Looking for meal ideas to break an intermittent fast? [Music] it’s like a salty party in my mouth there are so many things that can break a fast and when your intermittent fasting you have to be very very cognizant of what you consume so I’ve compiled a recipe that really … Dry fasting: how to break the healthy fast – Thomas DeLauer … How to break the dry fast? You don't need much half a teaspoon of a little bit of water prior to breaking your fast or you can have a little bit of bone broth to breaking your fast kinda does the same thing and then right when you break your fast, you wanna break it with just lean protein. This Post Was All About Fasting Tips: 3 Best Foods to Break a Fast- Thomas DeLauer…. One study found that consuming MCT oils helped reduce body fat and triglycerides more than omega 6 vegetable oils. HYLETE Health Advisor Thomas DeLauer begins by introducing 3 foods to avoid when breaking your fast. More specifically, you want help with Fasting Tips: 3 Best Foods to Break a Fast- Thomas DeLauer…? Like so many of us, Thomas’s success started by figuring out the keys to improving his own health. Biography: Age, Birthday, Career. Food like fruit, lactose, and cruciferous vegetables are all non-beneficial and can actually be harmful to your body after a fast. Most fatty acids depend upon bile salt emulsification in order to be metabolized and absorbed. Positively affects both central nervous system and immune system functions since in the brain NO (arginine converted to NO) acts as a neurotransmitter and protective agent against outside threats (4) Kettle and Fire Bone Broth also contains ACV. Also reduces glycemic and insulin responses to foods such as a starchy meal by delaying gastric emptying (5) I'm not anti way protein, but dairy right when you break a fast can be very hard on … Daily fasts are when you … Breakfast for the intermittent faster is the meal consumed when you choose to break your fast, be it 6:00 AM or 6:00 PM. Then I came across Thomas DeLauer on youtube and began to watch his videos. So I will tell you a way to combat this first, the first thing is have a little bit of sodium in your blood before you break your fast, but this is gonna To make that radical extreme a little bit less extreme because you're a little bit more balance of osmolarity so having a little bit of salt, breaking your fast can help you out with that. Again, creamers have far too many calories which will no doubt, break your fast! Retrieved from /. Instead, DeLauer proposes that those breaking a fast … This is due to a slowdown in gastric emptying – the rate at which food passes from the stomach into the intestines, where the nutrients (such as glucose) are absorbed into the bloodstream (8), References: After eight weeks, the experiment showed the MCT oil group lost more weight, body fat, and subcutaneous fat, all while experiencing a 15 percent drop in triglycerides (7) Breaking a fast for muscle building while staying lean (higher glycemic carbs) Using the GI of carbs is a technique most commonly used to regulate blood glucose and insulin concentrations to optimize athletic performance/physique building. Keto Course brings you all the latest videos and updates from the Keto worls & from all the best Keto experts. Fasting, especially for religious purposes, has been a common occurrence for centuries. Here’s The Video Description From YouTube. This will help immensely with proper digestion and is a good habit to foster. Proline: Here’s The Video Description From YouTube. As a rich source of gelatin (breakdown of collagen), bone broth protects and seals the mucosal lining of the GI tract, which means it improves nutrient absorption. I decided it was time to get professional help and reached out to Thomas. While Thomas … LCFAs have 9 calories per gram while MCTs have about 8 calories per gram. How to Break a Fast [2019 UPDATE]: How to Break a Fast For Women [Female Fasting Instructions]: My Top Foods to Break a Fast With: 3-Step Soup Recipe for Breaking a Fast – Thomas DeLauer. Since it has such a low amount of calories, some believe that having a SPLASH in your morning coffee will not break your fast. 1) Fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of growth hormone secretion in man. Keto Course brings you all the latest videos and updates from the Keto worls & from all the best Keto experts. Nice. Instead, DeLauer proposes that those breaking a fast stick to rice cakes and easy foods. Browse through updates you may have missed in the past and pick up useful nuggets of information to help you succeed with your diet. Fasting for fat loss – MCT Oil: How to Break a Fast: Fasting Tips- Live Q&A | Thomas DeLauer, https://ketocourse.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/36106/how-to-break-a-fast-fasting-tips-live-qa-thomas-delauer.jpg, https://ketocourse.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/logo-big-rectangular-1.png. 3. As Thomas discovered his own answers, he also helped his wife recover from Lyme disease and saw a commonality between the two: inflammation. Like other acids, acetic acid can increase your body’s absorption of important minerals from the foods you eat. 3) Role of Intermittent Fasting on Improving Health and Reducing Diseases. Retrieved from, 5) Effects of Acetic Acid (Vinegar) on Glycemic and Insulinemic Response to Food: Inhibitory Effects on Digestive and Other Enzymes. 4) Bone Broth Benefits and Uses | Wellness Mama. BRUSSELS TO PARIS | Interesting travel day… Essential body fat is approximately 3% of body mass for men and 12% of body mass for women. And generally, throughout most of human history, not much concern was given to how to break the fast. More specifically, you want help with Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe for Fasting: Thomas DeLauer? New To Keto But Want To Grow Your Knowledge? Ketosis and Fasting: Do BCAAs Break a Fast or Ketosis: Thomas DeLauer Ketosis Overview Ketosis is a metabolic state that occurs when dietary carbohydrates are in such low quantities that your body must rely almost exclusively on fatty acid oxidation and ketone metabolism A traditional ketogenic… I was immediately impressed with his incredibly fast, friendly response. Recently, I … YES creamers will definitely BREAK your fast! در آپارات وارد شوید تا ویدیوهای و کانال‌های بهتری بر اساس سلیقه شما پیشنهاد شود وارد شوید Because it tastes really good, that’s why! Fasting Tips: 3 Best Foods to Break a Fast- Thomas DeLauer… Jun 09, 2018 Thinzine Weight Loss Diet 49 Like Please Subscribe for 3x Videos Per Week + Live Broadcasts! https://www.facebook.com › thomas.delauer › videos › 1956849771197902 Collagen: the main structural protein found within the human body that helps form connective tissue and “seals” the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

I'm disappointed that normal foods were not mentioned at the expense of promoting theses products.a great thing to break your fast with, dates. Regarding age, Thomas Delauer … It’s also the gel-like, smooth structure that covers and holds our bones together, allowing us to glide and move freely. Body Fat. (n.d.). Thomas has won two awards in his professional career: “Top Trainer of the Year 2012” and “Top Recruiter 2012”. (n.d.). Whoa. Historically, the word ‘breakfast’ described the first … This Post Was All About Intermittent Fasting: Top 5 Mistakes- Thomas DeLauer. Beneficial for lowering inflammation and improving the health of the blood vessels and cardiovascular system – improves blood flow in people with clogged arteries Retrieved from His birthday is on May 6, so he belongs to Taurus zodiac. These are all depleted at faster rates early on in the fast as a fast win on the body tends to adapt and actually learn to preserve the minerals it figures out what's going on when it first starts out and it's a shock, you'll lose a lot of minerals so in essence, minerals are actually most important at the beginning of your fast. 2) Pituitary-testicular axis in obese men during short-term fasting.(n.d.). would you still use MCT oil? When breaking a fast, begin with frequent small meals, every 2 hours or so, progressing gradually toward larger meals with more time in between them until you reach a "normal" eating routine, such as 3 meals and 2 snacks in a day's time. One of the worst enemies for men and women is high levels of estrogen. Almond milk is a little bit of a grey area. Retrieved from 6) 5 … Burn Carbs and Lower Blood Sugar with Turmeric- Thomas DeLauer: The trick is to know when to utilize specific foods, and in this case, a specific spice. You got all this energy and then you eat and you practically fall asleep on your plate You have no energy to actually hang out with your family when you do finally get home and you've been fasting all day So I wanna address what's causing this but want to skip through that as much as I can and get straight to … Please Subscribe for 3x Videos Per Week + Live Broadcasts! MCTs provide immediate energy because they are able to cross the double mitochondrial membrane very rapidly and do not require the presence of carnitine. Retrieved from, 6) 5 Reasons to Use MCT Oil for Ketosis. Thomas was born in the USA in his home town. Thomas DeLauer on Weight Loss, Ketosis, & Reducing Inflammation. Click Here to Subscribe: Website: How to Start a Fast: What to Eat Right Before Fasting- Thomas DeLauer… What do you eat when you start a fast? It is often recommended for its benefits to the heart, including keeping arteries from stiffening. A full day fast is when you take one day a week and fast … Retrieved from, 4) Bone Broth Benefits and Uses | Wellness Mama. Regarding age, Thomas Delauer is 32 years old as of 2021. i break fast on dates which from what ive looked into are high in glucose, and potassium, as well as other minerals. HYLETE Health Advisor Thomas DeLauer begins by introducing 3 foods to avoid when breaking your fast. Now recently I did a video on dry fasting and I think… Dry Fasting: How to Break a Dry Fast the Healthy Way- Thomas DeLauer … Other than my personal taste, bone broth is excellent after… Beyond just breaking your fast, also consider your overall eating habits. Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe For Fasting - Thomas DeLauer. Helps the body break down proteins and helps improve skin elasticity and smoothness. I know, it’s been a little while since the last time I was on here, but I have some very important topics to cover for you today. Thomas was born in the USA in his home town. Why bone broths? (n.d.). A full day fast is when you take one day a week and fast for the whole day. ACV has high concentrations of acetic acid. (n.d.). We've all felt tired after a fast before it's no fun fast. 3 Best Foods to Break a Fast : Thomas DeLauer Posted on August 29, 2017 by Felix Davis This is a great, concise and insightful video on some of the best foods to break your fast with for 3 different situations; General Health, Fat Loss and Muscle Gain. 3. Thomas has won two awards in his professional career: “Top Trainer of the Year 2012” and “Top Recruiter 2012”. I got some pho cooking here.

5. Food like fruit, lactose, and cruciferous vegetables are all non-beneficial and can actually be harmful to your body after a fast. Browse through updates you may have missed in the past and pick up useful nuggets of information to help you succeed with your diet. Thomas created a meal plan for me, straightened out my supplement regime and gave me tons of workout tips. Fasting Tips: 3 Best Foods to Break a Fast- Thomas DeLauer…, Bone Broth Contains: You should break your fast with high GI carbs but avoid combining these with fatty foods – fat slows down transit through the stomach, so eating fat post fast may slow the digestion and absorption of carbs. Chew foods well. Biography: Age, Birthday, Career. I know, it’s been a little while since the last time I was on here, but I have some very important topics to cover for you today. More specifically, you want help with How to Break a Fast: Fasting Tips- Live Q&A | Thomas DeLauer? Here are some tried-and-tested quick and easy recipes to suit a paleo diet to break a 16/8, 18/6 or 20/4 intermittent fast. https://ketocourse.com › how-to-break-a-fast-fasting-tips-live-qa-thomas-delauer Thomas Delauer here today. Best Food to break Fast. A dry fast is the place where you do not consume food or water during a given period. Click Here to Subscribe: Website: Intermittent Fasting: Top 5 Mistakes- Thomas DeLauer… No Healthy Foods: At the end of a fast people will be hungry and, as a result, will make poor decisions on what to eat. Call it Fast Break Pho, and I kind of discovered it by accident. Daily fasts are when you space out the amount of time between when you eat your last meal at night and your first … (Everything below is from Thomas not FFF) Complete WOMENS Guide to Intermittent Fasting – Thomas DeLauer .

(n.d.). Almond Milk . Here’s The Video Description From YouTube. Glutamine: Glutamine has protective effects on intestinal mucosa by decreasing bacteremia and epithelial cell apoptosis, enhancing gut barrier function, and influencing gut immune response – glutamine can fight against bad gut flora by protecting against mucosal breakdown in the gut. New To Keto But Want To Grow Your Knowledge? Fatty acids produce energy in the mitochondria but are dependent upon the L-carnitine compound in order for entry. You should break your fast with high GI carbs but avoid combining these with fatty foods – fat slows down transit through the stomach, so eating fat post fast may slow the digestion and absorption of carbs. So usually kind of ambiguous because to be completely honest, it all depends on what you are fasting for so in this video. This Post Was All About How to Break a Fast: Fasting Tips- Live Q&A | Thomas DeLauer. How to Break a Fast: Fasting Tips- Live Q&A | Thomas DeLauer…. Thomas DeLauer is an elite personal trainer from the Santa Barbara area of California who also boasts one of the most robust YouTube channels for wellness specializing with videos on intermittent fasting and the keto diet.. Arginine: All day. Please Subscribe for 3x Videos Per Week + Live Broadcasts! Special Limited Offer for Bone Broth Here: COUPON CODE: THOMAS20 for 20% off! Please Subscribe for 3-4x Videos Per Week + Live Broadcasts! Daily fasts are when you space out the amount of time between when you eat your last meal at night and your first meal in the morning so that there is a large period of … If fasting is your only answer to getting healthier, but you don’t eat … Retrieved from Join Thomas DeLauer in this informative Q & A where he dives into fasting benefits and some of the different strategies on how to effectively break a fast for the healthiest results. Thomas Delauer here today. how you break a fast depends on who you are and it depends on your goals see people ask me all the time with the proper foods to break a fast with our the thing is is I can’t always give them an answer so it’s usually kind of ambiguous because to be completely honest it all depends on what you are fasting for so in this video I’m going to give you the breakdown of what to eat when you break your fast based on three of the most common reasons people fast but first a quick breakdown on why intermittent fasting is so successful for people in many different ways for one it increases your human growth hormone secretion what that means is you’re going to have a lot more muscle retention you’re gonna have a lot more fat burning okay then it’s going to increase your insulin sensitivity and decrease your overall levels of insulin in the body therefore it’s making it so that when you do eat your body’s gonna glom on to what you eat a lot better it’s gonna make you a lot more sensitive to the nutrients okay then we have the benefits of an increase in luteinizing hormone that is the direct precursor to testosterone so indirectly fasting can increase your testosterone production and it’s quite dramatic sixty-seven percent increase in luteinizing hormone then of course we have better utilization of fats improved fatty acid oxidation that simply means the fats that are mobilized in the bloodstream get utilized by the cell much easier therefore meaning that you burn more fat then of course there’s a reduction in inflammation this is a big one doesn’t matter if you’re doing it for health reasons muscle building fat loss cognitive whatever reduced inflammation is going to help you it’s gonna help you feel better it’s gonna help you recover more so let’s talk about the three reasons that people generally fast and full disclaimer there’s a lot more than this these are just the three common ones that I hear people usually fast for general health reasons just to live longer for anti-aging then people also fast for fat loss reasons and then people tend to fast for muscle building reasons now like I said there’s other ones like cognitive functions stuff like that but these are by far the three most popular so let’s start with what you should break your fast with if you are in it for longevity and health reasons so if you’re fasting for health reasons what you’re gonna want to break your fast with is going to be bone broth okay there’s a couple of reasons why bone broth is so critical and don’t get me wrong bone broth isn’t only good for fasting for health reasons bone broth is great if you’re fasting for fat raisins and muscle building reasons too but I’m going to emphasize the general health component here the reason that it is is simply because it’s so high in collagen and collagen ultimately creates gelatin and gelatin protects our gut lining why is it so important particularly after we fast because during a fasting period we actually break down the mucosal layer of our gut a little bit that’s not necessarily a bad thing it’s the natural evolution sore the natural cycle of our gut recycling and changing out mucosal layer but we are in the prime position to get quality nutrients and quality collagen in there at that point in time where it’s going to absorb a lot better and be utilized better so you probably recognize collagen as something that’s associated with cartilage or protecting the bones but a lot of people don’t realize that it has such a critical role in our gut health – well what’s this going to do for you it’s going to make it so it’s easier to absorb your nutrients later on down the line so when you break your fast with bone broth that means the next meal that you eat that maybe has a lot of greens in it or has a lot of nutrients you’re going to absorb more of the minerals and more of the vitamins from that so let’s break down bone broth a little bit more bone broth is super high in glycine and one of the reasons we want glycine when we break it fast is because what glycine can do for RNA and DNA synthesis it sounds kind of weird right why do we want to care about our DNA well because when you’ve been fasting for extended period of time your body is breaking down and rebuilding even your immune system sort of resets and we need a healthy blueprint like the DNA and the RNA we refer to bodies to actually build the cells in structure the way that they should so glycine is a huge component of that then bone broth contains a ton of glutamine okay and glutamine is an amino acid that protects the immune system and protects the gut the way that glutamine does this is it decreases the rate of something known as epithelial cell apoptosis a mouthful I know but epithelial cells are the cells that line the gut okay and if those cells die we have a hard time absorbing nutrients so glutamine is gonna help replenish that again making it so we absorb more of what we actually need but let’s talk about kettle and fire for a second because they contain something that’s extremely interesting normally I would suggest adding apple cider vinegar to breaking your fast but kettle and fire already adds that well it’s that couple with the fact that I’ve known Justin who’s one of the co-owners for a long time that I featured them in this video if you add apple cider vinegar to your bone broth or you use kettle and fire that already has it you’re increasing the rate of mineral uptake as well and when you’ve been fasting for a while you’re depleted in minerals okay you’ve been drinking water but you’re not taking in the magnesium you’re not taking in the calcium the phosphorus things like that so when you do break your fast it’s important that you are set up in such a way that you’ll be able to absorb that and that means having some apple cider vinegar in the mix so that’s why I’m a huge fan of kettle and fire and I’m gonna put a link to them in the description so you can check them out if you wish and I also asked Justin over at kettle and fire to hook it up with a coupon code because I knew that you guys were gonna ask on where you could get this stuff so go ahead and if you head on over to kettle and fire just use the coupon code Thomas 20 that’s the number 20 Thomas 20s down in the description below too so you can actually get hooked up and use this stuff the next one is going to be fasting for fat loss reasons which is a popular one by no surprise because intermittent fasting is extremely extremely successful and helping people lose a lot of fat but what do you want to break your fast with well you want to break your fast with MCT oil the reason that you want to break your fast with MCT oil is because the capric caprylic and caproic acid that are in MCT oil bypass the liver altogether okay they go straight from consumption into the stomach they passed through the portal vein and directly into the bloodstream meaning they are utilized really fast but why is this beneficial for fat loss because it Prime’s the pump you see the first thing that you break your fast with is gonna sort of dictate to your body what nutrient you should be utilizing for fuel so you go an extended period of time then you break your fast with MCTS you have this quick infusion of fats that’s going to convince your body to start utilizing fats as a source of fuel not to mention that MCTS have a myriad of other benefits as well they’re gonna help you feel a little bit more focused and help you get your brain back if maybe you’re floundering a little bit at the end you’re fast so a lot of benefits there especially when it comes to fat loss the next reason that people fast is for muscle building reasons now more often than not I hear people concerned about fasting because they feel like they’re gonna lose muscle but realistically know you can actually gain muscle and it’s all about how you time your carbs see you want to have high glycemic index carbs that means carbs that are really going to spike your blood sugar really fast doesn’t mean processed sugar no don’t deal with that stuff you want to go with the good quality stuff I’m talking maybe even something like rice cake that’s gonna spike your insulin really fast the reason we want to do this is it’s gonna shut down the catabolic aspect it’s gonna shut down any muscle wasting that was occurring and it’s gonna open up the cell to become more receptive to protein so when you spike your insulin the cell opens up and protein can get in this way you can capitalize on the fact that the cell is more receptive and you can get more of the nutrients in then after that it’s up to you with what you want to eat but this is a quick way to break that habit of fasting and get your body right into muscle building mode and really have a 2 to 3x advantage of consuming carbs and protein at that point then you would when you were not fasting so there you have it there’s three simple ways to make sure that you can break your fast efficiently and effectively depending on what your ultimate goal is and remember at the end of the day you can implement bone broth whenever but if you’re doing it just for general health that’s the main emphasis there so bone broth can work with fat loss it can work with muscle building and it can work with the health side of things so as always keep it locked in here on my channel if you have any ideas for future videos make sure you comment below especially in the world of fasting and ketosis so we can bring the best content to you I’ll see you in the next video.

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