Big businessmen and Bureaucrats are found with Amatyakaraka Moon in their horoscope. You like to dive into a situation headfirst which makes you very adventurous and often impulsive. Your purpose in life is to seek spirituality and enlightenment; you achieved this by being in isolation in which you can pray, meditate, chant, or practice your spiritual beliefs. Your mind is focused on spirituality and enlightenment. You are a researcher, and you bring to light any information that is hidden, secretive, rare, or hard to find. The 6th house is the house of debates and mercury relates to intelligence; therefore, you win arguments with your intellect; Consequently, you win overall competitors with your words and knowledge; this is how you gain victory in life and achieve your goals. You have many ups and downs dealing with daily routines, and you go through many fluctuations in your work environment. You take action with intensity and are goal-oriented. You have a very political mind and have an interest in politics or government. In some cases, I follow Jaimini also. On the other hand, the 7th house is related to your spouse; therefore, your spouse (husband or wife) is very intelligent, youthful, communicative, and witty. Your Karakamsa is the sign your Atmakaraka is placed in your Navamsa (D9) chart. You may often sound aggressive to others when you speak. Where planet sits on the chart we will find the strength of the planet we can predict more result about the planet strength. Atmakaraka Mars in 1st house means your purpose in life is to focus on your energy and take action toward personal development. Your Atmakaraka in Ashwini Nakshatra is similar to Atmakaraka in Aries, this is because Ashwini is in the headstrong and assertive sign of Aries. When Jupiter Is Amatyakaraka Planet In Horoscope:- We all know that Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, education, wisdom, Religion, and so on. You enjoy researching especially hidden information. Consequently, when you outgrow a situation, a change takes place that transforms your life and soul. With Mars in the 1st house, you are good when it comes to taking actions that contribute to your wellbeing, personal fulfillment, and accomplishments. . If Sun is in good dignity other people can freely give you resources or you can benefit financially once married. Some of the astrologers use seven karaka schemes and Rahu . Atmakaraka means a planet with highest degree in horoscope n amatyakaraka has a second highest degree .. Atmakaraka _ destination of our soul, sole purpose and meaning of our birth. You have very strong beliefs that help you identify who you are: you live your life according to your beliefs. In which these changes are necessary for your soul growth and development. Therefore, when a baby outgrows its mothers womb it goes through a transformation into the physical world. On the other hand, you must always aim for a goal or have a purpose in life, without an objective you feel a sense of disconnect. Since Uttara Ashadha is the latter invincible one, you have victories, success, and achievements in your life. You are patient enough to see your goals manifest even if it takes years. When you write or communicate it can be a social effort. In your Krittika Nakshatra Mahadasha you can be invited to many social gatherings involving fire like barbecues, fireworks, and you can travel to places where there are volcanoes like Hawaii. Important to check the position of planets for deciding whether a person should move towards a government job. . You will not let anyone or anything stand in the way of your accomplishments. Youre passionate about culture, therefore, you may travel a long distance to beautiful countries and lands learning the culture of the people. Growing up in your childhood home there could have been many rules you had to follow which suppressed your freedom. You absorb information like a sponge and have the intelligence to logically look at problems and create rational solutions; you can process this information quickly and retain what you have learned. Why Is Your Atmakaraka Important? dark-colored mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner because this embellishes the natural seductiveness in your eyes. In addition, you have a passion for taking the less fortunate under your wings and showing them kindness and support. Through the 10th house is how you perform your Dharma (metaphyseal purpose in life). It shows the desire of your soul. During the Mahadasha of Jupiter, you experience good fortune in your life. Nevertheless, you can go through many ups and downs in life; however, you can balance this energy by practicing Yoga or tantra, or occult science. Atmakaraka Venus in 6th house means after dealing with everyday life routines you often need to balance your energies. You are blessed with a good spouse who supports you and guides you. You are relationship-oriented and enjoy personal connections and romantic relationships. You enjoy being a part of organizations and you have a humanitarian personality in which you want to help the underprivileged. You have natural musical talents, this is because the Ruling God of Swati Nakshatra, Vayu (God of Wind) Has blessed you with creative and musical gifts. Because you love searching and finding you can be a collector of many rare and hard-to-find items. Atmakaraka Mars in 4th House means you feel you are not living up to your souls purpose and potential in life. The 5th house is also related to stage performance; therefore, you could be a very skillful performer (acting, dance, drama, or being on a stage). Amatyakaraka Sun was in 10th home with 10th Lord Venus. You may have a natural gift for keeping a beat and you express this through singing, music, and dance. The spouse (husband or wife) its very intelligent and good when it comes to negotiations. That is to say, your work routines, working on the job, and servicing people enlighten you with wisdom and knowledge; this is because you learn when dealing with the mundane world. You put the energy into pursuing higher education. as a result, you are a natural entrepreneur and business person. When the Sun becomes Amatyakaraka in the birth chart, it takes position at the 2nd highest degree after the mighty Atmakaraka. You can learn more about this important astrological factor from my article Atmakaraka, the Ruler of the Soul The result of Atmakaraka calculation will depend on which Ayanamsa (or the difference between tropical and sidereal zodiacs) is used. You have very restless energy, and you must keep moving around or going after something. You can have trouble exerting your power and getting others to follow your lead. Atmakaraka is the planet in the birth chart with the longest longitude. You feel good when your relationship is going well: however, if your relationship falls on difficult times this can affect your mental peace. Things associated to the Amatya Karaka planet, its position, and its rulership of houses will suggest what measures a person should take in order to accomplish his goal, Aatma Karaka. You enjoy socializing and spending time with your friends. Your Atmakaraka (Amk) planet can be anyone of 7 chara karakas (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). Because of this you do not like falseness and are truthful with others and expect the same in return. You are also a natural adviser; you can give advice based on your own wisdom and knowledge. You like your home to be mentally stimulating and you may have a special place in your home where you read and keep your books. Since the planet Mars is the lord of Chitra you are very active, enthusiastic, energetic, and dynamic. As per astrologers, the lord of the first house happens to be Atmakaraka. However, when challenged you are a force not to be messed with. Use this birth chart calculator as often as you want (you don't have to give me your email address). Atmakaraka is the significator of the soul's desire; the reason for which soul has entered a body and the peculiar desire/s which would keep it going on in the present birth. It's a long journey to the destination. For instance, if your Atmakaraka is in Purva Ashadha and placed in the 11th house of friendships you like being truthful with your friends and expect them to be truthful to you. You are very good when it comes to communication, writing, and dictation. it is your purpose in life to exert energy in your physical body. Keeping inevitable demands of Astrology and other pseudoscience believers in mind, AstroSage has developed some calculators like Numerology Calculator, Moon Sign Calculator, Rasi Calculator, Ascendant Calculator, Ayanamsa Calculator and Nakshatra Calculator, to name a few. A combination of all important rules will help you to know about someones career or which career the person should go for. You have a very natural loving heart that radiates like the sun. This is because when asked about something you must give the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You are naturally intelligent and can master any subject you take an interest in. On the other hand, you can be very secretive and can conceal your true thoughts and feelings from others. Karakas[ edit] Atmakaraka Venus in 1st house means you are charming, artistic, creative, social, and enjoy being in relationships. Therefore, you want people to live up to your high standards and expectations. In your Ashwini Nakshatra Mahadasha things happen fast and at rapid speed and you realize your purpose in life; You can experience healing to your physical body and may travel a lot. Your soul purpose is to take the leadership role to make things happen in your life by putting in the time, effort, energy, and work. Your spirit comes alive when you are actively involved in the hidden aspects of the eight house. You attract attention and lure others in like a moth to a burning flame. This is because both mercury and the 5th house represent intelligence and education. My D9 (Navamsa )Placement : Atmakaraka Sun in Pisces (Vargottama) Navamsa Lagna is Kumbha (Aquarius) so AK is in 2nd house from Lagnamsa. You enjoy mysticism, occult, and delving into the esoteric. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Youre very communicative and enjoy talking especially with people in your immediate environment (friends, siblings, cousins, or coworkers) You are talented when it comes to writing and communication. Nevertheless, with Atmakaraka Sun in 10th House, you can have a career in which you give you a service to the government. It can be hard for you to fall asleep and get a good nights rest because Saturn suppresses sleep which is a significator of the 12th house. It show the numeric number between zero to eight based on the twelve signs. You are very nurturing, caring, and have natural maternal instincts, you love taking care of things especially the people in your life. What is the most powerful planet in the universe? You prefer working in a group and team environment. Planet with highest degree is called atmakaraka and planet with second highest degree is amatyakaraka in jaimini astrology. Nevertheless, you prefer to communicate with people in private and may dislike talking in large groups. Nevertheless, Jupiter in the 8th house can indicate a rich or financially secure spouse for both men and females; however, Jupiter has to be in good dignity (exalted, friends sign, or own sign). In modern times, it has been given wide meanings. Specialization: Astrologer Shankar Bhattacharjee is specialized in Predicting the Future through Vedic Parashari & Nadi Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Vastu & the ancient Horary System. Therefore, you can have a home business or work from the home. Use it as a reference but please know that hard work and perseverance are required at every juncture of life. any type of practice that brings balance to your mental and emotional disposition will help keep your life in order. You are studious and love learning new things then intrigue your curiosity. When it comes to learning and education there can be a delay in which you have difficulty learning a subject; however, all obstacles can be overcome with hard work and patience. This is because the Sun is debilitated in the seven house which is the original house of Libra. However, once you realize life is about compromising then Sun in the 7th house can give good results. You are very forgiving and do not like the whole grudges because you feel it weighs the heart down. To calculate your Darakaraka find the planet with the lowest degree in your Vedic Astrology Birth Chart Report. You have a stout but strong physique and long nose similar to the elephant which is Bharani ruling animal: However, you experience many transformations in life especially when you outgrow a situation. When your home is beautiful and in order, you feel balanced and happy. This chart calculator uses Tropical Rasis with Sidereal Nakshatras as per the research of Ernst Wilhelm. So Good Marketing strategists have ideal auspicious benefic Mercury in strength with affliction or combustion. Birthstone for March What Birthstone is for March. therefore, in-laws have many social events and parties. You are skillful when it comes to marketing, banking, finances, business, and resources management. Most people are worried about their careers and future. Your speech is wise are you love advising family members. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development.