Kiting is the name of the game, from Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 through Icewind Dale 1&2 and including Dragon Age. Power levels matter to spells that protect against spells of level X such as Globe of Invulnerability. (dmytos.dlg), If you save Guello and then go straight to the gnome hideout to speak with him there, his copy in Shikata's area will never disappear. A team of adventurers are assembled by a veteran adventurer named Hrothgar to investigate a disturbance in Kuldahar. (2004chef.bcs, 2100mirk.bcs, 4001lk.bcs, 4001ls1.bcs, 4001v9.bcs, 4003blst.bcs, 4003udlt.bcs, bamebd.bcs, bcatkgob.bcs, bcatkskl.bcs, bchjol0.bcs, bchjol0.bcs, bcjorn.bcs, bcjorn.bcs, cajshah1.bcs, cajshah3.bcs, cajshah4.bcs, cajshah5.bcs, d2talon3.bcs, d2talon3.bcs, d2talon4.bcs, d2talon4.bcs, d4alb.bcs, d4cleric.bcs, d4fight1.bcs, d4hirit.bcs, d4hisum.bcs, d5girl.bcs, d5hibap.bcs, d5hitort.bcs, d5yxung.bcs, duhero3.bcs, duhero5.bcs, dummtalk.bcs, eeeverar.bcs, eeevetpl.bcs, eepomsen.bcs, efbstskl.bcs, efdlgc.bcs, efdlgcc.bcs, efdlgf.bcs, efdlgfc.bcs, efdlgm.bcs, efdlgmc.bcs, efdlgpc.bcs, efdlgpcc.bcs, efdlgpf.bcs, efdlgpfc.bcs, efdlgpm.bcs, efdlgpmc.bcs, eftrolg.bcs, eftwnchk.bcs, ehaccali.bcs, ehdamien.bcs, eheverar.bcs, ehhero1.bcs, ehhroth.bcs, idpbsprt.bcs, iljorn.bcs, iljornhl.bcs, ilsahep1.bcs, ilsahep1.bcs, ilsahhp1.bcs, ilsahp1.bcs, ilsahp1.bcs, ilsahp2.bcs, ilsahp2.bcs, ilsahup1.bcs, ilxactil.bcs, keraksha.bcs, kphermit.bcs, ktmytos.bcs, kuarund.bcs, kuarund1.bcs, kuarundd.bcs, ldbeorn.bcs, lddrowcm.bcs, ldfeng2.bcs, ldfgntg.bcs, ldguell2.bcs, ldhark.bcs, ldilmad.bcs, ldmalvon.bcs, ldmarkth.bcs, ldperd.bcs, ldpoque1.bcs, ldrebsal.bcs, ldseth.bcs, ldshik.bcs, ldsimmal.bcs, ldtarnel.bcs, lwemmrh.bcs, lwhjolo.bcs, lwquin.bcs, lwshar1.bcs, lwshar1.bcs, lwshar2.bcs, lwshar2.bcs, lwshar3.bcs, lwshar3.bcs, lwwarew.bcs, nelurmst.bcs, nwlurmst.bcs, scseer.bcs, secrie13.bcs, secrie2.bcs, selurmst.bcs, shelfc1.bcs, shelfc1.bcs, shelfc2.bcs, shelfc2.bcs, shelfcs1.bcs, shelfcs1.bcs, shelfps1.bcs, shelfps1.bcs, shorcsh1.bcs, shorcsh1.bcs, shsevhl1.bcs, shshdsd1.bcs, shshdsd1.bcs, shshdwz1.bcs, shshdwz1.bcs, shshdwz2.bcs, shshdwz2.bcs, shshdwz3.bcs, shshdwz3.bcs, shshthl1.bcs, state.ids, swlurmst.bcs, tgacold.bcs, tgverbd.bcs, udnorlin.bcs, udorogse.bcs, vslysan.bcs, vstherik.bcs, wtguard.bcs, wtkontik.bcs), (ar1101.are, ar1102.are, ar1104.are, ar1106.are, ar1109.are, ar1200.are, ar1201.are, ar2001.are, ar2002.are, ar2003.are, ar2005.are, ar2006.are, ar3001.are, ar3101.are, ar3201.are, ar3301.are, ar3401.are, ar3501.are, ar3502.are, ar3503.are, ar3600.are, ar3601.are, ar3602.are, ar3603.are, ar4002.are, ar4004.are, ar5001.are, ar5002.are, ar5003.are, ar5102.are, ar5201.are, ar5202.are, ar5203.are, ar5204.are, ar5301.are, ar5302.are, ar5303.are, ar5401.are, ar5402.are, ar5403.are, ar5404.are, ar5502.are, ar6001.are, ar6007.are, ar6009.are, ar6011.are, ar6014.are, ar7000.are, ar7002.are, ar8002.are, ar8014.are, ar8015.are, ar8016.are, ar9103.are, ar9301.are, ar9501.are, ar9601.are, ar9800.are, ar9801.are), (ar3501.are, ar3502.are, ar4005.are, ar6005.are, ar6006.are, ar9400.are, ar9714.are), (ar2115.are, ar3101.are, ar3201.are, ar3301.are, ar3501.are, ar3502.are, ar3503.are, ar4004.are, ar4005.are, ar5001.are, ar5002.are, ar5003.are, ar5004.are, ar5301.are, ar5302.are, ar5401.are, ar6005.are, ar6006.are, ar7004.are, ar8006.are, ar9102.are, ar9600.are, ar9602.are, ar9603.are, ar9711.are, ar9712.are, ar9714.are, ar9800.are), (ar1201.are, ar200.are, ar2001.are, ar2002.are, ar3502.are, ar5000.are, ar5101.are, ar6002.are, ar6013.are, ar8001.are, ar8003.are, ar8007.are, ar9716.are, ar9717.are), (ar2100.are, ar2109.are, ar6013.are, ar8001.are), (ar3201.are, ar6002.are, ar8001.are, ar9712.are, ar9717sr.bmp), (ar4005.are, ar6002.are, ar8010.are, giantfi2.cre, giantfir.cre, orc2004.cre, orca2004.cre, uhlk8010), (ad1sklm.cre, ad2sklm.cre, ad2sklr.cre, ad3sklm.cre, ad3sklr.cre, ad4sklr.cre, direb.cre, dlbonec.cre, jkldog.cre, ms3hspi.cre, msmcrwl.cre, msmpspi.cre, musjelly.cre, ochjelly.cre, olvslime.cre, rdespiw.cre, rndoslm.cre), (albion.cre, bandoth.cre, dlfznbne.cre, drowpm.cre, drowsor.cre, drowspe.cre, eldathyf.cre, eldathyn.cre, higharch.cre, larrel.cre, ms6yuan.cre, msmyuan.cre, oswald.cre, presio.cre, rdeyuane.cre, sevsoul.cre, shadsoul.cre, shatsoul.cre, skelblaz.cre, udsorc.cre, udspell.cre, wightimb.cre, yuaewax.cre, yuaewbl.cre, yuaewbo.cre, yuaewsw.cre, yuanwax.cre, yuanwbi.cre, yuanwsw.cre, yuaxdin.cre, yubldin.cre, yuchamp.cre, yuswdin.cre), (angaar.cre, badson.cre, bharken.cre, cook.cre, elisia.cre, emmerich.cre, emmrchh.cre, gbard.cre, hermit.cre, hildreth.cre, jemel.cre, kalabac.cre, karrl.cre, katown1.cre, katown2.cre, katown3.cre, mercwar1.cre, mercwar2.cre, norlinor.cre, presapp.cre, presfig.cre, sincylia.cre, telanis.cre, trgbard.cre, trsph1.cre, trsph2.cre, trsph3.cre, trsph4.cre, trsph5.cre, trsph6.cre, trsph7.cre, trsph8.cre, trsph9.cre), (alpheus.cre, cyshamb.cre, highbapt.cre, highritu.cre, highsumm.cre, hightort.cre, hrpinf.cre, hrpmat.cre, kieran.cre, kress.cre, ktwgti1.cre, lmsham1.cre, lmsham2.cre, lmsham3.cre, orcsham.cre, presapp.cre, pshar.cre, pshard.cre, sarpries.cre, talodead.cre, vaarglan.cre, yuantip.cre), (alpheus.cre, badson.cre, baldemar.cre, bar1axe.cre, bar1mce.cre, bar1swd.cre, bar2axe.cre, bar2hmr.cre, bar2swd.cre, bar3axe.cre, bar3mce.cre, bar3swd.cre, bharken.cre, cook.cre, crypthng.cre, denaini.cre, digby.cre, dlbar1a.cre, dlbar1m.cre, dlbar1s.cre, dlbar3a.cre, dlbar3m.cre, dlbar3s.cre, dlcldaxe.cre, dlfznbne.cre, dliceswd.cre, dolan.cre, doogal.cre, drowspe.cre, drowvan.cre, dver.cre, ehbeetle.cre, emmerich.cre, emmrchh.cre, gelarith.cre, gobehq1.cre, goboaxe.cre, gobobow.cre, hailee.cre, haileeh.cre, hermit.cre, kalabac.cre, kress.cre, lghast.cre, lghoul.cre, lwight.cre, lysanbar.cre, lzombie.cre, lzombiej.cre, mercthf.cre, mercwar1.cre, mercwar2.cre, ms1goba.cre, ms1gobm.cre, ms2gobb.cre, ms2gobe.cre, murdaugh.cre, mytos.cre, norlinor.cre, orrick.cre, presapp.cre, presfig.cre, pshar.cre, purvis.cre, purvish.cre, rawleigh.cre, revnant.cre, rndcryp.cre, rndrevn.cre, rndwwolf.cre, roald.cre, rwtwwolf.cre, sincylia.cre, slmzomb.cre, spcook.cre, spcourtf.cre, spcourtm.cre, ss1gob1.cre, ss1gob2.cre, ss1gob3.cre, ss2gob1.cre, ss2gob2.cre, ss2gob3.cre, talodead.cre, therik.cre, thom.cre, trgbard.cre, udghast.cre, udghoul.cre, udwight.cre, undeadlt.cre, vaarglan.cre, whitcomb.cre, winwolf.cre, winwolfp.cre), (as3wint.cre, bknight.cre, chicken.cre, cow.cre, egirl1.cre, egirl2.cre, eldathyf.cre, fmcapvil.cre, jklsum.cre, kaylessa.cre, kontik.cre, pshar.cre, sheemish.cre, spcourtf.cre, talodead.cre, wyvmat.cre), (angaar.cre, as2dire.cre, badson.cre, baldemar.cre, batcat.cre, bbspir.cre, bharken.cre, biknight.cre, bird.cre, conlan.cre, cook.cre, cow.cre, custos.cre, direb.cre, drowpm.cre, drowsor.cre, drowspe.cre, drowvan.cre, dver.cre, eagle.cre, egirl1.cre, egirl2.cre, eldathyf.cre, fmcapvil.cre, gelarith.cre, hermit.cre, jkldog.cre, kalabac.cre, larrel2.cre, lehland.cre, lmsham1.cre, lmsham2.cre, lmsham3.cre, lmshkid.cre, lysanbar.cre, mercthf.cre, mercwar1.cre, mineld.cre, murdaugh.cre, norlinor.cre, presfig.cre, pshar.cre, rndcryp.cre, sevsoul.cre, shatsoul.cre, sheemish.cre, skelblaz.cre, talodead.cre, telanis.cre, valestis.cre, verbeeg.cre, vulture.cre, werewlf.cre, whitcomb.cre, yuanmag.cre), (ad1sklm.cre, ad2sklm.cre, ad2sklr.cre, ad2zomb.cre, ad3sklm.cre, ad3sklr.cre, ad3zomb.cre, ad4sklr.cre, ad4zomb.cre, ad5zomb.cre, arden.cre, as1wolf.cre, as2dire.cre, as3wint.cre, barkeep.cre, batcat.cre, bbspir.cre, bedd1.cre, beetbomb.cre, beetbor.cre, beetle.cre, beetleg.cre, beetrhin.cre, bird.cre, bknight.cre, bon8005.cre, bon8013.cre, bonegard.cre, bronsen.cre, cat.cre, chairm1.cre, chairm2.cre, chairm3.cre, chairm4.cre, chicken.cre, churin.cre, ckinvst.cre, copspir.cre, custos.cre, cyanimp1.cre, cyanimp2.cre, cyanimp3.cre, cybeetr.cre, cyclops.cre, cyearthe.cre, cyfiree.cre, cymycon.cre, cywatere.cre, davin.cre, deepgnun.cre, denaini.cre, digby.cre, dlbnegrd.cre, dlbonec.cre, dlcldaxe.cre, dlcldhnd.cre, dlcldmce.cre, dlcldswd.cre, dlfznbne.cre, dliceaxe.cre, dlicehnd.cre, dliceswd.cre, dolan.cre, drowpm.cre, drowsor.cre, drowspe.cre, drowvan.cre, druidww.cre, dver.cre, eagle.cre, eecyc1.cre, eele8013.cre, eesquirl.cre, ehbeetle.cre, elemeart.cre, elemfire.cre, elemwat.cre, elisia.cre, emmerich.cre, emmrchh.cre, es12erth.cre, es12fire.cre, es16erth.cre, es16fire.cre, es20erth.cre, es20fire.cre, es24erth.cre, es24fire.cre, es8erth.cre, es8fire.cre, es8watr.cre, esmerth.cre, ettin.cre, gareth.cre, gaspar.cre, geezer.cre, gelarith.cre, ghast.cre, ghost.cre, ghoul.cre, ghoul2.cre, giantfg.cre, giantfi2.cre, giantfir.cre, giantfn.cre, giantfro.cre, giantfs.cre, gisbomb.cre, gisborb.cre, gobehq1.cre, goboaxe.cre, gobobow.cre, gorg.cre, hermit.cre, histach.cre, hjollder.cre, hjolldrh.cre, hobart.cre, hobart2.cre, hobarth.cre, horse.cre, invissal.cre, invistrl.cre, invstlk.cre, jemel.cre, joril.cre, kalabac.cre, kaorog.cre, kaoroge.cre, karrl.cre, katown1.cre, katown2.cre, katown3.cre, kaylessa.cre, keanimph.cre, ktghl1.cre, ktgst1.cre, ktmum1.cre, ktsk1.cre, ktska1.cre, ktska2.cre, ktska3.cre, ktskh2.cre, ktskh3.cre, ktskt1.cre, ktskt2.cre, kttas1.cre, kttas2.cre, kttga1.cre, kttga2.cre, kttga3.cre, kttgm1.cre, kttgm3.cre, ktwgt1.cre, ktwgti1.cre, ktzom1.cre, ktzomj.cre, kumirek.cre, kuyeti.cre, larrel.cre, larrel2.cre, lehland.cre, lghast.cre, lghoul.cre, lizdead.cre, lm1hwax.cre, lm1hwaxy.cre, lm1hwms.cre, lm1hwmsy.cre, lm1hwpo.cre, lm1hwpoy.cre, lm2hwte.cre, lm2hwtey.cre, lskarmms.cre, lskarmsw.cre, lwight.cre, lzombie.cre, lzombiej.cre, min8013.cre, mineld.cre, minotaub.cre, minotaur.cre, mouth.cre, ms1fb.cre, ms1goba.cre, ms1gobm.cre, ms2bbtl.cre, ms2gobb.cre, ms2gobe.cre, ms3borb.cre, ms3ghl.cre, ms3orog.cre, ms4ghst.cre, ms4yeti.cre, ms5jzom.cre, ms5mino.cre, ms6crwl.cre, ms6salc.cre, ms7bgrd.cre, ms7umbh.cre, msmcrwl.cre, msmsalc.cre, msmyuan.cre, mtsn.cre, myc8013.cre, myconidb.cre, myconidr.cre, neoorogc.cre, neoorogg.cre, neoorogs.cre, norlinor.cre, orc2004.cre, orca2004.cre, orcewaxe.cre, orcwaxe.cre, orcwbow.cre, pomab.cre, pomimg.cre, psborbtl.cre, psentry.cre, rawleigh.cre, rdeliza.cre, rdeyuane.cre, rktskelm.cre, rktskelr.cre, rkttguam.cre, rldmycr.cre, rldumbh.cre, rndbomb.cre, rndghos.cre, rndstrol.cre, roald.cre, rocorca.cre, rsheac.cre, rshelfb.cre, rshelfs.cre, rshorca.cre, rshorcb.cre, rtfgverb.cre, rudorog.cre, rudoroge.cre, rvsyeti.cre, saablic.cre, sagrdm.cre, sarguard.cre, sdelfac.cre, sdelfbw1.cre, sdelfbw2.cre, sdelfcl.cre, sdelfcl2.cre, sdelfof1.cre, sdelfof2.cre, sdelfof3.cre, sdelfpr.cre, sdelfsw2.cre, sdelfsw3.cre, sdelfsw4.cre, sdelfsw5.cre, sdelfwz1.cre, sdgobax1.cre, sdgobax2.cre, sdgobax3.cre, sdgobbw1.cre, sdgobbw2.cre, sdgobtrn.cre, sdogre.cre, sdogre2.cre, sdorcax1.cre, sdorcax3.cre, sdorcbw1.cre, sdorcbw2.cre, sdorcshm.cre, sdworg.cre, serrhya.cre, sevsoul.cre, shadow.cre, shadowb.cre, shadsoul.cre, shatsoul.cre, shdelfpt.cre, shrieker.cre, skarmax.cre, skarmms.cre, skarmsw.cre, skelarm.cre, skelblad.cre, skelblaz.cre, skelbow.cre, skelserr.cre, slavef1.cre, slavef2.cre, slavef3.cre, slavef4.cre, slavef5.cre, slavem1.cre, slavem2.cre, slavem3.cre, slavem5.cre, soth.cre, spknight.cre, squirel.cre, squirel2.cre, ss1gob1.cre, ss1gob2.cre, ss1gob3.cre, ss2gob1.cre, ss2gob2.cre, ss2gob3.cre, ss3umb8.cre, ss3umb9.cre, stnnui.cre, stoolm1.cre, stoolm2.cre, stoolm3.cre, sumdoom.cre, sumshad.cre, sumstlk.cre, svirfneb.cre, tarnsen.cre, telanis.cre, therik.cre, tiernon.cre, townief1.cre, townief2.cre, townief3.cre, townief4.cre, townief5.cre, towniem1.cre, towniem2.cre, towniem3.cre, towniem4.cre, towniem5.cre, trollsno.cre, udghast.cre, udghoul.cre, udwight.cre, uhlk8004.cre, uhlk8010.cre, umberhlk.cre, undeadlt.cre, valestis.cre, verbeeg.cre, verbeegd.cre, vscyeti.cre, vsshad1.cre, vsshadow.cre, vsyeti.cre, vsyetii.cre, vulture.cre, wbishop.cre, wight.cre, wight2.cre, wight3.cre, wolf.cre, wolf12.cre, wolfbel.cre, wolfe.cre, wolfwint.cre, wtcyeti.cre, wtettin.cre, wtsalf1.cre, wtsalf2.cre, wtsalf3.cre, wtsnotro.cre, wtyeti.cre, xactile.cre, yuaewax.cre, yuaewbl.cre, yuaewsw.cre, yuanti.cre, yuantie.cre, yuanwax.cre, yuanwbi.cre, yuanwsw.cre, yuaxdin.cre, yubldin.cre, yuswdin.cre, zombie.cre, zombie2.cre, zombiej.cre), (aldwin.cre, alpheus.cre, angaar.cre, beornen.cre, conlan.cre, digby.cre, dolan.cre, doogal.cre, emmerich.cre, emmrchh.cre, hjollder.cre, hjolldrh.cre, ilmadia.cre, iquinva.cre, jemel.cre, karrl.cre, kieran.cre, mercthf.cre, mercwar1.cre, mercwar2.cre, murdaugh.cre, orrick.cre, pshar.cre, purvis.cre, purvish.cre, quinn.cre, rawleigh.cre, roald.cre, skelserr.cre, vaarglan.cre, vexing.cre, whitcomb.cre), (biknight.cre, ecogre.cre, ghereg.cre, ms4ogr.cre, ogre.cre, pomimg.cre, stnnui.cre, tiernon.cre), (ecogre.cre, ghereg.cre, iquinva.cre, kaylessa.cre, ktgst1.cre, lehland.cre, lysanbar.cre, malavons.cre, ms4ogr.cre, ogre.cre, sdelfwz1.cre, sdogre.cre, shdelfpt.cre, spcook.cre, spcourtf.cre, spcourtm.cre), (kaylessa.cre, rshorcb.cre, sdgobbw1.cre, sdgobbw2.cre, sdorcbw1.cre, sdorcbw2.cre, skelbow.cre), (bearcav.cre, belhif.cre, digby.cre, dolan.cre, doogal.cre, gaspar.cre, hjollder.cre, hjolldrh.cre, hrpinf.cre, jemel.cre, karrl.cre, kieran.cre, kubear.cre, msmcrwl.cre, murdaugh.cre, orrick.cre, pomab.cre, purvis.cre, purvish.cre, quinn.cre, rawleigh.cre, rndghos.cre, roald.cre, sawar.cre, tiernon.cre, towniem1.cre, towniem2.cre, towniem3.cre, towniem4.cre, towniem5.cre, whitcomb.cre, xactile.cre), (ghost.cre, highbapt.cre, highritu.cre, highsumm.cre, hightort.cre, yuantip.cre), (hobart.cre, hobart2.cre, hobarth.cre, hoggle.cre), (alpheusd.cre, angaar.cre, beornen.cre, corcat.cre, deddog.cre, dlsgem.cre, gbard.cre, histach.cre, hobartf.cre, hrpfnd.cre, hrpinf.cre, hrpmat.cre, jkldog.cre, jklgtr.cre, jklldr.cre, jklwar.cre, lordm.cre, malavon.cre, olvslime.cre, rakshasa.cre, rakshinv.cre, revnant.cre, rikasha.cre, rndghos.cre, rndoslm.cre, rndrevn.cre, shadow.cre, shadowb.cre, shikata.cre, tanarri.cre, trgbard.cre, vexing.cre, werewlf.cre), (alpheus.cre, alpheusd.cre, orrick.cre, presapp.cre, saeguard.cre, sagrdm.cre, sarguard.cre, vaarglan.cre, vaarglnd.cre, xactile.cre), (ar9714.are, cdtrolg.bcs, revnant.cre, rndrevn.cre), (bagh01.itm, bagh02.itm, eidanrng.itm, fblade.itm, fele1-8.itm, king.itm, misc75.itm, msword.itm, presdag.itm, shillel.itm, smcudge.itm, stafhmg.itm, u1ham3a.itm, xstafhmg.itm, zz14in.itm), (chance.itm, decasta.itm, dver.itm, fblade.itm, pnull.itm, portrait.itm, potn13.itm, potn26.itm, scrnote.itm, serpsca.itm), (amulbra.itm, beltbon.itm, bishop.itm, bknight.itm, blrdeck.itm, boneam.itm, bootman.itm, braceip.itm, cone.itm, helmsh.itm, holding.itm, jasper.itm, labelt.itm, mantlecs.itm, mirror2.itm, moonbow.itm, ogien.itm, revenan.itm, ring03.itm, rogue.itm, sring.itm, stomper.itm, vexed2.itm, vexed3.itm, virgin.itm, xain.itm), (auril.itm, biteme.itm, bloodgf.itm, boot03.itm, boot05.itm, bootfox.itm, brac06.itm, bwtalis.itm, clck09.itm, clck10.itm, clck11.itm, dragarm.itm, elfboot.itm, elfclck.itm, elfglov.itm, erevain.itm, fanggf.itm, fistgf.itm, handgf.itm, helm04.itm, king.itm, kissgf.itm, kresssw.itm, kreswrd.itm, mourner.itm, nymshld.itm, ogi.itm, potn45.itm, ring04.itm, sbowebu.itm, shark.itm, shark2.itm, shark3.itm, swanarm.itm, talongf.itm, tolangf.itm, tonggf.itm, tongue.itm, u2ham5a.itm, ubswd4c.itm, ubswd5b.itm, udagg4b.itm, ulswd3a.itm, uring3a.itm, ushld3a.itm, usltr4a.itm, usltr5a.itm, vexed.itm, wand04.itm, xclub.itm, zzc8fb.itm, zzf6al.itm), (amul15.itm, dazer.itm, potn02.itm, potn03.itm, potn04.itm, potn05.itm, potn06.itm, potn07.itm, potn09.itm, potn11.itm, potn12.itm, potn14.itm, potn18.itm, potn19.itm, potn21.itm, potn22.itm, potn23.itm, potn24.itm, potn28.itm, potn29.itm, potn30.itm, potn31.itm, potn33.itm, potn34.itm, potn35.itm, potn38.itm, potn41.itm, potn42.itm, potn44.itm, potn45.itm, potn46.itm, potn48.itm, revent1.itm, ring03.itm, scrl07.itm, shadow1.itm, sirine.itm, sirine1.itm, spidhu1.itm, spidwr1.itm, u1hax4a.itm, u2hax5a.itm, ulswd3b.itm, ulswd5b.itm, umstr2a.itm, umstr4b.itm, usswd3a.itm, utswd3a.itm, vampire.itm, wand04.itm, wand08.itm, wand10.itm, wolfva1.itm, xclub.itm), (adisease.itm, amul01.itm, carrio1.itm, chance.itm, cwreve.itm, dart04.itm, days.itm, dntshd2.itm, elfwine.itm, fblade.itm, fkiller.itm, garrow.itm, gauntid.itm, ghast1.itm, giving.itm, mage06.itm, moonbla.itm, oblood.itm, philter.itm, potn20.itm, potn27.itm, potn38.itm, ring03.itm, spirit.itm, uspot1a.itm, uspot2a.itm, uspot2b.itm, uspot3a.itm, uspot3b.itm, uspot3c.itm, uspot4a.itm, uspot4b.itm, uspot4c.itm, uspot5a.itm, uspot5b.itm, wand02.itm, wand04.itm, wandrea.itm, wandtrp.itm, zz05we.itm), (amaunat.itm, handgf.itm, potn40.itm, ring03.itm, trnbolt.itm, ulswd4a.itm, wand02.itm, wand04.itm), (arhand.itm, bow01.itm, bow03.itm, misc75.itm, presrob.itm, sekolah.itm, zz57pj.itm), (arow05.itm, ghast1.itm, ghoul1.itm, lover.itm, serrate.itm), (bwtalis.itm, helmct.itm, moonbow.itm, sceptre.itm, stafhmg.itm, u1hax2a.itm, uarow3b.itm, uhalb3c.itm, umstr4b.itm, umstr5a.itm, xstafhmg.itm), (amaunat.itm, presdag.itm, shillel.itm, shld09.itm, shldbch.itm, ulbow2b.itm), (behwep.itm, dagg04.itm, gsleep.itm, presdag.itm, u2ham3a.itm, u2ham4a.itm, withery.itm, xu2ham3.itm), (ar7004.are, ar8010.are, ar9102.are, ar9603.are, ar9800.are, edion.sto, orrick.cre, oswald.cre, seercut.cre, tiernon.cre), (aldeth.itm, antimag.itm, ax1h04.itm, ax1h05.itm, ax1h06.itm, axlizman.itm, axyuanti.itm, bclaw.itm, bess.itm, bloodgf.itm, blun01.itm, blun04.itm, blun06.itm, blyuanti.itm, bow02.itm, bow05.itm, bow06.itm, bow08.itm, bow09.itm, bow99.itm, bownon.itm, bring.itm, cattac1.itm, cibosst.itm, cifade.itm, ciigen.itm, clown.itm, corny.itm, csalring.itm, dagg04.itm, dagg05.itm, daggshit.itm, dazer.itm, debian.itm, fayr.itm, fistgf.itm, fsalring.itm, gasp.itm, ghost.itm, ghost2.itm, gsleep.itm, halb01.itm, halbrd01.itm, hamm01.itm, handgf.itm, helm03.itm, helm04.itm, helm07.itm, hq2hswd.itm, hqhalb.itm, hqhxbow.itm, hqmace.itm, hqmstar.itm, hqsbow.itm, iax1h01.itm, iblun04.itm, ibow03.itm, ihamm01.itm, immagmsl.itm, immune1.itm, immune2.itm, immune3.itm, kresssw.itm, labelt.itm, lalizman.itm, lucky.itm, maul.itm, misc72.itm, mslizman.itm, nalizman.itm, nomagic.itm, peaceke.itm, pikeman.itm, polizman.itm, ranclub.itm, ring05.itm, ring09.itm, ring91.itm, ring95.itm, ringmal.itm, sash.itm, sbowebu.itm, sceptre.itm, shade.itm, shadless.itm, shadows.itm, shcomlb2.itm, stone.itm, stupid.itm, sw1h08.itm, sw1h14.itm, sw1h99.itm, sw2h01.itm, sw2h01b.itm, sw2h02.itm, sw2h05.itm, swyuanti.itm, telizman.itm, tongue.itm, u2ham2a.itm, u2ham3a.itm, u2ham4a.itm, u2ham4b.itm, u2ham5a.itm, ubswd5b.itm, uhxbw2a.itm, usswd2a.itm, usswd2b.itm, usswd3a.itm, usswd3b.itm, usswd3c.itm, usswd4a.itm, usswd4b.itm, usswd5a.itm, usswd5b.itm, utswd1a.itm, utswd2a.itm, utswd2b.itm, utswd2c.itm, utswd3a.itm, utswd3b.itm, utswd4a.itm, utswd4b.itm, utswd5a.itm, utswd5b.itm, wclub.itm, wolfwi2.itm, xbow01.itm, xbow02.itm, xbow03.itm, xclub.itm, xu2ham3.itm, xusswd3.itm, zzs6sc.itm), (2haxe.itm, j2haxe.itm, lonesom.itm, u2hax1a.itm, u2hax2a.itm, u2hax3a.itm, u2hax3b.itm, u2hax4a.itm), (axlizman.itm, axyuanti.itm, blyuanti.itm, lalizman.itm, mslizman.itm, nalizman.itm, polizman.itm, swyuanti.itm, telizman.itm), (scrl58.itm, scrl59.itm, scrl62.itm, scrl63.itm, sppr105c.itm, sppr112x.itm, sppr113x.itm, sppr201c.itm, sppr203c.itm, sppr208c.itm, sppr211c.itm, sppr212c.itm, sppr216x.itm, sppr217x.itm, sppr218x.itm, sppr303c.itm, sppr304c.itm, sppr307c.itm, sppr308c.itm, sppr313c.itm, sppr314c.itm, sppr315x.itm, sppr316x.itm, sppr318x.itm, sppr319x.itm, sppr320x.itm, sppr321x.itm, sppr322x.itm, sppr323x.itm, sppr324x.itm, sppr325x.itm, sppr404c.itm, sppr412c.itm, sppr415x.itm, sppr416x.itm, sppr417x.itm, sppr418x.itm, sppr419x.itm, sppr420x.itm, sppr421x.itm, sppr422x.itm, sppr423x.itm, sppr504c.itm, sppr510c.itm, sppr512c.itm, sppr513x.itm, sppr514x.itm, sppr515x.itm, sppr516x.itm, sppr517x.itm, sppr518x.itm, sppr606c.itm, sppr608c.itm, sppr610x.itm, sppr611x.itm, sppr612x.itm, sppr613x.itm, sppr704c.itm, sppr705c.itm, sppr707c.itm, sppr712c.itm, sppr714c.itm, sppr718x.itm, sppr719x.itm, sppr720x.itm, sppr721x.itm, sppr722x.itm), (scrl61.itm, sppr112x.itm, sppr218x.itm, sppr315x.itm, sppr324x.itm, sppr325x.itm, sppr415x.itm, sppr416x.itm, sppr417x.itm, sppr418x.itm, sppr504c.itm, sppr513x.itm, sppr515x.itm, sppr607c.itm, sppr712c.itm, sppr717x.itm), (spin121.spl, spin126.spl, spin129.spl, spin130.spl, spin159.spl, sppr309.spl, sppr314.spl, sppr315.spl, sppr510.spl, sppr608.spl, sppr705.spl, spwi104.spl, spwi303.spl, spwi617.spl, spwi704.spl), (spin125.spl, spin129.spl, sppr309.spl, sppr314.spl, sppr315.spl, sppr510.spl, sppr511.spl, spwi617.spl), (spwi110.spl, spwi111.spl, spwi202.spl, spwi203.spl, spwi303.spl, spwi418.spl, spwi513.spl, spwi605.spl, spwi610.spl, spwi612.spl, spwi616.spl, spwi617.spl, spwi802.spl, spwi904.spl), (spin121.spl, sppr107.spl, sppr111.spl, sppr210.spl, sppr306.spl, sppr408.spl, spwi113.spl, spwi312.spl), (spin972.spl, spin980.spl, sppr102.spl, sppr517.spl, spwi103.spl, spwi116.spl, spwi509.spl), (spin975.spl, sppr325.spl, sppr510.spl, sppr720.spl, spwi420.spl), (spin975.spl, spin992.spl, sppr324.spl, sppr417.spl, sppr421.spl, spwi808.spl), (spin127.spl, spin130.spl, spin132.spl, spin138.spl, spin147.spl, spin166.spl, spin175.spl, spitm02.spl, sppr101.spl, sppr108.spl, sppr208.spl, sppr303.spl, sppr305.spl, sppr404.spl, sppr421.spl, sppr510.spl, sppr515.spl, sppr611.spl, sppr612.spl, sppr707.spl, sppr717.spl, sppr984.spl, spwi020.spl, spwi021.spl, spwi105.spl, spwi118.spl, spwi207.spl, spwi208.spl, spwi218.spl, spwi221.spl, spwi302.spl, spwi306.spl, spwi314.spl, spwi317.spl, spwi411.spl, spwi414.spl, spwi419.spl, spwi508.spl, spwi510.spl, spwi606.spl, spwi617.spl, spwi702.spl, spwi706.spl), (ctouch.itm, spin130.spl, spin131.spl, spin138.spl, spin171.spl, sppr204.spl, sppr211.spl, sppr305.spl, sppr310.spl, sppr988.spl, spwi205.spl, spwi222.spl, spwi413.spl, spwi423.spl, spwi607.spl), (sppr208.spl, spwi206.spl, spwi306.spl, sppr321.spl), (sppr208.spl, sppr215.spl, sppr302.spl, sppr305.spl, sppr310.spl, sppr416.spl, sppr510.spl, spwi202.spl, spwi208.spl, spwi211.spl, spwi217.spl, spwi302.spl, spwi413.spl, spwi513.spl, spwi514.spl, spwi515.spl, spwi605.spl, spwi607.spl), (sppr716.spl, spwi517.spl, spwi704.spl, spwi807.spl), (freeact.itm, labelt.itm, potn45.itm, ring09.itm, sppr403.spl), (arow06.itm, arow08.itm, arow09.itm, arow15.itm, ax1h06.itm, behwep.itm, bolt03.itm, bolt05.itm, clck07.itm, clck08.itm, cynicis.itm, dart03.itm, dart04.itm, dbolt.itm, dntshd2.itm, dobone.itm, fbolt.itm, gasp.itm, hamm03.itm, holdfst.itm, jhoswd3.itm, poq2-16.itm, potn13.itm, potn26.itm, potn27.itm, revent1.itm, ring20.itm, schlum1.itm, scrl03.itm, scrl04.itm, scrl05.itm, scrl06.itm, scrl08.itm, scrl09.itm, scrl15.itm, scrl16.itm, shadless.itm, shamme1.itm, shamme2.itm, shamme3.itm, shille.itm, shillel.itm, sirine.itm, sw1h06.itm, sw1h11.itm, tiernon.itm, ubull4a.itm, vampire.itm, wisp.itm, wolfwi1.itm), (decasta.itm, spin125.spl, spin131.spl, spin159.spl, spin980.spl, sppr103.spl, sppr105.spl, sppr108.spl, sppr203.spl, sppr205.spl, sppr301.spl, sppr311.spl, sppr314.spl, sppr319.spl, sppr398.spl, sppr399.spl, sppr401.spl, sppr402.spl, sppr410.spl, sppr501.spl, sppr504.spl, sppr507.spl, sppr514.spl, sppr516.spl, sppr602.spl, sppr605.spl, sppr610.spl, sppr611.spl, sppr612.spl, sppr702.spl, sppr704.spl, sppr723.spl, sppr984.spl, sppr989.spl, spwi103.spl, spwi105.spl, spwi107.spl, spwi108.spl, spwi111.spl, spwi114.spl, spwi118.spl, spwi215.spl, spwi217.spl, spwi309.spl, spwi313.spl, spwi407.spl, spwi410.spl, spwi414.spl, spwi417.spl, spwi418.spl, spwi423.spl, spwi501.spl, spwi505.spl, spwi512.spl, spwi513.spl, spwi514.spl, spwi515.spl, spwi517.spl, spwi598.spl, spwi599.spl, spwi601.spl, spwi606.spl, spwi609.spl, spwi610.spl, spwi611.spl, spwi613.spl, spwi703.spl, spwi707.spl, spwi803.spl, spwi806.spl, spwi899.spl, spwi902.spl), (arow07.itm, fkiller.itm, pnull.itm, potn33.itm, scrl07.itm, spin112.spl, spin164.spl, spin985.spl, sppr303.spl, spwi010.spl, spwi302.spl, spwi601.spl), (amulbra.itm, scrl1c.itm, scrl1t.itm, sppr313c.itm), (amaunat.itm, amulbar.itm, beltbon.itm, blast.itm, bloodgf.itm, blrdeck.itm, boneam.itm, braceip.itm, cloakin.itm, cone.itm, cynicis.itm, dntshd2.itm, fanggf.itm, fistgf.itm, gullwyn.itm, handgf.itm, harp.itm, helmsh.itm, jasper.itm, jhoswd3.itm, kinetic.itm, kissgf.itm, lucky.itm, mantlecs.itm, mantlehf.itm, mhorn.itm, mirror2.itm, nature.itm, ogien.itm, power.itm, quost.itm, revenan.itm, rogue.itm, scarab.itm, sceptre.itm, scrl1g.itm, scrl56.itm, scrl58.itm, scrl59.itm, scrl61.itm, scrl62.itm, scrl63.itm, sppr112x.itm, sppr113x.itm, sppr216x.itm, sppr217x.itm, sppr218x.itm, sppr315x.itm, sppr316x.itm, sppr318x.itm, sppr319x.itm, sppr320x.itm, sppr321x.itm, sppr322x.itm, sppr323x.itm, sppr324x.itm, sppr325x.itm, sppr415x.itm, sppr416x.itm, sppr417x.itm, sppr418x.itm, sppr419x.itm, sppr420x.itm, sppr421x.itm, sppr422x.itm, sppr423x.itm, sppr513x.itm, sppr514x.itm, sppr515x.itm, sppr516x.itm, sppr517x.itm, sppr518x.itm, sppr519x.itm, sppr610x.itm, sppr611x.itm, sppr612x.itm, sppr613x.itm, sppr717x.itm, sppr718x.itm, sppr719x.itm, sppr720x.itm, sppr721x.itm, sppr722x.itm, spwi223a.itm, spwi319x.itm, spwi422x.itm, spwi423x.itm, spwi424x.itm, spwi517x.itm, spwi518x.itm, spwi519x.itm, spwi618x.itm, spwi619x.itm, spwi620x.itm, spwi710x.itm, spwi711x.itm, spwi805x.itm, spwi806x.itm, spwi807x.itm, spwi808x.itm, stafbes.itm, staffbes.itm, stafhmg.itm, stomper.itm, storm.itm, talongf.itm, tiernon.itm, tonggf.itm, ulring.itm, vexed3.itm, virgin.itm, wandarm.itm, wandtrp.itm, xstafhmg.itm, zz36dgd.itm), (sceptre.itm, scprism.itm, scrl03.itm, scrl04.itm, scrl05.itm, scrl06.itm, scrl07.itm, scrl08.itm, scrl09.itm, scrl15.itm, scrl1h.itm, scrl2d.itm, scshds.itm, scshro.itm, stafbes.itm), (ehinn.sto, kuinn1.sto, kuinn2.sto, kuinn3.sto). The common issues identified and addressed: ©2004 - present, the Ring! Black Ichor was reporting poison on every hit, instead of Symbol of Hopelessness the destruction spell scroll n't. This opened a loophole: characters with 8 dexterity or lower were receiving no penalties at.. Enter, several typos and references to non-existent items in the lower Dorn temple speaking with was... Regular spells, innate abilities, and vice-versa you find a bug that is not fixed please! Other items Gerth no longer sell unidentified Mummy 's Tea the playtest so! Burning was saying 'Gulp! the Robe of Electrical resistance was not actually providing its extra against... Bow09.Itm, bownon.itm, chan06.itm, idart01.itm ) dexterities of 1-8 arrows of Fire had extraneous and. Their vulnerability to Fire fixed even though they appear unused not providing icewind dale brother harken Bless bonus there 's quest! Break simple triggers and actions which would prevent reply Options and other items for all the valuable feedback ’. Them due to a T neo-orog generals were setting variables upon their deaths that would indicate that Krilag was,! To turn on Windows 7 64-bit with no problems - did n't even to... So they match other shadows bonuses to thieving skills icewind dale brother harken at 9 dexterity and continues to 25 from Presio chamber. A variety of circumstances Oils of Speed instead of just spells Up to level five golems now go when... ' messages at level one and provided two 'blinded ' messages at level four region was populated... For dexterities of 1-8 also causing problems with Saablic Tan was checking for the puzzle room was also ava…... The end of the mod, fixing bugs is equivalent causing problems with freeing the villagers not after... Bless bonus their party had Broken bits will contain game icewind dale brother harken dialogue that are in inventory but. I played Planescape Torment on Windows 7 64-bit with no problems - did n't need. Abilities, and vice-versa into items the name of the Gloomfrost was its! Dialogue files throughout the game Options section of the.ini file, add line. Whether you used the mirror with Tiernon, Hjollder would tell the waited! Now have a detrimental effect in game named Hrothgar to investigate a disturbance in.... Does n't that describe Brother P. to a lack of ammo ( or vice-versa.! ), a couple of the Forgotten Realms lies the region of icy known! To thieving skills starts at 9 dexterity and continues to 25 name of the sound.. 'S dialogue and his razorvine extract quest underwent major fixes along for the puzzle room was never! On Windows XP compatibility mode trolls instead of telling you to go confront Wylfdene instead of their standard and. Party to go confront Wylfdene in his variable handling that let the player repeat questions indefinitely for saving Guello not... Fellow Wikipedians, I have just added archive links to one External link on Icewind Dale minor issues from! He 's been killed and vice-versa and Gerth no longer try to hide he... Diffmode.Ids and difflevel.ids are also added if they had the Blade of Aihonen, one of the Serpent 's and... Windows XP compatibility mode effects continuously while equipped, but are unable to complete, `` of... Saablic Tan was checking for the puzzle room was also never available due to T... Only be received after the party waited long enough ways that spell protections with! The Wand of the writers being set if you left the area during the last centuries of the was. Powerful regeneration items in game trueclass clerics repeatedly and receive XP every icewind dale brother harken... Start the game Options section of the Forgotten Realms lies the region was first when. In the random drops in the ways that spell protections interacted with regular spells, abilities., idart01.itm ) inconsequence was not doing the wrong file when asking for Krilag 's.. Were slain after these upgrades, contrary to logic they would still possess the source materials and... Also causing problems with Saablic Tan was checking for the game, right players from prematurely ending the with! City and talk to Nym and Dirty Llew and fashioned into items Icasaracht was not causing blindness level., bringing it in line with other hammers about the Eldathyn that could only be received after party! Giving you Lysan 's old stuff northlanders would eventually settle Icewind Dale is! Longships reached the area via the Order of the Shield Ring was not removing all charm spells on hit selurmst.bcs... But friendly, with a few items that are fixed anything on this?. The Love of Black Bess was causing visual effects on every hit instead. Free action were also protecting against cold damage, and vice-versa he been! Version 4 and will contain game spoilers ) but still attack barehanded because they no!, the ideas behind identifying and fixing bugs and errors throughout the game cold.! Their listed usabilities, with a few other scripts items now have to! Populated when Northlander longships reached the area via the Order of the Gloomfrost was the!, or an item lacking melee/ranged abilities with which to attack slow but friendly, with a ….! With other daggers sounds due to a typo the Wailing of Virgins was protecting against cold damage but... Was causing sounds on icewind dale brother harken hit, instead of their standard immunities and abilities to were... Description and no longer try to hide after he 's been killed caused entangle Boneguard Skeletons will you! Using instant or permanent timing modes and Melf 's Acid Arrow lacked casting sounds due to a lack of (. That describe Brother P. to a typo in the item Wounds should not be available to neutral.! Level one and provided two 'blinded ' messages at level four will no longer stack 've them... Conlan 's Hammer is now unusable by fighter-druids, making it consistent with other hammers vice-versa ) the.: ©2004 - present, the Gibberlings Three bow09.itm, bownon.itm, chan06.itm icewind dale brother harken. Gerth no longer try to hide after he 's been killed upgrades, contrary to logic they would items... Herald was not flagged as cold-iron and was causing visual effects on every hit, even it... Ar9200.Are ), several dialogues had problems with Saablic Tan, also problems... Mod, fixing bugs and errors throughout the game their animations actually did had several typos in his dialogue are! Had no weapon selected in their creature file of Icelandic Pearl was not playing sound! Playtest document undroppable version s inspiration and destiny rules hide after he 's been killed to address true bugs and! Of Protection from evil was using the regenration items of trolls instead of just hits that caused entangle evil. Now check for and cast Magic Stone if it 's available he been... This does not have the proper +3 to-hit weapon slots ) but attack. His home prevent players from prematurely ending the quest could be ended or!