effectively. The leaf hopper started the activity soon after transplanting. The leaves of the infected plants in the early stages are light yellow in colour. Crop Protection :: Pests of Brinjal : Crop: Brinjal: Scientific name: Solanum melongena Family: Solanaceae Shoot and fruit borer: Stem borer: Hadda / spotted beetle Keywords: Brinjal cultivars, Epilachna, leaf hopper, aphid, mealy bug Introduction Solanum melongena L.), also known as egg. Includes. Family: – Noctuidae Which may turn yellowish and show burnt patches. 2. It is a polyphagous species have been recorded on cabbage, brinjal, radish, chilly, tomato, tobacco, sanhemp, sweet potato etc. The shoot and fruit borer has a specific VCLH can be distinguished from WGLH by red spots on the back behind the eyes. The major pests of brinjal fruit and shoot borer, leaf hopper, whitefly, thrips, aphid, spotted beetles, leaf roller, stem borer, blister beetle, red spider mite, and disease like little leaf of brinjal. A heavy black sooty mould may develop on the honeydew like droplets secreted by mealy bugs. Order: -Lepidoptera. The nymphs are completed in 7 to 9 days and several generations are completed in a season. Order: -Homoptrera. Fore wing are green in colour. Dusting with 10% carbaryl at the rate of 20-25 kg/ha. The nymphs and adults suck the sap. IPM – Schedule On Fruit Crops PDF Download, Anti-transpirants and it’s Classification, Agriculture Oneliner PDF Part-163 for Competitive Exam, General Agriculture MCQ PDF Part-253 Download, Agriculture Current Affair 24 December 2020, Agriculture Oneliner PDF Part-162 for Competitive Exam, General Agriculture MCQ PDF Part-252 Download, Agriculture Current Affair 23 December 2020, Agriculture Oneliner PDF Part-161 for Competitive Exam, General Agriculture MCQ PDF Part-251 Download. The root-knot nematode damage is more harmful to seedlings than to older plants. Population dynamic of leaf hopper (Amrasca biguttula biguttula) on brinjal crop and effect of abiotic factors on its dynamic were studied. Moths are medium sized having wing expanses 25-35mm. Leaf roller 3. Nymphs and adults of mealy bugs suck sap from the leaves, tender shoots, and the fruits. At high temperatures, it may be necessary to apply these at an interval of two days.          It is a vector of little leaf of brinjal. Single female produces 8-22 nymphs/day. Besides brinjal, the pest is also known to infest potato, bitter gourd, pea pods, cucurbits etc. SEASONAL FLUCTUATION OF INSECT PESTS OF BRINJAL AT AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH STATION, BURIRHAT, RANGPUR /ha effectively reduces the nematode population in the field. Nymphs are similar to adults in appearance, except they lack fully developed wings. The vascular system becomes brown. Lurking in your garden, there’s a pest which is feasting upon the leaf sap in your plants: the leafhopper. Family: – Jassidae The affected plants show the development of galls on the roots. The insect also exude honeydew on which fungus develops, rapidly covers the plant with sooty mould that interferes with the photosynthetic activity of the plant. Continuous cropping of brinjal leads to more borer and wilt infestation. Leaf Hoppers are a destructive species of pest known to suck-sap from plants and cause plant disease such as sooty mold. The loss caused on this account is far more severe than by their feeding and devitalizing the plant. Leafhopper adults (1/4 inch long) are slender, wedge-shaped insects that fly or disperse rapidly when disturbed. Proper irrigation and clean cultivation are essential to keep the pest population under control. The summer crop suffers comparatively more. Symptoms of Little Leaf Disease: The main symptom of the disease is the production of very short leaves by affected plant. Rogue out the little leaf affected plants from time to time. Myzus persicae Sulz Family: -Tingidae It is a minor pest but occasionally assumes a serious form. and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis, whitefly, B. tabaci, leaf hopper A. biguttula biguttula, and non insect like red spider mite, T.macfurlanei . eggplant leaves, causing yellow patches on the foliage. 1. Continuous cropping of brinjal and potato should be avoided and resistant varieties if available should be cultivated, 2. Removal and destruction of affected shoot and fruits alongwith larvae. Certain species also transmit mycoplasma-like diseases, such as little leaf disease. Ladybugs are the most popular beneficial insect for your garden. Nymph moults 5 times and become adults within weeks. Simple grilled summer vegetable such as eggplant, zucchini, red peppers dressed with a little rosemary, olive oil and balsamic is a wonderful blend of Mediterranean flavors. Brinjal … ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the little leaf of brinjal caused by mycoplasma. The full grown larva comes out and pupation takes place in boat shaped cocoons on the plant itself. Incidence of insect pests is one of the prime factors in reduction of yield. They measure about 3mm long. The moths are medium sized. Spraying the crop with Malathion (2ml/litre of water) or Carbaryl (2-4 g/litre of water) effectively controls the pest. Their life cycle can be completed in 40 to 45 days under favorable environmental conditions. Affected leaves become mottled, turn brown and fall. Brinjal Brown leaf hopper Scientific Name: Cestius phycitis Family: Cicadellidae Order : Hemiptera It is the most destructive pest in south Asia especially in Summer on brinjal which is next to shoot and fruit bore High humidity favours the multiplication of leaf hopper. When the fruits are infested, they can be entirely covered with the mealy bug. Rice Stem Borer, Brown Plant Hopper & Green Leaf Hopper, Rice leaf folder, Brinjal shoot and fruit borer, and Tea Red Mites: Dose Per Acre: Rice: 625 ml; Brinjal: 700 ml and Tea: 480 ml: Pack Size: 0302039 Bicozophos 40 EC (400 ml × 08 Btl) 0302040 Bicozophos 40 EC (100 ml × 24 Btl) 0302041 Bicozophos 40 EC (50 ml × 24 Btl) Okra 1 2. Chilli 5. Plants in the home garden that display signs of leafhopper damage should be promptly removed and thrown out to avoid further spread of bacteria. After fruit formation larva make their entry under the calyx when they are young. The serious activity was noticed from 21st May to 6th August. Cabbage 4. Wings expanse 22-26mm. Using a combination of contact insecticide treatment with Reclaim IT and Viper Insect Dust (for food-bearing plants) can effectively eliminate and protect your yard and garden plants. The nymphs are also green. Characterized by their green and slender 2 mm bodies, leaf hoppers are of concern when large populations are present. Among the major biotic constraints, little leaf of brinjal poses a serious disease because capable of causing yield loss up to 40 per cent. A single female lays about 35-45 eggs, which hatch within 4-12 days. (240.10), epilachna beetle (55.14), leaf beetle (37.40), green leaf hopper (35.46) and leaf roller (4.74). 3. Little leaf of Brinjal Symptoms Reduction in size of leaves, Conversion of floral parts into leafy structures caused by Mycoplasma like Organisms (MLO) and transmitted by Leaf hopper Fruit setting is adversely affected by the infestation. Therefore, the affected leaves turn yellow, get wrinkled and destorted. Little Leaf of Brinjal : This is a serious viral disease of brinjal. Order: – Lepidoptera. Amrasca biguttula bigutula Ishida Shoot and fruit borer 2. Epilachna beetle 4. Large holes seen on the fruits are the exit holes. The petioles are so much reduced in size that leaves appear sticking to the stem. Aphids 5. Different stages of mites are found in colonies covered by white-silky webs on lower surface of leaves. If the flower blooms are attacked, the fruit set is affected. Therefore, it was evident that the sucking insect pest such jassid, The wings are whitish with large brown patches all over. Spraying with 0.05% endosulfan, 0.02% phosphamidon, 0.03% dimethoate, methyl demeton or thiometon control the pest effectively. Urentius echinus D. and Urentius sentis D. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Tetranychus neocaledonicus, Tetranychus cinnabarinus,Paratetranychus indicus. Urentius echinus D. and Urentius sentis D. Brinjal 2. Periodically collect and destroy the egg masses, larvae and adults of hadda beetle. Instead, it announces its arrival by damaging the tender leaves of your favorite crop … Horticultural University, V.R. Adult females make hatch cuts across leaf veins and stems to insert eggs. Beet leafhoppers lay eggs in open fields during cool, moist spring weather. White fly 7. Order: – Hemiptera. Adults’ longevity is 30-40 days. Therefore, crop rotation with non-solanaceous crops should be followed. Spraying with 0.05% endosulfan, 0.03% Dimethoate or thiometon and 0.02% phosphamidon control the pest effectively. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Control: Crop rotation with root knot nematode resistant crops like marigold etc. Tomato 3. Besides, they act as a vector for transmitting by aphds. The leaves of the infected plants in the early stages are light yellow in colour. Spraying of insecticides like Dichlorvos (0.02%) or Chlorpyriphos (0.05%) with fish oil rosin soap was found to control the insect population. As a result, the leaves are completely skeletonized leaving only a network of veins. As a result of damage the folded leaves wither and dry up. Bacterial wilt symptoms on leaf surface Wilting, stunting, yellowing of the foliage and finally collapse of the entire plant are the characteristic symptoms of the disease. Nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from leaves, affected leaves become yellowish and lower surface are found covered with black insect excreta. It feeds on brinjal and other salanaceous plants only. Family: -Aphididae The highly mobile adult leafhoppers will hop from plants upon being disturbed, while the nymphs will run sideways. The disease is transmitted by leaf hopper (Cestius (Hishimonus) phycitis and Amrasca biguttula biguttula). Low relative humidity favours mite multiplication. In severe instances, the host plant will suffer from deforestation. The plants become stunted and the leaves show chlorotic symptoms. Nymph moult 5 times in a period of 10-21 days. Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), also called aubergine or egg plant, is one of the top ten vegetables grown in the world. Nymphs and adults suck cell sap from ventral side of leaf and inject toxins into the plant tissues and cause reduction in size of leaves, shortened petioles, excessive growth of branches general stunting of plants, conversion of floral parts into leafy structures and give the plants a bushy appearance.  Fruiting is rare. 3. Spraying with 0.05% monocrotophos 36 WSC or 0.2% carbaryl or dusting with 10% carbaryl 3-4 weeks after transplantation subsequent application 15 days thereafter controls the pest effectively. Removal and destruction of leaf folds alongwith caterpillars help in minimising the infestation. The mite is a pest of brinjal. The major pests of brinjal fruit and shoot borer, leaf hopper, whitefly, thrips, aphid, spotted beetles, leaf roller, stem borer, blister beetle, red spider mite, and disease like little leaf of brinjal. 1. Leaf Hoppers on Brinjal Amrascaspp. A single ladybug is capable of consuming up to 50 to 60 aphids per day but will also eat a variety of other insects and larvae including scales, mealy bugs, leaf hoppers, mites, and various types of soft-bodied insects. Bacterial Wilt: Dingaras Multiple Purple, Sinampiro from Philippines, Pusa Purple Cluster Singnath, … It is minor pest of brinjal in the State of Maharashtra. A generation is completed in a period of one month. Nymphs are oval, greenish yellow with few black dots. They always found in the leaf folds. Cotton, bhendi and other malvaceous plants. At first, it only changes the color, but eventually, this will cause the leaves to fall on the ground. They walk diagonally. Their hind legs are modified for jumping, and are covered with hairs that facilitate the spreading of a secretion over their bodies that acts as a water repellent and carrier of pheromones. How to Kill Leafhoppers. Order: – Hemiptera. Collection and burning of severely infested plant parts reduces further multiplication of mites. Treating the nursery beds with Aldicarb or Carbofuran @ 2g a.i./m2 is effective in increasing the seedling growth and reducing the nematode population. Insect pests of Brinjal plant - 2015/02/20 1. Acaricides like Dicofol (0.05%) and Wettable Sulphur (0.3%) gives effective control of mites. Stuffing with vegetables and or meat can be a meal in one. This affect adversely plant growth and yield. As a result, the growth of plant is stunted and yield is affected adversely. Mealy bug 6. Yield losses in Bangladesh have been reported up to 86% and farmers rely primarily on frequent insecticide applications to reduce injury. 4. Use of Resistant/Tolerant varieties in endemic zones. Adults live for 2-3 days. This is seen in a number of tree species such as elm, oak, maple and sycamore, and results in leaf scorch. Control: During egg stage and the resting stages, most miticides are ineffective. Whitish eggs are laid along leaf veins, which hatch about a week. Gudem to screen brinjal genotypes for tolerance/resistant to major pests. Rogue out infested plants as soon as they appear in the field and completely destroy them. Pests of Vegetable crops 1. Control: Unlike the adults, the crawlers are free from waxy coating and therefore the crawler stage is the most effective for spraying pesticides. Eggplant or brinjal (Solanum melongena) is a popular vegetable grown throughout Asia where it is attacked by brinjal fruit and shoot borer (BFSB) (Leucinodes orbonalis). The adults are greenish yellow tith front wings having a black spot on each, at the apical margin and two black spots on the vertex of the head. The caterpillars bore into the growing shoots or petioles large leaves and feed on internal tissues. The ground while the nymphs are completed in 7 to 9 days and several generations completed. 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