Learning English accurately, important, especially for reading, because it can help the students to understand the, construct of sentence in a text. This competence focuses on building sentences, as understanding part of speech, tenses in active and passive, and conditional sentence. This research would like, to describe the implementation of GTM and CLT in teaching in, learners at Indonesia, especially at Basic English Station (BEST) Course, Jombang, East, and learning process. In the nineteenth century the Classical Method came to be known as Grammar Translation Method (GTM .This method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature and hoped that the students would become familiar with the grammar of their native language through the study of the grammar of the target language and that familiarity would help them speak … Besides that, the students were a must, to speak English although they had finished the class activity. This is also a, combination of GTM and CLT, because in mem, grammar and vocab, while in having conversation, the students got a chance to practice the, grammar and vocab they got in drilling concept. PDF | This chapter emerged out of the need to demonstrate how a traditional but still a widely implemented language teaching method, i.e. So the best way to improve the situation is to combine both methods in teaching English Grammar. This program was designed for junior high school students, senior high school students, and university students. Furthermore, Basic English Station (BEST) as the, English course is the institution in Indonesia that has implemented those two methods, It is suggested for the next reseachers to have research by combining those two, methods in teaching and learning. The most, important thing in this level was that the students were brave to use their English in daily, activity. Kendall Hunt Publishing. Reni Fitriyanti (06081001021) 2. Furthermore, English for General (EFG) is the second program that BEST had. Fundamental of Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages This is one of the ch, of GTM, because at this activity, the teachers made a list of verb, adje, students and those verbs were used to practice the pattern of sentence that the students, learnt. In another word, the, students who could reach this level, they had to be able to create the English environment, to support their skill, especially in speaking. The characteristics of GTM are used to teach grammar in the class, focused on translation and memorizing verb conjugations and… The CLT was a way of contradicting the GTM in a way at the beginning. This program last. DIRECT METHOD VS GRAMMAR TRANSLATION 1. GTM target is accuracy, and CLT target is fluency, combine both accuracy and fluency. This paper aims to compare the controllability and feasibility of these two approaches and find out which one is more suitable for grammar teaching in Taiwan. The second part provides a range of practical activities grouped by theme and level. 1. Literal translation is not necessary as long as the meaning is accurate. 3. the grammar-translation method: tradition, reaction and compromise. The Grammar Translation Method In Language Teaching is better known as the Grammar-Translation Method. After explaning the lesson, t, Based on the explanation above, we can see that Grammar Translation method is a, method that can make the students bored. the characteristic of direct method v The Direct Method. It was a kind of outdoor activity, that was used not only to practice their English, but also to refresh the. The synthesis of theory and research in this study provides a set of guidelines for linguists, curriculum planners, and policy makers to develop a curriculum that is characterized by the integration of traditional Grammar Translation method with Communicative Approach. You may have studied a language in this way, or you may be teaching with this method right now. The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is an method of second language instruction based mostly on the translation of passages from the native language into the target language. This is one of technique that the teachers use to, to the enhancement of communicative purpose and the desire to communicate is, information gap.” This way can be done by giving different inf, who are involved in language learning. From the Publisher: In addition, GTM cannot develop the students’ communicative competence, because they cannot use the rule of the language structure flexibly, Consequently, some teachers leave this method and move into another method that can. 15 minutes for drilling the students, 30 minutes for explaining the material, and 45 mi, for having conversation. It means that CLT is a method that focuses on how a certain l, communication. This idea is, supported by Richards (2006:3), he said that, master the rules of sentence formation in a, However, linguistics competence is also useful for the students, because it helps, students to form sentences correctly. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Translation of a Literary passage Either from native to target or vice versa. That’s the way it should stay. In doing so, different theories advocating and reasoning against both approaches were evaluated from different aspects along with attributing reference to course books designed in tune with CLT and still providing many tips for bits of grammar in great detail. Consequently, it will help the teacher to create English, environment for the students. However, Grammar Translation method still has the advantage for language, teaching and learning, especially in term of accuracy. 4. empirism and technology in fl teaching 5. cognitive theory 6. the second language acquisition tradition 7. humanistic approaches or designer methods 8. communicative language teaching 9. the post-communicative period: towards an enlightened eclecticism 10. CLT is one of methods in language teaching that emphasizes on, communicative in teaching English. 2013. Actually, language, but they used Indonesian and Javanese frequently. focused on speaking activities, thus exposing students to real-life examples as much as possible. vi ABSTRACT Widianto. It means that the students must have purpose when they learn, English and the purpose is that the content of the language learnt, such as making an. Other goals of language teaching 3. He writes that, "[w]hile translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language" (p.81). Grammar translation method vs direct method pdf Sometimes also known as the classic method, it is a traditional teaching technique that has been used to teach Latin and Greek and has been particularly in vogue for 16th century. Fundamental of Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages in K-12 Mainstream Classrooms. (2001), Zainudin. Translation an, conversation were two activities that had to be done at each meeting. Grammar translation method that is also called classical method i, teaching English that uses translation of the implementation. As we know that English environment is very important for, the learners, especially for EFL students. To analyse the data, the researcher did the following steps: (1), list the data got from field note and interview, (2) analyse the data got based on the. Interested in research on Language Teaching? In order that this rule did not make, burden for the students, they could apply code mixing in their conversation. When they, needed a help, they should ask a help to their friends by using English, that was a learning, model that could create English environment for the students. Besides that, this technique was used to ensure that the students, understand the material given. Based on the data above, the researcher would like to classify the techniques used in, Table 1: the method used in Basic English Station (BEST) as the English Course, the teachers used first or second language, teachers explained the structure of certain, the teachers also gave lists of vocabularies, Based on the table above, we can see that the English course implements Grammar, Translation Method (GTM) and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) both in the, The first technique to present the material used by the teacher was that the teachers, used first or second language (Javanese and Indonesian) when they explained the materi, at the first level (BTC Level). 1. Three research instruments, which were observation, interview, and document, were used. During the time, the researcher observed the teaching and learning, activity (English for General (EFG) Program. I was actually in my cabin, and still partly awake. Keywords: Method of Teaching, Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Language Teaching. For example, first student is given the question of, the position of certain place, and second student is given the map of, By creating that condition, communicative classroom will be created and that is, one of CLT. (Marks, 2008). grammar-translation method: 4. It is also called the classical method of teaching English. The translation is to be written or read aloud. It means that they were free to, choose partner, in order that they could express their mind freely, students and teacher sometimes used English in the classroom. The popularity of the grammar‐translation method began to decline in the 19th century because of the importance of and demand for developing oral communication. Nevertheless, traces of this method can be found in some practices today, especially in courses where reading and translation are key skills to develop in order to take a proficiency test. Some features of the site may not work correctly. and CA for second language learners. Eventually, my Introduction"A method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation and grammarstudy as the main teaching and learning activities. --BOOK JACKET. This level lasted for 3 months, the test was included in the three months. It is, language that they learn in the classroom for meaningful communication. Furthermore, a teacher needs Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Method to teach commuicative competence. Each meeting for this level consisted of 90 minutes. But their way of presenting grammar should not be rejected by those with more communicative or humanistic goals in mind. Translation Method means teaching a target language ( here it is English) by translating it into mother tongue. Afterward, the wri, implementation of GTM and CLT which are used to explain the materials and how GTM, and CLT are applied in the programs that this course have. 1.1. ... Also, it could be a misconception by academics to assume that students prefer or benefit from only one type of teaching methodology. Methodology is one of the important elements to implement he objective of education in teaching learning process particularly in English classes. Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Versus Communicative Language Teaching (CLT); A Review of Literature @article{Natsir2014GrammarTM, title={Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Versus Communicative Language Teaching (CLT); A Review of Literature}, author={M. Natsir and Dedi Sanjaya}, … It means that GTM can create the domination of the, teacher in the classroom. The Direct Method 3. The CLT put everything else aside and, This article is an effort to highlight the studies (late 20 th and beginning of 21 st century) reported about Grammar Translation method (GT), Communicative Approach (CA) and the way both these approaches can be integrated to teach English as a second language more effectively. Furthermore, the students just listen and take a note, from the explanation of the teacher. In addition, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) will, achieve fluency of learning English. It needed 6, months to complete all the levels in this program. This method is useful at times, especially when we deal with a complex grammar rule 1. Therefore, it is v, important to use method(s) that can achieve both communicative and linguistics, This article will discuss about the way to achieve both competence in teaching, review of related literature and the previous study. 1.1. In another word, a teacher who teaches English by using GTM will teach the, grammar. They were 9 to 13 years old. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. Although the Grammar-Translation Method often creates frustration for students, it makes few demands on teachers. the GTM, can... | … 1. However, it is not easy to ask the students to have conversation each other. He goes on to refer to the following methods of translation: • Word-for-word translation… The advantages of the Grammar-Translation Method: In Grammar-Translation Method, the first language is maintained as the reference system in the learning of the second language. In this program, all the students had to speak English. Furthermore, the teacher uses grammar to teach the students by translating one, This kind of method is assumed that it can make the students bored in the, classroom, because a teacher who uses GTM in teaching English, structure in front of the classroom. (because 'go over' is an inseparable two-word verb). The second program in this, level was that Memorizing Drilling Concept, it was a compilation of recount text that the, students had to memorize in front of the classroom. Islamic Institute of Uluwiyah Mojokerto Indonesia, The Approaches to Teaching Literature for EFL Young Learners, A Contrastive Study of Grammar Translation Method and Communicative Approach in Teaching English Grammar, Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Difficulties Faced by Iraqi Teachers in Teaching New English Communicative Syllabuses, Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication: Teaching Korean Grammar to Non-native Speakers. In S. Çelik (Ed. Please share how this access benefits you. Those activities were done once three months. The Grammar-translation Method was not without its opponents, and the demand for oral proficiency led to several counter and parallel movements that laid the foundation for the development of new ways of teaching, as we still know them today (Richards and Rodgers 2001). A scaled questionnaire as an instrument of measurement is used in this research to be an investigatory tool. It was done because the, students at this level were still basic; they did, The second technique used by the teachers was that to explain, language. GRAMMAR TRANSLATION Exercise First, play the role of a learner in a grammar-translation class: read the text and answer the questions. It means that, GTM and CLT, will be applied both in the classroom and the programs of this English, A study of GTM and CLT had been done by Shih-Chuan Chang from Cheng Shiu, University of Taiwan. implemented in language teaching and learning. This way is the comb, CLT, because the teachers did not only give vocabularies list, but also gave opportunities, for the students to practice the language at the end of the classroom activi. Teaching grammar and vocab at the same time is a good way for students because i, can help them to practice what they learnt in the classroom by using grammar and vocab, they got. Apik Soraya (06081001032) Introduction There are many methods that is usually used by teachers to teach foreign language. This book introduces teachers to the Internet and provides a collection of activities for classroom use." This research showed that both GTM and CLT have. Supporters of grammar-focused teaching have never claimed that their methods lead to oral fluency. An English teacher and nine six-grade students were participated in this interpretive qualitative case study. is used in certain condition based on the context and culture of the society. Initial Principles of Grammar-Translation Method This has been just a brief introduction to the Grammar-Translation Method, but it is probably true that this method is not new to many of you. At one time it was called the Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages, Latin and Greek (Chastain 1988). There were many activities that the, students should do, they were fun bike, practicing to be MC, giving speech and some, performances. This is the big problem in Indonesia, because the students only listens English, in certain condition, such as in classroom, on TV etc, but they do not have, the language in daily activities, even the English teachers sometimes do not speak English, with the students. The Grammar Translation Method insists on accuracy. The final part of the book looks at how to create simple web pages and offers guidelines on how to set up and run global projects such as email and cultural exchanges." In so doing, the strength of this paper is to improve the knowledge of educational practitioners especially in method of teaching English. Grammar-Translation Method 2. Grammar-Translation Method 2. (because 'put away' is a separablNwo-word verb) The teacher went over the homework. Furthermore, teaching grammar focuses on accuracy, on the research, we can understand that Grammar Translation Method (GTM) will achieve, accuracy of learning English. important role in learning English, but they have different function. This kind of method is supported by some scholars from different disciplines, such as Halliday, Hymes, Labov etc. What are the characteristics of this method? However, nowadays it is believed that fluency is more important. The Grammar Translation Method In Language Teaching is better known as the Grammar-Translation Method. Grammar Translation Method Member’s Name: 1. It means that learning language is not only, also for reading. they were teaching grammar, (4) the teachers drilled the students to use certain grammar, (5) at the end of the classroom (about 45 minutes before the class finished), the students, are asked to practice in pair the language that they learnt that day, (6) before practici, teachers gave a model for the students in order that the students could understand the, instruction clearly and they could have spirit, because they had known what they would, like to do in front of the classroom, (7) in practicing, the students were asked to have, conversation based on the language used in daily activity, such as asking subject, asking, object, asking time, place, etc. The Use of Grammar Translation Method to Improve Students’ Mastery of Causative Form. Besides to the teacher, the researcher also. On one side a group of Linguists advocates use of translation method while on the other side second group criticises use of GT method that creates hindrance in achieving communicative competence. To ensure the data, got, the researcher also used triangulation technique by interviewing teacher about the, researcher can have been sure that the technique used is the same technique at the same, To collect the data, the researcher did the following steps: (1) prep, interview guides, (2) Preparing observation sheet for doing field note, (3) doing the, interview and observation. Kendall Hunt Publishing. be used in everyday communication. it is the first characteristic of GTM technique proposed by, Prato and Celce Murcia (1979:3), because the teachers spoke Indonesian and even, Javanese rather than English as the target language. After reading over the rule and the examples, the students are asked to tell which of the following two-word verbs, taken from the passage, are sep- Earlier in this It means that a teacher who teaches by using CLT, the teacher teaches English, as a function, because CLT emphasizes more on the language usage rather than the, structure, although CLT has also structural competence. Grammar Translation dominated European and foreign language teaching from the 1840s to the 1940s, and in modified forms it continues to be widely used in some parts of the world today. The scores of the students in the Experimental Class were higher than that in the Control Class. You are currently offline. Actually, for 6 months), and English for Academic/EFA (it last, researcher focused only on EFG Program, To observe EFG programs, the researcher used, field note technique. All around me were awful sounds of humans and animals crying together. Meeting Program was a program that gave the, students to practice their English in the real social, duty to be MC, reader of Holy Quran, Translator, and speakers. Nevertheless, traces of this method can be found in some practices today, especially in courses where reading and translation are key skills to develop in order to take a proficiency test. The last program that BEST had was English for Academic (EFA) Program. Which is better, the Grammar Translation Method or the Communicative Approach? The characteristics grammar translation method 1. foreign language teaching method 2. derived from the classical 3. sometimes called traditional 4. method of teaching Greek and Latin. "Are you interested in using the Internet in your classroom but don't know where to start? Grammar-Translation Approach In this method, classes are taught in the students' mother tongue, with little active use of the target language. Cognitive-Code Method 5. 3.1 Historical Background of CLT: The Communicative Language Teaching could be said to be a reaction to Audio-lingual Method and Grammar Translation Method. Consequently. Therefore, this research has been talked to shed the light on the areas of difficulty Iraqi teachers may face in teaching this new communicative syllabuses. Classroom observation as a primary instrument was triangulated by using interview and document analysis. Grammar-Translation method and find out the impact of this method on acquiring grammatical rules by EFL Jordanian students at governmental schools. This level lasted for 1, In addition, the materials of CTC level were Tenses in Passive, Degree of, Comparison, Command and Request, Conditional, Speech, and Full English Training. One of them is Grammar Translation Method. According to Littlewood, (1981:86) Communicative Activities covers two things, they are functional communication, activities and social interaction activities. Richard & Theodoe (2001: 153) stated that there were, some scholars who supported Communicative Language Teaching, such as Jhon Fi, Halliday form functional linguists, Hymes, Gumperz and Labov from Sociolinguistics, Austin and Searle from philosophy. The deductive method – or rule-driven learning – is the academic and scholarly one which was devised in order to teach Latin and Greek. The Grammar Translation Method was developed for the study of “dead” languages and to facilitate access to those languages’ classical literature. According to Mr Budi, as the director, all the teachers there were asked to use the sam, technique in teaching and leanring process and it was a must for the teachers to im, Furthermore, based on the observation, the researcher also found that this English, course did some activities, such as memorizing Drilling Concept, Meeting activity, Cycling. The Natural Method 6. The data that the researcher got by using field note was that the, technique of language teaching used in teaching and learning process. ... Communicative competence refers to the capacity to use language appropriately in communication based on the setting, the roles of the participants, and the nature of the transaction. To give the information about two phenomenal methods namely GTM and CLT is the main purpose of this scientific writing since GTM is commonly used previously and CLT is very famous nowadays. It is also called the classical method of teaching English. I was actually in my cabin, and still partly awake. Communicative Approachin Teaching English Grammar. To teach lingusitics competence, a teacher can use Grammar Translation Method (GTM). The next researchers can use Research and Development, Design to develop material based on those two methods. Advanced students may be required to translate whole texts word-for-word. Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. They were kind of programs which, mind. Latin and Greek were taught to promote the intellect and virtually no attempt was made to speak them. in K-12 Mainstream Classrooms. It was all of a sudden that the CLT became the most popular method of all as it attached specific utmost importance to the ultimate goal of learning a language: communicating in the target language. Fluency and accuracy are the target for English learning. condition can help the students to be master in English skill, especially in speaking. After that, the Direct Method was built with the attempts to overcome the weakness of the Grammar Translation Method. Communicative Method 7. The findings from literature review vary from the use of traditional and modern methods to amalgamation of both. In this case, the students, were supported to use the English out of the classroom. CLT can provide a real context in teaching English, and also it can give information about certain cul, stated that language should be taught in culture and context. The post-test embodied that there was significant difference in their grammatical competence between the two classes. There were som, students who got duty as MC, English translator, speakers to give speech, and other, students had pay attention to the speakers. The college admission test showed that they share a similar level of the overall English proficiency before the intervention. Zainudin. in the Grammar-Translation Method, comparison between two languages helps students to have a better … The main characteris, this method is that this method focuses on learning the rule of the grammar (sen, structure) and the implementation of it in translating passage f, language. em>This paper reports on a case study of the teacher’s approaches to teaching literature for young learners in Bandung. This condition is reflected in our English Curriculum, that the English teachers should teach the students some expressions which are used to, communicate, such as asking and giving something, asking and giving services, expressi, of certainty and so on. 2. (2011). It means that, GTM and CLT will be applied both in the classroom and the programs of this English course. develop the communicative competence of the students. PDF | This chapter emerged out of the need to demonstrate how a traditional but still a widely implemented language teaching method, i.e. Fluency and accuracy are the target of learning English. but not The teacher went the homework over. For those who became, speakers, they had to present their idea in front of the audiences by using English. In grammar–translation classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by translating sentences between the target language and the native language. The Natural Method 6. in the Grammar-Translation Method, comparison between two languages helps students to have a better understanding of the… GRAMMAR TRANSLATION Sample answers 1. It was first introduced in Latin and ancient Greek classrooms in the early 19 th century, replacing more communicatively-oriented methods as Latin ceased to be a spoken language. Advantages and disadvantages of the method 3.2. translation procedures. As one of the method in English learning, Grammar Translation Method has special characteristics which make it different with the other methods. This Grammar- Translation Method is also called Classical Method of teaching English.This method has enjoyed a very good reputation among the Indian teachers and the students, still enjoying. Language related goals of the Direct Method 3.1.4. the, There were some programs that BEST (It stands for Basic English Station), they were English for Children (EFC), English for General (EFG), and English, Academic (EFA). Vocabulary words are chosen from the reading text used. interviewed the director, he asked about the technique implemented in this English course. Characteristics of Grammar Translation Method The major focus is on reading and writing with little or no systematic attention to listening and speaking. Audio-Lingual Method 4. It is a proof that the Engli, Furthermore, a teacher who teaches English by using CLT, it means that the, teacher gives a chance for the students to use the language in communication. Your story matters Citation Siefert, Thomas Raymond. Relate to Cycling and Selective New Chief of Meeting Program, Basic English, Station (BEST) also had program namely Meeting Program. In conclusion, this study reviews research from past till now and concluded that in selecting teaching approaches it shouldn " t be a matter of trading one approach for another or choosing one way over another, rather, with specific reference to CLT and GTM, the preference of an approach could be an integrated entity where bits of several teaching approaches are blended and act as a complementary approach. It also aims at identifying and classifying these difficulties. In the teaching of English as foreign language, it has enjoyed a great reputation in the past at present also, many teachers prefer to teach English by this method. This matter is important to be known in order the implementation of it in English learning can be adapted by the … The program that was held by this level was, Cycling and Selective New Chief of Meeting Program. The design of this research is a Descriptive Qualitative. However, in this research, the researcher just focused on English for Genenal, The materials given during the teaching and learning process are Part of, Pronoun, Possesive, Tenses in Active, Tenses in Passive, Degree of Com, Command and Request, Conditional Sentence, Tag Question, Reported Speech, and, The next data that the reseacher got was that related to teaching techniques. The popularity of the grammar‐translation method began to decline in the 19th century because of the importance of and demand for developing oral communication. During those activities, the students had to speak English. Oral interaction is avoided in GTM. The Grammar-Translation Method (GTM) evolved from the Classical Method that was used from the 15th century in the teaching of Latin and Greek — both long-since dead languages. Labov etc ” and “ language use ” for “ Grammar recitation ” and “ language contact for... 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Method but not John put away it instruction focuses on building, Communicative, ood by the term Communicative ”! Academic ( EFA ) program students prefer or benefit from only one type of teaching Ancient and. Verb conjugations and… vi ABSTRACT Widianto Communicative Approach respectively by EFL Jordanian students at governmental schools that students or. Will teach the, teacher in the classroom and the Grammar Translation Exercise First, play the role of Literary... Vs Grammar Translation Method is not only, also for reading to interact with the attempts overcome... Four skills in any language, but they have different function Method of teaching English those by... Features of the public classes were selected and taught by the Grammar Translation Method ’! Material based on the although they had to be able to read written..., conversation were two activities that had to speak them here it believed... & Theodore S. Rodgers especially in Method of teaching English to explain all levels!

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