Those strings are called the nettles that all combine to the clew. I am working an a major update to the app. I had a full size hammock with a stand and it was very big. When I’m using the metric mode, none of the forces are displayed/updated. would it be functional? Given the same sit height for these different hammocks, you should have different hang points because the take off angle is different for each. Ah! If you want to hang a tarp and camp, you’ll want the struts far enough apart to clear your tarp. But remember, this is HALF the distance between the trees, so you have to multiply by two. Dimensions below are specified for wall installation, however if your space is rather large you can use a ceiling or roof. I have a question on the suspension cord tension. Thanksa. There are a few forces at work here. – 2nd, according to the hang point the app gives me, hang hammock from that height The app work great and I like it. For some reason, if your phone is not listed as compatible with the said app, it’s as if the app doesn’t exist at all. hopeing that you will make an android ver. Your question is whether it will fit in your 11+ foot space. I do know that in the app version, the calculator can only accommodate either the hang angle OR the suspension length because you can’t really change both and make the hammock work. For example: all independent variables (those that can be selected) should be in RED: As the horizontal component in one suspension cord has to remain the same as in the other (or the hammock will start moving) this also means the angle between the suspension cords and the horizontal plane will change. The ridgeline is the length from the ends of the hammock along the line that connects them when the hammock is hung. Here is a link with some hammock examples, so you can see what I’m dealing with: Thus, you’ll have to add more tension to the rope to hold the same weight as the ropes move apart and the angle decreases. I’m working on updating the app this summer. Brazilian hammocks need generally 11 or 12 feet, the Mayans 11 -12 feet. I assume as long as I have plenty of extra space on either end to vary the suspension length, I can place the wall mounts up fairly high – and then experiment with sit height and even hang angle? You can pull down the center of the hammock or put something light in the bottom to tension the hammock. If that doesn’t help, send me an email and we will work with the developer. My first hammock has been shipped yesterday and I’m excited to try it out. Sorry, just after I wrote you, I realized that you are considering the angle alpha when the hammock is loaded, I was considering it when it’s empty (there’s quite a difference!) The reality is that I don’t have the funds to maintain the app version. Your Hang Calculator is an amazing tool! Being light and compact hammock is much more easier to store rather than other sitting furniture like bean bags, chairs or eggs hammocks. Any suggestions?? This is also why folks recommend a safe working load limit by reducing the breaking strength by a factor of 5 or more to account for the unpredictable dynamic forces at play. . Sounds like you’ve got it! We will be sharing this with our network for you. 15 years, so far, so good. Dumb question, but I don’t see it answered anywhere in the app or online. Distance Between Anchcors 457 cm Honestly, I haven’t had a chance to experiment. Has this app been abandoned or is it just un-updateable? would it divide all the weight between the two studs? Could you tell me how the ‘virtual’ ridgeline is calculated (iam not using a fysical ridgeline)? I’m planning to do something exactly like that. Think when I did this the suspension length came out wrong. thx. Thanks Van. Thanks for the update. “. Tape the blankets together – Use the clear packaging tape to attach the two blankets. The numbers check out. Thanks. […] You can calculate the correct height to place the hammock by using a hammock hang calculator. Thanks! – Distance between anchors 4.1m, Hamcock length (handle to handle lied flat on floor) is 270cm – Sit height circa 80cm This means you can pick a different length that isn’t the suggested 83% “rule”. The biggest challenge with stands is the height. Depending on how high the stand is, you will be able to fit a lot of simple gathered end hammocks like the ENO DoubleNest. I like the calculator, but this has been bugging me… How can it calculate sit height with a ridgeline without knowing the hammock length? First of, so glad I found you Youtube channel and website! weight, ridge line, distance — in preference.and recalculate. I have 8 feet between two trees. By the way, you should do the calculations with the catenary equation y=L cosh(x/L), it would give you more accurate results. 🙂. If your hammock is shorter, your suspension has to go farther down to connect. I just tried to use it on my Nexus 6P (Android) and it says my resolution isn’t supported and won’t work. Is there an issue running this on a Nexus 4, rooted, running KitKat 4.4 or am I going to be looking for another piece of software ? The design has been submitted and it is in development now. Do you hang the eye-bolt higher on the foot end? Let’s keep it friendly guys. Amazon lists the hammock dimensions as 156 x 55 x 2 inches. You can’t lock both, it doesn’t work. How to lay in a hammock for optimal comfort: Climbing in and laying down like a banana is not the best way to sleep in a hammock. It directs to the old listing and gives a “not available in your country” message. I don’t believe it had the same tensile forces, but I’ll check in to it. Online says ridgeline becomes 97 Thank you for the feedback. Hmm. Pete. New interface and features. Since we like to hang the foot end a little higher than the head end….do you have a suggestion for the difference? The problem is that a hammock stand has a fixed height and length. If you would like a refund, please submit to the iOS store. Especially unexpectedly while asleep. Just bought a few 13′ hammocks for the kids to lounge on in the backyard. force) = 100 units of force applied to _each_ side. I put in the length of the hammock and sit height, and then made my ropes to the the suspension height. Bought a Pawley’s Island hammock. How to Tell If a Tree Is Strong Enough to Hang a Hammock. Built using WordPress and the Mesmerize Theme. Or maybe I just need to go with what you said. 2 about the stress on the Victorian walls – presumably the mountings will fail before the walls do. is this correct?? I have tried to adjust the actual distance between anchors (3.2) until I have the desired suspension length at one end 50cm. Dimensions below are specified for wall installation, however if your space is rather large you can use a ceiling or roof. and tension on the suspension would greatly exceed body weight. You’ll find that you’ll need to lower the bridge hammock about 2 feet lower than a gathered end hammock would typically. I’d have to ask a builder. DIY Barrel String Light Planters. 4 comments. 🙂. It must use default values. Now we are dealing with the angles from the suspension height affecting the load that is occurring from the hammock now a fixed angle with the ridgeline. The ridgeline is the cord that runs inside the bug net on the top where the pocket organizer lives. Thanks for the Calculator! Are you using a ridgeline? It makes sense. You don't need too much space to hang a hammock in your apartment. Same with the inward pull. usually what i do is: NIce, but i need to hang on a certain height. Check out this handy hammock-hanging calculator that’ll help you get the right angle the first […]. A common value is 83% of the hammock length. Again, if the weight is 100: 50 (50% of occupant weight) + 50 (horz. Any idea of the length of hammock i can buy? Thanks. Is the clinometer used when hanging the hammock or when laying or sitting in the hammock? They do not factor into the suspension length per se. This calculator could help with the […], […] As long as you keep to the ideal distance, you can set camp just about anywhere. If the stand were taller you could use it for both hammocks without changing the stand but simply changing the hang point. I bought your app and I got a question on a hennessey asym hammock isn’t the ridge line and hammock the same size? The online version seems to calculate the ridgeline length and thus the suspension length is different D = Distance between trees The calculation is simple trigonometry, but I agree that forces can get complicated. Hanging Your Hammock Perfectly While always a topic of heated discussion, the perfect degree of tilt and level of “flatness” of your hammock is relatively easy to determine. Possibly a dumb question. The specs are i believe to 72 inches, which is 6 feet. to be safety rated above 300 lbs. The studs I picked are on key frames so there are multiple studs together. One of my favorite stands is the byer vario stand because it is adjustable and gives you more hanging options. You should look into “Progressive Web Application” design. Yes, taking the hammock off center has a similar effect of hanging one end higher. Would love an Android app. I just shift my body by putting my torso more center and my feet higher in the hammock. I’m looking to purchase this hammock: I just got a hammock and i don’t know a thing about them. When you consider all the forces that are or could be at play, you’ll see that this isn’t such a simple calculation at all, although the calculator itself is only doing the most rudimentary calculation. Some suspension items, like webbing or rope, is often rated at breaking strength, so you’ll need to calculate and reduce them down to make sure they meet or exceed 300 lbs. What part do I not understand? They have rope strings that have the loop. I would go with maybe a 9.5 foot hammock, but you’ll still need to have an attachment point right at the tree. Hammock length (isn’t “ridgeline” a dependent variable?) […] the ultimate hang har ogsÃ¥ en glimrende side med mye god informasjon og ikke minst den fiffige – hammock hang calculator. Making a progressive Web app wouldn’t be very much more than cleaning up the existing Web app to work well on mobile screens out of box. I have a double, in case that is a factor, and when I place the straps 77″ off the ground and the length of strap to where I place the ridge line is 55″, the hammock is about 34″ off the ground. One question…I want to hang my hammock closer to 1 end than the other. //]]>, […] not wanting to see each other gain. I believe it will, since you will want to hang with a bigger angle, maybe 40°+ or so. Consider the material your hammock is made with for its stretch potential and the amount of weight you will put on that type of material. (I’m sure this is quite simple but am having trouble getting my head around it!). The app is still in development and I’ve been working with the developer to create a new version to fix the Android problems. And as a family tent camping just works out. In other words, the calculator provides a baseline only–a starting point. Question: Should I just make do with the tree straps that come with the hammock, or should I look into longer ones? Also, I haven’t even bought the hammock yet 🙂 I would use a set of the ENO wall anchors and then use a short cord loop where you could connect your hammock. Preferred Hang Angle [If this hang angle proves uncomfortable, I can enter a new variable to determine new hang point and new suspension length], The dependent (resulting) variables should be in GREEN: What’s going on? It is more important than ever to take time to recharge and refocus. Also, although it is easy enough to bring out the calculator to get 83% of physical hammock length for a ridge line length, it would be nice to be able to specify physical length with a check box to use 83% – or just list on the page, 83% of 8ft, 9ft, 10ft, 11ft, 12ft for reference. I seem to have Metal studs in my wall, how would I go Of doing this?  The load capacity is effected by the angle of the hang (as illustrated in Derek’s book) so if you are planning on pushing the weight limits of the product, make sure you achieve a solid […]. Why does this web calculator uses 86,6% instead of the 83%? Derek is doin his best. 10-11′ distance between poles: will hang directly from hammock without use of straps. It is adjustable so you can fit it into smaller spaces. This buffer gives a safe margin of error. Standard size hammock – posts should be apart for 12 to 15 feet; Extra-large hammock – posts should be apart for 13 to 17 feet; The ideal space of the two posts for your hammock is required in order to offer a … If you punch in the numbers into the calculator, it should give you the hang point. Everyone loves lounging in a hammock, but hanging one securely can be tough. I do need to update the calculator for bridge style hammocks that have spreader bars. For your pergola; anything from 10 to 12 feet would be ideal. It seems like hammock length doesn’t affect strap height on the calculator. Were you able to come up with anything or am I using your calculator incorrectly? Yeah, those numbers aren’t adding up. The hammock is big light weighted and compact but big enough for 2 person , doesn't take up much space of go bag. If you want to buy only one strut or make your own, just borrow the dimensions of the stand. How to Hang a Hammock on a Stand. Thanks! Bar none the most comfortable hammock. Some hammocks don’t need suspension if they are long enough to reach the anchor point. No this is great. […] have. I think more depends on how the weight is distributed in the hammock. They aren’t very tall and you can make one out of a 2×4 pretty easily if you don’t care about packing it (car camping is great for this). (e in b.d))if(0>=d.offsetWidth&&0>=d.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{c=d.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;"pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);c=c.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+c;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.e.height&&c<=b.e.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.d[e]=!0)};p.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function(b){b.getBoundingClientRect&&q(this,b)};h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function(b){n.checkImageForCriticality(b)});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){r(n)});var r=function(b){b.b={};for(var d=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],c=0;c=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.g&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),d=!0);t=a;if(d){c=b.f;b=b.h;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(k){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(u){}}f&&("POST",c+(-1==c.indexOf("?")?"? Correct. Could you please explain to me how to calculate the ‘virtual’ ridgeline, because it isn’t clear to me. I had the shorter one initially set up with the vertical bars at the lowest point and the stand closed up as tight as it goes, connected using some nylon rope. I’m checking with the developer. Please see the screenshot below.. Native apps are expensive, and Android especially so. This tool is best used as a way to figure out approximately how high to attach your hammock. Hope that there is hope for this app, as I would really like to make use of it. Most rope hammocks measure 13-feet, so your hanging source (posts or trees) should be from 13 to 17 feet apart. I think I figured it out. Like Piete said before it is calculating with 86,6%. Indoors is fine. At any rate I feel like I should get stronger straps to be safe, but I want to understand the distribution a little better. Thanks again Derek for the app and for taking the time to reply to everyone. The calculator…according to the calculator, I shouldn’t be able to hang my Mayan Tommy Hamaca Grande on the Vario stand, but it hangs just fine. I cover these in more detail in my book because they can all effect these variables. (either upward or downward). I would think I would need more than just 6-inches. But there is also horizontal force, based on the angle of the hang. Hi – and wow……….all I want to do is sling a hammock in a shady spot ! Angle: 44 Other than this, there is not too much to know. This is exactly what we are doing, with same hammock. Here’s another hypothetical situation. Find a space with a distance of about 112 inches between your two structures, where you can attach the anchors for the hammock about 50 inches off the ground. Thanks….I would just hate to order and be anticipating enjoying time in it only to find I was not smart enough to figure out it would not fit in the first place. Bruce, thanks for asking. Lay out the solar blankets with the shiny side facing up – One blanket should lie on top of the other, but not directly — they will overlap by a few feet. This would also allow me to lower the straps a little. Was much easier in Mexico where the hooks are part of the cement wall and the hooks failing seems rather impossible! The hammock should also have a curve to it, about 30°, so it should fit, but that hammock you’ve pictured has spreader bars, which isn’t intended for that style, and it will be tippy. It is specific hardware that has issues. Thanks. If the angle were different, the horizontal force would change, but the downward force would stay the same. According to the web calculator, I only need to go up 6-inches in height to have an 18-inch sit space. Exactly how tight or loose to hang the hammock can be a matter of personal preference, but there’s definitely a ‘sweet spot’ that creates the ideal hammock curve. A double hammock has enough space for you to maneuver into the hammock angle, with some room to spare for your gear if camping. […] rated 400 lbs($5.99) and I attached them to the middle of the studs but first you need to visit the hammock calculator to see how high on the way to hang the rings and subsequently your hammock. Can ’ t take any offense from Ken ’ s off the ground is 145 inches the organizer! An alternate source, but lack of funding wondered growing up how these might. The force and divide that in half ( e.g., the calculator, I went down to bolts... Out approximately how high to attach the two suspension lines the Google store said in an early reply the!!!! how much space for a hammock!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add more force than just the weight options for a good two person hammock I! Tell me how the weight of the length you use the suspension cord [... Would work comfortably with my hammock viable option would be more complicated, I. 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