Today we're continuing this little stream of akatsuki videos with some facts you should know about the six paths of pain! At one point, he was found by an aging Madara Uchiha, who identified him as the only one who could wield the Rinnegan, the world’s most powerful ability, once wielded by the Sage of the Six Paths, founder of the Ninja World. Laut Konan hat er noch nie einen Kampf verloren und ist unbesiegbar. Zusammen mit seiner Partnerin macht er sich auf den Weg nach Konoha und fängt auch gleich damit an, mit seinen sechs Körpern Konoha zu zerstören. Name: Rinnegan : Kanji: 輪廻眼: Data ... Nagato. Fusou (Mutter)Ise (Vater) Sometime later, during the Second Shinobi World War, Nagato and his parents took shelter in their home to avoid the fighting going on around them. Laut Fukasaku ist er unbesiegbar, sofern man nicht hinter das Geheimnis seiner Kunst kommt. Naruto Shippuuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 (als Pain)Naruto Shippuuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (als Nagato) In seiner Rolle als Pain führt Nagato Akatsuki an. He is voiced by Ken'yū Horiuchi in the Japanese version of the anime, and by Troy Baker in the English version of the anime. Akatsuki composed itself with S-rank missing-nin and started offering its services as a mercenary group to ninja villages, earning the money necessary to fund its long-term plans. Konan followed through with Nagato's change of heart, vowing hers and Amegakure's cooperation with Naruto in his future pursuits of peace. Skip to main content. In the anime, he is first sent to Kirigakure to capture the Six-Tails. While the Paths are caught, Jiraiya stabs them with Stone Swords and believes they, and by extension Nagato, are dead. (This might be due to his ancestry, though it was never fully explained.) Er ist von diesem Plan so sehr überzeugt, dass er als Pain der Welt Schmerz bringen will und mit Akatsuki alle Bijuu zu sammeln versucht, auch unter Einsatz seines Lebens, jedoch wird er letzten Endes von Naruto an die Lehren seines Meisters erinnert und gibt seinen Plan und sein Leben zu Gunsten von Narutos auf. This guy on the other hand, is also Yahiko The guy you see above, you might think, oh my god, your stupid, that’s Pain. Dass er sich überall durch Pain vertritt, könnte daherrühren, dass er an den Beinen verletzt und somit nicht besonders mobil ist. As the rest of Akatsuki disperses, Pain instructs Deidara and Sasori to deal with the Konoha ninja that have arrived outside their lair. Aus diesem Grunde jagte er die Jinchuuriki, um ihnen ihr Bijuu zu entziehen. Nagato (Japanese: 長門), known primarily under the alias of Pain (ペイン, Pein), is a fictional character in the manga and anime series Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto.Nagato appears as the acting leader of the Akatsuki who wish to capture the tailed beasts sealed into various shinobi around the shinobi world. When speaking of Akatsuki's goals, Nagato demonstrated a contemplative side as to the nature of war and peace, matching his belief that war was the inevitable result of the nature of humanity. Zusammen reisen sie weiter, immer auf der Suche nach Essbarem. Because Pain's summons interrupted a fight he was in the middle of, Hidan, the second-newest member, demands an explanation of Akatsuki's ultimate goal. Orochimaru will die drei töten, um ihnen Leid zu ersparen, jedoch entschließt sich Jiraiya, sie zu trainieren. The ship was modernized in 1934–1936 with improvements to her armor and machinery and a rebuilt superstructure in the … Greatest Generation (before 1946) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Generation X (1965 … Manga: Today we're continuing this little stream of akatsuki videos with some facts you should know about the six paths of pain! Meister: Jedoch ist Nagato wiederum lediglich eine Marionette Tobis, der diesem aus dem Verborgenen Befehle erteilt, was auch den anderen Mitgliedern unbekannt ist. Jiraiya nennt ihn "Das Kind der Prophezeiung" und den "Retter der Welt". He shoots Naruto with a black receiver as soon as he arrives and tries to control his body, but Naruto successfully resists him. After he performs Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique his hair turns white as a side-effect of the jutsu, and it remains that colour after Nagato is reincarnated, during which he is donned with a maroon long sleeved cloak. Upon his revival, Nagato demonstrates a far friendlier side, joking with and praising Naruto. A revitalised Nagato trying to remove Naruto's soul. Let me explain. Character Wiki. Nagatos wohl auffälligsten Merkmale sind das Rin'negan und seine schulterlangen roten Haare. Konan impressed … 175.5 cm[1] Es ist nicht bekannt, ob Nagato die Körper selbst beschafft hat, da auch Leichen von Ame-Nin zu seinem Turm gebracht werden; da Jiraiya alle Ninja zu kennen scheint, ist es jedoch relativ wahrscheinlich, dass er zumindest alle bis auf den zweiten Animalisch-Körper selbst eingesammelt hat. Naruto begins focusing on the Deva Path. He is also confused, believing Nagato to have been very firm in his convictions and thus not likely to give up so willingly. Chibaku Tensei, eine seiner stärksten Techniken. Nagato (長門? They eventually encountered the Sannin, who gave them some food. Er selbst nennt sich sowohl "Pain" als auch "Gott". Nagato never calls people by their name, but when she refers to someone, she always uses the full name. The Akatsuki was a secret criminal organization that gathers most of the major antagonists and later the main antagonists of the Naruto series. Nagato ist vom Tod seines Meisters nicht getroffen, sagt jedoch, dass dieser ihn hätte schlagen können, wäre er schneller hinter das Geheimnis von Pain gekommen. Auch seine Beschwörungen erhalten das Rin'negan. Shima locates and neutralises the chameleon, forcing Pain to summon the Preta Path and Human Path to the fray. Selbst ein Sannin wie Jiraiya konnte Nagato nicht viel entgegensetzen und starb, auch wenn er selbst dies auf den Mangel an Kenntnissen über seine Fähigkeiten zurückführt. As a child that grew up in the middle of other countries' wars, Nagato did not like killing and was horrified by his early acts of violence against those who had harmed his friends and family. Utterly confident in his own abilities, Nagato showed no hesitation in fighting even the strongest opponents, nor in asserting himself against powerful Akatsuki members when need be. Konan, his partner and childhood friend, remained his most ardent supporter. Ok, this guy is Yahiko Alright. As villains, it’s almost difficult to consider the Akatsuki as people who have birthdays, since they seem so twisted and inhumane in their disregard for human life. Kabuto Yakushi, welcher sich mit Tobi zusammenschließt, hat als Beweis seiner Kraft mittels Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei folgende Mitglieder von Akatsuki, sowie viele andere starke Shinobi, wiederbelebt: Nagato, Sasori, Deidara, Itachi und Kakuzu. März 1954 gegründet. In Kana: When he finds Nagato smiling at him, he interprets it as if Nagato is continuing to mock him even in death. Knowing by reputation that Kakashi poses a threat to Akatsuki's plans, the Asura Path arrives to help the Deva Path fight him. Nagato … Da Kakashi nach der Rettung von Gaara im Krankenhaus liegt, übernimmt Yamato vorübergehend die Führung von Team Kakashi, wofür er von Tsunade den Decknamen "Yamato"erhält. Als Anführer von Akatsuki ist Nagato ein extrem starker Shinobi. Nagato (Schiff, 1919) Die Nagato ( jap. Danach zog er ziellos durch Amegakure, wo er auf Yahiko und Konan traf, mit denen er bald auf der Suche nach Essen durch das Land zieht. As leader of Akatsuki, Nagato projected a great charisma through his public mask of the Deva Path so that even Akatsuki held him in great awe. Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Youton[1] When he was very young, Madara Uchiha secretly transplanted his Rinnegan into Nagato without his or his parents' knowledge. This limited his mobility for the rest of his life and rendered his original body largely defenceless. Größe: Kann dieselben Beschwörungen des Vorgängers, wenn nicht mehr. Nagato ist ein ruhiges Waisenkind aus Amegakure, dessen Eltern von Konoha-Nin getötet worden sind. He does not know if Naruto's solution can succeed, but Nagato decides that he will place his faith in it. It was founded by Yahiko, and Konan with Nagato as the leader though he acts under the alias known as Pain. In dieser alternativen Version der Geschichte sind statt sieben erst sechs Bijuu erbeutet worden, weswegen Nagato Utakata selbst beschafft, in der Mangaversion wurde das Rokubi schon vor einiger Zeit von einem bis jetzt unbekannten Mitglied beschafft. Quizzes Names Videos Humor. 1 Basic 2 Upgrade 3 Second Upgrade 4 Quotes 4.1 Hourly Notifications (Kai) 4.2 Seasonal Quotes 5 Notes 5.1 Nagato-class Kai Ni Special Cut-In 5.1.1 Activation Requirements 5.1.2 Cut-In Behavior 6 Character 6.1 Appearance 6.2 Personality 7 Trivia 8 CG 9 See Also Nagato Nagato Class Battleship Statistics HP 80 (82) Firepower 82 (99) Armor 75 (89) Torpedo 0 Evasion 24 (49) AA 31 (89) Aircraft … Short summary describing this character. Shizune fällt ihm ebenfalls zum Opfer und auch Konohamaru Sarutobi kann ihn nur kurz aufhalten. Yahiko is a supporting minor character in the Naruto series. Itachi joins forces with Naruto and B against Nagato. Jan 24, 2021 #11 Halcyonite said: Doubt this. If Nagato was at full health, then there's no doubt that he would have caused … The Deva Path preparing to destroy Konoha. In order to prevent anyone from challenging him, Pain proceeded to eliminate everyone even remotely connected to Hanzō, from members of his family to distant acquaintances. Before Akatsuki prepares to seal the Four-Tails, Pain informs its members of the deaths of Hidan and Kakuzu, as well as news that Sasuke Uchiha has killed Orochimaru. Hierbei kämpft er unter anderem gegen Chouji, Chouza und Kakashi, wobei er es schafft, diesen zu töten. Nagato dies with a smile on his face, wondering if perhaps all the circumstances that led him to this end were the work of a real god. Tobi instructs him to go after Naruto Uzumaki, the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails. His favourite food was grilled fish and stew. Years later and still loyal to his own version of Amegakure, Pain and Konan began a civil war in the village to overthrow Hanzō. Combined with the numerous examples that Konoha's ninja are starting to understand how the Six Paths of Pain work, Pain decides to destroy the village and show it true pain. And in my opinion, I think Nagato, wins in this scenario. Nach einem kurzen Gespräch mit Tsunade, bei dem sie sich weigert, Naruto auszuliefern, zerstört er mit Shinra Tensei ganz Konoha und tötet hunderte Shinobi. Pain gathers the rest of Akatsuki to discuss Sasuke Uchiha's recent alliance with Orochimaru, as well as the anticipated completion of their plans three years hence. Pain embraced the villagers' idea of his being God and single-handedly crushing remnants loyal to Hanzō whenever they surfaced. When he was very young, his eyes were covered by his hair, preventing his Rinnegan from being visible. Despite his fragile state and damaged legs, Kabuto Yakushi regarded Nagato as his second most powerful reincarnated shinobi, second only to an enhanced Madara Uchiha. Names | Surnames | Submit a Name | Contact us. Seine Eltern, die nur Zivilisten waren, stellten sich den Ninjas, um Nagato die Flucht zu ermöglichen, wurden jedoch mit Leichtigkeit getötet. Irgendwann treffen sie auf die Sannin, die ihr Essen mit ihnen teilen. They banded together, acquired food to survive through any means, and shared dreams of a future where they were in charge and could use their power to eliminate war. Auch Konan gegenüber versucht er, seine Schuld zu begleichen, da er glaubt, dass Yahikos Tod seine Schuld war, da er ihn nicht schützen konnte und versucht auch für sie, seinen Traum wahr werden zu lassen. ながと Um endlich Frieden ins Regen-Reich zu bringen, gründen die Drei unter der Führung von Yahiko die Widerstandsgruppe "Akatsuki", welche sich bald einen Namen im Land macht und viele Anhänger findet. 1 dergeist Well-Known Member. Shinobi He tracks down Naruto not long after Nagato's death and asks him what he could have said to sway Nagato, but is unmoved by Naruto's claim that Nagato truly did desire peace. Kakashi nennt ihn trotzdem manchmal … 長門型戦艦, Nagato-gata senkan) war eine Klasse von zwei Schlachtschiffen des japanischen Kaiserreiches, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg zum Einsatz kamen. One of the more noteworthy exceptions to this was the Rain Tiger at Will Technique, which allowed him to use rainfall to monitor everyone moving within Amegakure. Halcyonite said: Yes for Outer Path Click to expand... Obviously. The last name is used to show what family you come from. [7], The greatest advantage of the Rinnegan was that it gave Nagato access to all of the Six Paths Techniques: the gravitational powers of the Deva Path; the menagerie of summons available to the Animal Path; the limitless absorptive potential of the Preta Path; the control over others' souls with the Human Path; the different options of mechanisation in the Asura Path; access to the King of Hell through the Naraka Path. As Kabuto's attentions are distracted by its destruction, Itachi stabs him with Susanoo's Sword of Totsuka, which also restores his consciousness to him. Nach dem Tod seiner Eltern trifft Nagato auf einen Hund, dem er den Namen Chibi gibt. Nagato is at least able to sense where Kabuto is controlling them from, which he communicates to Itachi. Partner: Die Pfade des Pain Despite this, he had a high value in comrades as he chastised Kisame for speaking ill of Hidan and Kakuzu. Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Konoha ninja start to convene on their location during the three day process, so Pain uses the Shapeshifting Technique to send copies of Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha to distract them. He remembers the full names of everyone receiving an 'A' rank, with Ryoko receiving an A++ and Nagato receiving an A-. Yahiko was particularly passionate about this point, which inspired Nagato to adopt the same goal. Despite the number of personal changes Nagato went through during his life, he always remained fundamentally kind and respectful. Nagato poorly conceals her inhuman nature although her normal appearance helps her avoid suspicion. Nagato was essentially confined to a modified wheelchair at this point, and after figuring out that Naruto was the world's best shot at true peace, he sacrificed himself to resurrect everyone he had killed in the village. In the anime, two years after the Akatsuki meeting, Amegakure is invited to participate in the Chūnin Exams being held jointly by Konohagakure and Sunagakure. 零 - Rei (Null) Kurz nach seiner Geburt wurde der Kyuubi, ein riesiger, neunschwänziger Fuchsdämon, in seinem Körper versiegelt, weswegen die erwachsenen Dorfbewohner ihn fürchten und meiden. Er ist der einzige bekannte Anwender des Rin'negans, der diese Technik einsetzt, die ihm im Kampf viele Vorteile bringt, da er alle sechs gleichzeitig dirigieren kann, er alles sehen kann, was seine Körper auch sehen, was die einzelnen Körper geradezu unangreifbar macht und er die Gegner allein durch die zahlenmäßige Überlegenheit überwältigen kann, ohne sich selbst in Gefahr zu bringen. Yahiko's death ultimately convinced Nagato that his philosophies about achieving peace were foolish; the world would never willingly end the cycle of death and hatred it had operated on for so long. Fearing for his friends' lives, Nagato used his Rinnegan to kill the Iwa-nin. With his fellow members of Akatsuki, he mourns those who die in the pursuit of Akatsuki's goals[25] and disapproves of name-calling amongst peers. [10] In order to accomplish this, the three would need to become ninja. Despite this, Nagato is stated to have gone as far as kill anyone from Amegakure who even questioned his ideals and even went as far as to kill infants of people who were even remotely associated to Hanzō. Studio Pierrot's Settei sheets of Nagato show that he was 149 cm around the time he killed the Iwa chūnin to protect Yahiko, and 163 cm when Jiraiya left Amegakure. So ist seine Auffassung von Frieden durch Angst nämlich mit vielen Opfern verbunden, die er ohne Skrupel zu bringen bereit ist, so löscht er fast ganz Amegakure aus und will auch Konohagakure vollständig zerstören, auf das die Welt den Schmerz begreife. Of Hidan and Kakuzu inniger Wunsch nach Frieden wie auch die Ame-Nin wissen nichts! Sie auch bereit, den er als den `` dritten Rikudou Sennin '' him into battle the! Facto village head of Amegakure his mind and began teaching them ninjutsu, kann man darauf schließen dass! Naruto before his death, which is the strongest dojutsu in the pagoda mast style released. 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