This caught the attention of Pope Gregory XVI, who condemned them in Mirari Vos (15 August 1832). Certitude, therefore, is not created by evidence, but by the authority of mankind; it is a matter of faith in the testimony of the human race, not the result of free enquiry. "Most people", he writes in his letters, "would prefer a republic frankly declared; I am of that number" Thenceforward he thought only of the defense of Catholicism against the triumphant party, who never forgave it the favor it had enjoyed from the fallen monarchy. The force of his blows, the boldness of his ideas, his outspoken sympathy for every people then in a state of revolt, provoked new accusations against him and gave rise to suspicion of his orthodoxy. The Revolution was then at its height; the proscribed priests had been obliged to leave France, or to continue from hiding-places their sacred ministrations at the peril of their lives. After seeming to yield, Lamennais ended by refusing to submit without reserve or qualification. Lamennais, with his two lieutenants, submitted, and deeply wounded, retired to La Chênaie. Rousseau, whose influence contributed to his loss of religious faith at an early age.But under the guidance of his brother Jean Marie (c. 1780–1860), who … To this object he devoted the second volume of the "Essai", published in 1820. The Government having in 1835 caused the arrest of 121 revolutionaries in connection with certain disturbances, Lamennais consented to undertake the defense of his new friends before the Peers. Félicité Robert de Lamennais. Later Lamennais prophesied an impending revolution and demanded separation both of the Church and the educational system from the State, as well as freedom of the press. While staying in Munich, Lamennais received the 1832 encyclical Mirari vos, which condemned religious pluralism in general and certain of Lamennais's ideas advanced in L'Avenir without mentioning his name. Lamennais, however, cared much less for politics than for religion, and contributed to "Le Conservateur" only in defense of Catholic interests. On his return to France, Lamennais showed a greater determination than ever to combat Gallicanism and irreligious Liberalism. These prejudices found vent in objections which moved his confessor to postpone indefinitely his First Communion. Having forthwith declared that out of deference to the pope he would not resume the publication of "L'Avenir" Lamennais suppressed the "General Agency", went back to La Chênaie, and there apparently kept silence. It was accompanied by a letter from Cardinal Pacca chastising de Lamennais in Gregory XVI’s name for publicly discussing matters best confined to the proper authorities, and that should have remained confidential, at least until the situation could be straightened out. Not content with a defensive attitude in the presence of incredulity, it attacks the enemy boldly, supported by all the resources of dialectic, invective, irony, and eloquence. The philosophic system of Lamennais, like his apologetics, called forth serious objections. Citations from Mirari Vos and Singulari Nos can be found in an excellent source which also contains passages of Lamennais’ writings used in this paper, Priest and Revolutionary: Lamennais and the Dilemma of the French Church by Peter N. Stearns. For the works and historical accounts of Lamennais published during his life, see QUERARD, Les supercheries litteraires devoilees (2nd ed., Paris, 1870), col. 510-634. Les Progrès de la revolution et de la guerre contre l'église, Agence générale pour la défense de la liberté religieuse, freedom of conscience particularly with regards to rights to worship or not, Pope Benedict transfers the Blessed Sacrament, to Chapel of Repose, Il Rosario di Domenica-Grotta delle Apparizioni Lourdes/Novembre, 18, 2012, 'Credo'-Sixtinischen Kapelle Chor /Palestrina-November 11, 2012, Michelangelo- Part 2 (2004) -Sistine Chapel, Missa pro defunctis 'Requiem'- Giovanni Francesco Anerio (±1567-1630), Pope, message to Seminarians;Open Your Souls to the Light of the Lord, Benedict XVI: Choral music is an integral part of the liturgy, Kampf um den Vatikan -Hinter den Kulissen des Konzils, los jóvenes del Archidiócesis de Madrid-2012 Vatican/BENEDICTO XVI, ANGELUS/Regina Caeli- 2012-04-09/Papa Benedetto XVI, Solemn Mass Of Easter Sunday From Rome & Urbi Et Orbi - 2012, URBI ET ORBI (English) 2012 Easter -Vatican, URBI ET ORBI (Italiano) 2012 04 08 -Pasqua, Way of the Cross at Rome's Colosseum - April 6, 2012 (FULL, "Gloria in excelsis Deo"!VEGLIA PASQUALE-vaticana, Benedict XVI: Easter Vigil Homily - April 7, 2012, Celebrazione della Passione del Signore-BENEDETTO XVI. Naturally, these later volumes failed to secure the success which the first had attained. Lamennais himself soon visited the Holy See; Leo XII received him very kindly and at one time even thought of making him a cardinal, despite his excitable character and exaggerated ideas. Of these the best known are Gerbet, de Salinis, Lacordaire, Montalembert, Rohrbacher, Combalot, Maurice de Guérin, Charles de Sainte-Foy, Eugène and Léon Boré, de Hercé. Félicité Lamennais, in full Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais, (born June 19, 1782, Saint-Malo, France—died Feb. 27, 1854, Paris), French priest and philosophical and political writer who attempted to combine political liberalism with Roman Catholicism after the French Revolution.A brilliant writer, he was an influential but controversial figure in the history of the church in France. Hugues-Félicité Robert de Lamennais (or De La Mennais) (19 June 1782 – 27 February 1854) was a French Catholic priest, philosopher and political theorist. In the audience finally granted him on March 13, 1832, the Pope said nothing about L’Avenir and its teachings. It is in reality the true, the only religion which began with the world and perpetuates itself with it. "Le Livre du peuple" (1839), "L'Esclavage moderne" (1839), "Discussions critiques" (1841), "Du passe et de l'avenir du peuple" (1841), "Amschaspands et Darvands" (1843). My email address is webmaster at In these he attempts to prove, with the aid of history, that the chief dogmas of Christianity have been and are still, under various disguises, professed throughout the world. Lamennais, whose Father was a shipowner ennobled by Louis XVI, was ordained priest in 1816. From 1809 he had devoted his moments of leisure to the translation of the "Spiritual Guide" of Louis de Blois. The portions of the work devoted to æsthetics are among the finest that Lamennais ever wrote, while the general tone breathes a spirit of serenity and calm. He believed that the Cartesian rationalism which had recently attacked the foundations of Christian faith, and therefore necessarily of human society, could be combated by a system which should firmly re-establish both. With this end in view he founded the journal "L'Avenir" (16 October, 1830) and his "General Agency for the Defense of Religious Liberty". 4. The child acquired a taste for the books he found around him, and read voraciously and indiscriminately all that came to his hands, good and bad. The result was the most apocalyptic prayer in French, Paroles d’un croyant, 1834, comparable to Blake’s Prophetic Books or Christopher Smart or in some ways to Lautréamont’s Les Chants de Maldoror. He was not more fortunate in a newspaper, "Le Peuple constituant", in which he made common cause with the worst revolutionaries; its existence ended after four months, through failure to furnish its cautionnement. But a commission was at work and in the encyclical Mirari vos of August 15, 1832, the Pope alerted people to the peril of certain of Lamennais’ ideas without mentioning him by name. Nihil Obstat. D'autre part il y a ceux qui, comme Félicité de … Besides some articles in the "Revue des Deux Mondes", the "Revue du Progrès" and "Le Monde", he published a series of pamphlets, e.g. The Vatican in turn demanded his frank and full adhesion to the encyclical Mirari vos. This is the case with the Christian, or rather the Catholic religion. Despite his justly blamable excesses, we must trace to him that reconciliation between Catholicism on the one hand and popular liberty and the masses of the people on the other, upon which Leo XIII set the final seal of approbation. Lamennais kladie hlavný dôraz na náboženstvo, ktoré má byť spoločným základom rozdeleného štátu. If the latter can furnish no certitude, how can we expect any from the general reason, which is but a synthesis of individual reasons? Towards the end of the same year appeared the first volume of the "Essai sur l'indifférence en matière de religion". This was what he called "catholicizing liberalism". To this epoch, too, belongs the translation of the Gospels, with anti-Christian notes and reflections. Meanwhile, the two brothers had left La Chênaie for the College of St-Malo, in which they had been appointed professors. When the Revolution broke out the next year (July, 1830), sweeping the Bourbons away and lifting the House of Orléans to the throne, Lamennais beheld without regret the departure of the one, and without enthusiasm the accession of the other dynasty. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Joseph E. O'Connor. Gergelyt, de a pápa 1832. augusztus 15-én kiadott Mirari vos kezdetű enciklikájában Lamennais megnevezése nélkül elítélte eszméit. The illustrious examples of faith, obedience, and devotion conveyed by the enthusiastic reception given everywhere to Our encyclical letter of August … Continue reading → While laboring to ward off the danger which menaced the Church, he hoped at the same time to ensure its social triumph by setting up its defense on the basis of equal rights, uniting its cause with that of public liberties. Lamennais, however, who no longer believed that the pope was competent in political questions , refused to alter his positions after the pope in his encyclopical of 1832 Mirari vos condemned the ideas advocated in L'Avenir. “Mirari Vos” On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism by Pope Gregory XVI – 1832 In the early 1800s, the Church in France, infected by the Revolution of 1789, turned to its charismatic philosopher and apologist, Abbe Felicite-Robert de Lamennais, promoter of a … In this way he loudly declared his rupture with the Church, and set up the symbol of his new faith. Imprimatur. Lacordaire and Montalembert departed immediately, but Lamennais stayed on until Gregory's letter to the Polish bishops, which denounced the Polish revolution against the Tsar, dashed his last hopes. After this he published only works inspired by his new democratic tendencies, repeating with no great show of originality the ideas of Les Paroles d'un croyant", the whole foundation of which consisted of a few humanitarian commonplaces, relieved here and there with vague socialism. In May, 1834, he published the "Paroles d'un croyant", through the apocalyptic diction of which resounds a violent cry of rage against the established social order: in it he denounces what he calls the conspiracy of kings and priests against the people. He promised his collaboration to "Le Conservateur", a royalist paper of the Extreme Right party, for which Chateaubriand and de Bonald were writing. These criticisms and others irritated Lamennais without convincing him of his error; he submitted his book to Rome and, in reply to his critics, wrote the "Défense de l'Essai" (1821). 4. He was elected a deputy for Paris in the Constituent and in the Legislative Assemblies. Lamennais refused to submit without qualification and in December 1833 renounced his ecclesiastical functions and abandoned all external profession of Christianity. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. While still a child he r ead widely, esp. The congregation at one time possessed three houses — La Chênaie, Malestroit, and Paris — but it lived only about four years. He did not even dare attack Lamennais directly, but in the encyclical Mirari vos condemned him anonymously. Is the case with the world and perpetuates itself with it the relief of the Gospels, with two. 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