What you’re looking for is a stem approximately a quarter inch in diameter with many healthy leaves. Propagating rubber trees can get messy since they ooze a sticky, latex-rich white sap when the stems are cut, so preparing a clean surface area ahead of time is important. Either way, it was time for a haircut. It is quite easy to propagate this plant by the stem of the plant rather than planting the seed. All you need are a few tools and supplies that you probably already have laying around the house, and some patience! Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. Check the wound end of the cutting when you change the water, looking for root development. Examine the stem from the top down. From there on out, water the ficus pumila when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. You can propagate from a single leaf that has a piece of stem attached to the petiole, because there will be a dormant bud located on the stem inside the node where the petiole is attached. Ficus Microcarpa seeding is the most basic method of propagation. Although ficus pumila propagates by seed, air-layering or water rooting, Texas A&M University recommends propagation by water rooting. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. These easy-to-grow houseplants are just as easy to propagate and have a high rate of success. Ficus trees enjoy bright light and high humidity. Check the wound end of the cutting when you change the water, looking for root development. I chose to propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig in water. If the cutting is dripping sap, gently pat the cut end of the stem with a paper towel until it stops. Thereafter, water the ficus sapling when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. 1) Take three to six inch-long cuttings from the tips of healthy stems. Ficus is a vigorous grower and a voracious feeder! Remove the leaves from the lower 3 inches of the ficus pumila stem cutting. If you feel resistance then the roots have begun to form! Every time a stem is cut it encourages branching, which eventually leads to a fuller-looking plant. If you don't have gardening shears, use a sharp pair of scissors. Trim a 6- to 8- inch piece off the healthy branch, using gardening shears. There are over 1,000 members of this botanical genus, including Ficus elastica (rubber tree) and Ficus bejamina (weeping fig). However, when grown indoors as houseplants, rubber trees are usually kept much smaller through regular pruning. Her work has been published on several websites. How To Propagate By Air Layering In general, it is best to try air layering your Weeping Fig any time from spring until late summer, as this is when the plant will be growing most strongly. Use your fingers to brush the soil back into the hole, and gently tamp the soil down around the cutting. Water the medium until it is drenched and allow the pot to drain completely. Fill the small plastic pot with a 50/50 mix of potting soil and perlite and moisten with a spray bottle. Change the water once a week, draining the existing water and replacing with fresh. Find a suitable branch on the parent plant. But this method requires collecting ripe Ficus Microcarpa berries a year in advance in the fall, stripping off the outer pulp of the berries, collecting the seeds of the berries, and then placing them in a cool, ventilated environment. How To Propagate Ficus Audrey. If you want to speed up the rooting process, however, dip the wound into rooting hormone before placing the cutting into the water. My Ficus elastica was too tall so it needed a trim. Native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, rubber trees (Ficus elastica) can be readily propagated by stem or leaf cuttings. Find a branch that is healthy, with leaves growing on it. Unless you’re a fairly experienced (read: obsessive) gardener you probably have no idea what this propagation from cuttings is. Creeping fig (ficus pumila) or climbing fig is an easy plant to propagate. It can grow very quickly, and it attaches itself to rocks, walls or houses, which is where it got its name. Examine a healthy ficus pumila. That said I have no idea if a ficus leaf will ever send out a shoot. Plants that are propagated in the fall or winter may not grow or recover as quickly, although it can still be done. Ficus pumila is a member of the genus "Ficus." The former is useful if you’re doing routine pruning of your ficus for size. All Rights Reserved. Plus, Ficus elastica have a tendency to get leggy if they are not exposed to decent sunlight. How to propagate a ficus plant from cutting. Use a pencil or other pointed object to create a 2-inch planting hole in the soil. After 4-5 weeks, the cutting should begin establishing roots. Planted directly in the ground, ficus pumila grows and climbs up to 20 feet tall. Ficus pumila is a member of the genus "Ficus." With a few simple tools and supplies, learn how you can create a new rubber tree by taking cuttings from your existing plant! Basically it means making little plants from a big plant by cutting pieces off and putting them water or soil. The use of rooting hormone is not necessary, because ficus pumila roots so well. Change the water once a week, draining the existing water and replacing with fresh. Not only does this help to expose the stem and encourage rooting, but it also helps to ensure that the cutting's energy is directed towards new growth rather than maintaining existing leaves. There will be more rooting hormone below the node, which will help to ensure a successful propagation. Place the ficus stem cutting into the hole in the soil. The best time of the year to propagate is in the spring. New growth after: the green leaved forms need 3 to 6 weeks to root and the variegated cultivars 6 to 8 … Ficus Pumila is a type of vine plant that is also known as the creeping fig. Like any houseplant, the best time to propagate a rubber tree (or any plants) is in the early spring to late summer, when the weather is warm. Place the cuttings, including the bags, in a warm location that receives dappled sun throughout the day. Although it's native to Asia, it will grow outdoors in the warm climates of U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 10b and 11. The ficus is one of the most common trees, grown indoors. The oval, leathery leaves are a glossy, dark-green. This is when your plant is naturally prone to new growth and investing in its root system. The famous Bodhi tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment was a Ficus religiosa.In their native habitats, the ficus is often seen as a landscape tree with hanging and buttressed roots and a magnificent crown. Plant the ficus pumila stem cutting into the hole, and fill the hole in with more soil. Each year we propagate around 1500 hundred to sell in our wholesale nursery. What Time of Year Should You Propagate Your Fiddle Leaf Fig? The genus Ficus, commonly called fig, contains more than 800 species of woody shrubs and trees. When the rootlets are 2 inches long, the cutting is ready to be planted in soil. Saturate the potting soil with water, and let the excess water drain out of the pot. Ficus trees can be propagated via two different methods: tip cuttings and air layering. This ensures a much better recovery for plants. Pruning rubber trees not only helps to control their size and create new plants, but it is also a great way to shape the trees to your desire. Elizabeth Balarini is a freelance writer and professional blogger who began writing professionally in 2006. Cuttings are vulnerable and easily succumb to pathogens. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. See how I propagate my Rubber Tree Plant, step by step, with the air layering method. The latex-rich sap of the Ficus elastica is considered mildly toxic to humans and pets and can cause skin irritation on contact. Rubber tree cuttings should be about 6 inches (15 centimeters) long and have at least 4 leaf nodes for the best chance of success. Sterilize your tools, and make sure the new soil is sterile, too. Rubber tree cuttings require humid environments to sprout roots. There are a few ways in which you can successfully make room for new plants. Fill a small flower pot with potting mix. Fill a glass with filtered water, and put the cutting into the water with the wound side down. Mix peat moss and perlite in equal amounts to … Find a stem that has healthy, shiny green leaves and is mature. You can give the cutting a gentle tug to check if roots have developed. If you have a weeping fig, you'll want to share it, and luckily, it is easily propagated from cuttings. How Tell the Difference Between Snap Peas & English Peas Vegetable Garden You can propagate most houseplants, with varying degrees of difficulty. Look for areas that are uneven, or for spots that you would like fuller growth. Arguably the easiest method, air layering involves cutting the stems and soaking them with wet moss so that they will start developing new individuals. Although ficus pumila propagates by seed, air-layering or water rooting, Texas A&M University recommends propagation by water rooting. Wiggle your finger back and forth, to give the hole a slightly wider diameter. You can propagate a new rubber tree plant from a cutting. Balarini majored in English at the University of Texas at San Antonio. This is the most painless way to propagate and most fun to watch. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! At this point I have successfully propagated two Ficus lyrata in water and they both gave me chubby, healthy roots. Find a branch that is healthy, with leaves growing on it. Moving a ficus tree around and changing its environment causes leaf drop, but the tree recovers once it adapts to its new conditions. Soil: mixes for cacti and succulents, indoor plants, herbs, vegetables. Ficus plants are propagated through seeds, tissue cultures, stem cuttings and air layering. Apply a six-month controlled-release fertiliserat the start of each spring and autumn, and supplement it during the peak growing season with monthly doses of a water-soluble or liquid plant food. Then, poke a small hole in the center of the potting medium and push the cutting in, ensuring that the exposed nodes are covered by soil. Pat the soil firmly down around the cutting to secure it in place. Be very careful with the sap that comes from the ficus. Temperature: 20 to 30 °C. The trees grow 6 to 18 feet tall and 2 to 10 feet wide. To propagate it one should take at least 3 to 4 stems of the plant cut the end of the plant and put it in soil with the required ph and nutrients. While pruning a rubber tree, be careful that the sap does not come into contact with bare skin. If you want to speed up the rooting process, however, dip the wound into rooting hormone before placing the cutting into the water. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Texas A&M University: Propagating Foliage & Flowering Plants, Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk: Ficus Pumila, University of Arizona Pima County Cooperative Extension: Ficus Pumila, Ficus pumila is a member of the genus "Ficus.". Rubber tree cuttings can also be propagated in water rather than soil, although it tends to be less reliable, as the cuttings are more susceptible to rot. The easiest way to propagate ficus is to take a cutting from either your hedge or indoor tree. Make a hole in the center of the potting mix with your finger. Place a plastic zip-top bag over each potted cutting to create a greenhouse-like environment. These tropical plants can grow up to 100 feet tall when gro wn outdoors in their ideal conditions. Fill a small planting pot with coarse sand or orchid bark. Ficus Triangularis Variegata Propagation. Wearing protective gloves while taking cuttings from a rubber tree is encouraged as the sap can cause skin irritation on contact. Before you make any cuts, ensure that you identify the leaf nodes along the stem as this is where the new roots will eventually grow. In the home, the ficus is a beautiful specimen plant that can provide many years of lush foliage. Place the potted Ficus elastic cutting on a warming mat near a large, east-facing window offering bright, diffuse light for at least six hours daily. Place in a Warm, Sunny Location, and Wait! Before planting, apply a rooting hormone to the end of each cutting. These easy-to-grow houseplants are just as easy to propagate and have a high rate of success. Once the cuttings have been taken, remove the bottom leaves from each stem - ensuring that 2-3 leaves are remaining at the top of the cuttings. How to Propagate Your Ficus . Never tried a leaf, but, in general you can't believe "the internet" when it comes to propagation - I've found many untrue things written on Gardenweb and other places about what can and can't be done with leafs of various plants. Know about rubber plant propagation, how to propagate a rubber tree (Ficus Elastica) from cuttings in easy steps. Trim a 6- to 8- inch piece off the healthy branch, using gardening shears. Learning how to propagate your Ficus elastica can be beneficial to both you and your tropical houseplant. This is called a single node cutting; I’ve successfully propagated Ficus … Ficus propagation from cuttings is a simple process. It is quite finicky, so be prepared for some specific care requirements. Ficus is easy to propagate with cuttings that include some stem. Ficus benjamina, or weeping fig, is a popular houseplant due to its easy care, graceful, drooping limbs and shiny, dark-green leaves. All you need are a few tools and supplies that you probably already have laying around the house, and some patience! Examine a healthy ficus pumila. Asexual reproduction via stem cuttings can be challenging, but it’s the practical propagation method for a Ficus Audrey. After 5-6 months, the cuttings should have well-established root systems. Avoid direct sun as it will burn the leaves and cause the cuttings to shrivel up and dry out. Fiddle leaf figs are actually relatively easy to propagate. There are over 1,000 members of this botanical genus, including Ficus elastica (rubber tree) and Ficus bejamina (weeping fig). The creeping fig needs a specific kind of wasp to germinate its seeds and reproduce, but … If you want to see all the other plants we have propagation guides on check out our propagation page. Cori is a freelance writer based out of Ontario, Canada, who specializes in houseplants and houseplant care. Native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, rubber trees (Ficus elastica) can be readily propagated by stem or leaf cuttings. You’ll need the following tools:-A clean space-A pair of sharp, sterilized, heavy duty pruners like these. Survey your plant to identify where it could benefit from some pruning. Make the cut just below a node, which is where a leaf grows out from the sprig. Leggy, elongated stems or branches also make great options for cuttings. Avoid breaking the cutting off with your hands, as this creates a jagged wound that is more difficult for the plant to heal. Seed Ficus seeds are not easy to find unless you live in a tropical area. Her articles focus on where her passions lie: writing, web development, blogging, home and garden, and health and wellness. Ensure that you have all of your tools and supplies ready to go before starting to propagate. With a pair of sterilized garden shears or scissors, trim your cutting from the rest of the ficus. As with most plants, rubber trees are best propagated in the early spring to late summer, in accordance with their active growing period. Once you have chosen where you will take the cutting from your rubber tree, take your sharp scissors or pruning shears and make a swift, diagonal cut directly under the lowest leaf node of the new cutting. Ficus pumila is also known as the "creeping fig" plant, because of the aerial rootlets along its stem that anchor themselves to trellises, arbors or walls. How to Grow and Care for String of Dolphins, How to Propagate Plants by Using Cuttings, How to Propagate a Spider Plant From Cuttings, How to Grow and Care for Chinese Money Plant, Growing a Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) Indoors, How to Propagate Plants by Rooting Stem Cuttings. How to Germinate a Ficus. The best way to propagate ficus trees is through leaf cuttings in the spring. This technique generally takes a few weeks in order to … A classic houseplant, the rubber tree plant (Ficus elastica) grows up to 100 feet tall when grown outdoors. , or for spots that you probably already have laying around the,! To ensure a successful propagation is called a single node cutting ; I ’ successfully! A greenhouse-like environment through regular pruning 8- inch piece off the healthy branch, using gardening shears leaf! Fall or winter may not grow or recover as quickly, although it can grow quickly! 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