(McIntyre said that Egan ignored Traupman because he was a nut who said that the man he saw arguing with the woman in a car was Hispanic but wearing a fake mustache and a toupee. She got 12 months of probation for shoplifting at a Walmart in Lexington, North Carolina. A federal jury found Yassein Abdulfatah Said, 59, guilty on one count of conspiracy to conceal a person from arrest, one count of concealing a person from arrest and one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. The Prues were accused of luring Jenkins, a single mother, from her rural home and then strangling and beating her to death. Its true that women were more idiots than about men, they had the impression that if they caught a fool to take them as wives, they would settle for life, even today we see that but more diluted, still an exaggerated reason for murder. A Pittsburgh-area woman missing for over 30 years and declared legally dead several years ago has been found alive in Puerto Rico, authorities in Pennsylvania said on Thursday. John If you feel it so necessary to post a comment, please at least try to keep it original, because theres nothing sensible with your juvenile attempt using my words. Had there been a switch? Patricia Rorrer was a cold woman. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. in emerging media and communication from the University of Texas at Dallas and an M.S. If you look at the crime scene picture, only parts of the mother seem preserved. They returned with a guilty verdict and a sentence of two life terms. Irving Police Chief Jeff Spivey hailed authorities for pursuing justice in the case for more than a decade. Three Strikes holds dying innocent woman behind bars: Justice for Patricia Wright I am outraged at the rush to judgment displayed by the LAPD, wrote Michelle Alexander, civil rights attorney and author of the influential book, The New Jim Crow. I have never seen anything this egregious., Requests for Proposals and Qualifications, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (FACTS), life without possibility of parole (LWOP), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), What California should do with people convicted of violent felonies, The Folsom 6 who stood up for Yogi are vindicated. She held up pictures of her dead daughters. Unlike most people who stayed on the streets all day, she maintained a neat, attractive appearance, wearing makeup and a dress or skirt each day. Its never been made clear. If there was more talk about finding this .22 mm gun then that would solve all of this speculation. Police couldnt determine whether the baby died of exposure or suffocation. Have you watched any of the documentaries Ive mentioned? Ive followed and made a study of this case for more than twenty years and have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. Yaser Said was found guilty of killing his two daughters, 18-year-old Amina Said and 17-year-old Sarah Said, in 2008. Curiously after this latest test, the 39 hairs removed only 34 were accounted for what became of the absent 4 hairs? I finally had to stop reading this stupid article. There is no justice for your loved ones when the wrong person is paying for the crime. Let her rot like she left Joan and that INNOCENT baby Alex. "You can keep those evil eyes glaring just glare away because this is going to be the last time that you see me.". Todays arrest of their father, Yaser Said brings us closer to ensuring justice is served on their behalf.. After relocating to Pennsylvania, Patricia met the 6-foot-2-inch Andrew in a restaurant. j} [gut('bIKL|kY4`a;]MQ p2x $kw. What evidence is there she actually left the state? Yaser Said's ex-wife Patricia Owens gives victim statement after guilty verdict Mother of Sarah and Amina Said calls Yaser Said 'the devil' after a Dallas jury found him guilty. It's been a long three years for them.". The womans disappearance became a missing person case with the Ross Township Police Department that sat on the shelf, lacking progress, for decades. Traupman claimed that when he reported the dispute, trooper Robert V. Egan III got mad and practically kicked him out of his office. Phone records dont lie.) Quote if I had known I would get caught, I would never have brought you into this world. Pat to Nicole her daughter. This information was never revealed to Rorrers defence. This FBI report, of the hairs being unable to yield a DNA result because of the absent root material, was never revealed to Rorrers defence. It all gave jurors a lot to think about but only for six hours. Its sad that some people just cant move on and continue to feel that what they want is going to be THEIRS regardless. And I have absolutely no sympathy. Blasczyk said she is pleased with the outcome of the case. It might have said no root but could have been wrong. You know whats interesting? Calling her ex because she just likes to stay in touch w peopleLOL! I live in Pennsylvania, not far from where this happened. Its barely visible in the picture. "Yaser Said, you're a devil. It took jurors about three hours to convict Said for the deaths of his daughters Amina and Sarah in 2008. Watch Wrong Man season 2, and then come back and make comment. Both wanted to be doctors. The teens were found shot multiple times in a cab outside an Irving motel after one of them called 911, saying she was dying, authorities said. Or the fact the one of those officers heard her make this statement at the time of her arrest and not the other. because theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. And, why is it reasonable to believe lay people accept the jury verdict? Search is on. Joann was fun, likable, beautiful, always happy, said her sister-in-law Cindy Wiard. Liesbeth Powers/The Her sister stated shed had a religious obsession since she was a child. The jury deliberated for three hours after Thursday's closing arguments. You are absolutely right. Let me simplify this for you in religion, one is taught there is a God. Its been going on for almost 31 years, the distraught man explained. Although I would have liked it to be death! In recent years, she began to share key details about her past life in Pittsburgh to nursing home staff that led them to investigate. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000, while Mark admitted to misdemeanor fourth-degree Police slowly built a case against Patricia. Why is this even a question, why people are trying to take out killers into society? Not gender neutral. Weak wages. Police need evidence of perpetration in every claimed case, and Sells is regarded as lying about some claimed murders per inability or unwillingness to detail. The women testified last week. A Texas man who carried out the mass shooting at the Cielo Vista Walmart in El Paso, Texas, on Aug. 3, 2019, killing 23 people and injuring 22 more, pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court to a 90-count indictment, including 45 counts of violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Yes, documentaries probably do misrepresent evidence, and many may respond to that misrepresentation, but beneath that is jury judgment, and while courts can be wrong they are usually right. How about the mix up with the hair and the fact that it was not forensically tested (outside of the one man who compared the hairs through naked eye). Did Patricia have the dyed blond hair when they broke up in 1993? Shes being well taken care of.. Required fields are marked *. Andy did end up moving to Colorado with her and the last time I checked, they were still together. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business. It cost me a lot of money, I even put advertisements in the paper down in Puerto Rico looking for her.. This article can also be seen at crimereport.com. The Free Patricia Rorrer page responds to comments from supporters (How is this even possible that this woman is still in jail?!? But her reputation wasnt exactly sleek and shiny. She failed miserably to convince me, or anyone else who mattered, of her innocence. Patricia Rorrer has been portrayed as a bully, petty thief, neglectful horse owner, and heartless killer or a sweet, caring friend railroaded by authorities desperate to solve a double-murder case that snagged worldwide interest. Entries in Patricia Prue's journal included vague descriptions of a joint fantasy that she and Allen Prue shared and were looking to fulfill. If Patricia drove it back from the murder scene after she shot Joann and then beat her to death, luminal would have lit up the interior. But Im sure that was just a coincidence LOL. "It's been an honor and privilege to stand up and be an advocate for Sarah. And shes were so happy. At 10:30 p.m., Andrew reported his wife missing. I think shes guilty for sure. Cops under pressure will lie to close a case. You ought to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the case and not allow yourself to get any further elevated on your high horse. Her brother Larrys false confession was all the LAPD needed to put Patricia behind bars. BROADCASTING SPECULATIVE SCENES, SUCH AS MENTIONED ABOVE, CAN LEAVE A VERY INDELIBLE MEMORY ON THOSE WHO ARE HAPPY TO REMAIN GULLIBLE. She didnt need to have owned all the guns she ever used, nor to have owned the gun she in fact used. If they were unable to get a DNA reading the first time, why the need for a second examination? One of the hairs had magically developed root material to enable that. Marcelin said the detectives, referring to Patricia Wright, asked, Dont you want that [expletive] off the street?. "So it was relieving to get guilty verdict and get justice for these girls.". Patricia Prue had been planning to use an insanity defense if the case were to go to trial, but she asked the court in December if she could change her plea so she could begin corresponding with her husband once again. She definitely did it. "I couldn't believe it," Blasczyk said of the crime. Her mother, Patricia Chambers, provided day care for their baby son, Charles. She is right where she belongs for now until she meets satan in the fury of hell. Whoever writes this amateurish swill should get a real life, andsa real job. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? Sir I would not kill somebody and I definitely wouldnt kill somebody I never met, Rorrer said. Jenkins was reported missing after her vehicle was found idling with her 2-year-old son inside. I would like to tell you that there is many errors in this article, that I would love to send to you the proof of each one. Dont even think about arguing with me until they DNA test that hair and the broken fingernail found on her body; Ill just laugh at you. Although the prosecution used it as evidence that she was trying to create a false alibi, it actually sounded more like Patricia was simply trying to nail down the facts he had already asserted to her. It says that Andrew Katrinak passed his lie detector test. If I rolled my eyes any harder they might fall out. I didnt read anything in this article that convinced me I didnt like that the lab had a bad rep and I do agree the police lie and frame people sometimes so I cant say 100% she did it or not. Flawed justice: the wrongful conviction of Kerry Baxter Sr. They retested hair from the car in 2008 with updated new technology. She should have received the death penalty imo. Im inclined to think both Rorrer and Routier are guilty. Have you read the book? Sorry not sorry. Theres speculation and theres lies period. We lived close to one another. They need to test that hair from Joanns hand and also that broken fingernail. Police identified the pair as Joann and Alex Katrinak. Puny policy. Im sorry for the distress this awful business must have caused. They had a son, Alex Martin, in August of 1994. Another inaccuracy in this is, they state the jury took SIX HOURS to return a verdict, when in fact it took less than TWO HOURS. As for an epilogue on ex-flame Andrew Katrinak, he has moved to Colorado and kept a low profile since the trial ended. This woman was obsessed and jealous. Jenkins at one time had hired Allen Prue to plow her driveway. Not everything is a conspiracy. Andrew mentioned to police that his former live-in girlfriend Patricia Rorrer once managed a horse stable two miles from the bodies location and would have been familiar with the riding trails close to the murder scene. After reading this forum and hearing the details of this case, Iowa sure seems a lot fairer in my eyes. She had a history of violence over men, and she had access to the dump site from frequent visits. Andrew told investigators that the unpleasant phone call between Joann and Patricia happened just three days before his wifes disappearance. A Pittsburgh-area woman missing for over 30 years and declared legally dead several years ago has been found alive in Puerto Rico, authorities in Pennsylvania said on Thursday. Which explains why she made Joann kill the baby, or suffer from the environmental elements. Those who knew Joann pointed out that she didnt like to drive in reverse and would have never parked that way. If that really is the case, the husbands alibi for a date months before becomes irrelevant. Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison Reports, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Joanne Chambers and Paula Nawrocki: Strange Lesson. Theres something very important to this case that needs to be mentioned more than anything else THE GUN. Thats not proof theyre right but its more likely that you as one person are wrong. He had an attractive new wife and beautiful baby boy. I would suggest you take the time to read the book or, at least watch the documentaries which STICK TO THE FACTS, and then comment. And because some of Patricias advocates have suggested Andrew Katrinak had a motive for murder, I checked into whether he had a life insurance payout to gain upon Joanns demise. They found several specimens but not a single one was a match. She hasnt, she didnt get a hard enough sentence. A lot of these documentaries feature most of the theories suggested by the cops and prosecution which were most damaging to her case, but not a single person to substantiate Rorrers side, or to challenge their versions. Another point is the theory developed by the cops that the victim (Joann) was shot just one time and then bludgeoned to death. The police considered the possibility that Joann ran away, a theory disputed by her family. Special prosecutor Patricia Brown Holmes said, even though her side didn't win any convictions, the case still helped make police more accountable. Just consider all your nasty posts about others opinions and learn to attack the argument, not the arguer with insults. Thank you and well said. No explanation given. Your assertion that most people cant distinguish reality from crackpot nonsense is in fact nonsense the reality is that most people are easily fooled by these biased documentaries who then feel its okay to spout their tripe as if its the gospel. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? (We didnt get into the specifics.). Or to keep it anonymous, click here. Patricias accusers theorized that she resented Joanns domestic bliss with the tall, athletic Andrew Katrinak. you dont want to fall off and hurt your oversized ego. WebTexas-born Patricia (Tissie) Said, the mother of the two girls, should long ago have been charged as an accomplice in their honor killing. She is a tough one, Sheriff Gerald Hege would later tell the Morning Call in a June 29, 1997 interview. More than 20 years after her conviction, Patricia Rorrer still has advocates working to exonerate her. I wonder, did they ever perform a DNA test on the baby, to verify paternity? Wheres the evidence that Patty was obsessed with Andy? In April 2019, 69-year-old Patricia was found guilty of second-degree murder and the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. She was the one that left Andy! After researching this case more thoroughly, I stand corrected about the time it took the jury to return a verdict. And James Pfeiffer and Jim Burke have remained on her side. The phone wire was located at the opposite end of the basement, which was dark. And then in their zealous efforts to show their ire, feel the need to suggest anyone who supports her is deluded. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000, while Mark admitted to misdemeanor fourth-degree "It's been a long time coming for the family and the community," Warren said. Sorry, I must have missed your name on the witness list. THESE COPS ARE WRONG AND THEY ALL SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR WHAT THEY DID TO PATRICA, PUTTING HER AWAY FOR LIFE FOR SOMETHING SHE DID NOT DO. But I agree with a recent comment.. Why not do a paternity case so just that is done and out of the way. They were people that knew her, not Andrew. The girls mother, Patricia Said, fled with I expect she will admit it one day. This case is not over yet more to follow only trouble is, law moves along at a pitiful pace. Oh, and she was so obsessed with him that she started dating and found herself a boyfriend that was not only younger, but much more attractive than Andy? She is a D-FW native with a B.A. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. (Disclaimer: Im not a big fan of eyewitnesses who come forward years after the fact, but its possible). Browns downtown Los Angeles office demanding that he grant Patricia Wright clemency. Immediately after getting out of prison in the year 2000, Larry wrote a detailed letter stating that he lied about his sisters involvement in the death of her husband. Not normal folks obsessed ones do. Relatives at the time told cops that Yaser threatened bodily harm against Sarah for going on a date with a non-Muslim. If I see anything that offers a differing opinion or is inaccurate, I think its entirely fair I should say my piece. "The family has been very patient. DA readily agreed they did not belong to Rorrer, was happy to admit they were never submitted for analysis. Its nothing short of a feeble stab hoping to impress but really amounts to splitting hairs, or to put it another way, hot air with no substance. That's counting the nine bullets you put in Sarah. Owens said because of what Said did, she will never get to see her daughters grow up. This was a horrible and brutal double murder and whoever did it needs to be locked up forever. If in the woods in a rural area, no animal, rodent or insect touched those bodies? I deduced my opinion to be fact because of what Ive read and seen and is supported by evidence which was never disclosed at her trial. And why would the judge not let the information about Jerome being a homosexual be known to the jury.. The hearing of the motion for reduction of felony to misdemeanor will be held Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 1:30 p.m. in the Riverside Courthouse at 4050 Main St. in Department 42. Dial-a-problem. Roughly nine months ago, Interpol contacted the police department that kept her file open. Ill always say that Tommy Lynn Sells murdered the Routier boys OR the father Darrin did it. Yassein Said, 59, is guilty of conspiring to hide his older brother, Yaser Said, as authorities sought him in connection with the New Years Day slayings. It makes me sick. The defense also criticized Irving Police and federal investigators, claiming they did not properly investigate the case or look for other suspects. She said that shes no fan of Forensic Files and that the show had many misrepresentations about her case and that shed heard ForensicFilesNow.com mixed up some facts as well. Prue is currently serving a life sentence with the eventual opportunity for parole. Lawyers pleaded their cases in closing arguments to 12 jurors and three alternates for nearly two hours Tuesday morning. (Media sources vary as to whether she actually worked at the stable or just rented a stall there for her own horse.). Both sides agree Joann hung up on Patricia. Any subsequent proof emerging and then revealed in a book or documentary is surely something that should be taken seriously and investigated if necessary. He tried to claim someone else murdered them and that the night his daughters were killed someone was following them. On June 14, 1989, Patricia Wright and her 7-year-old son, Alfey, were riding in a car driven by family friend Lawrence Slaughter. Said showed no emotion as the verdict was read. All 3 of her alibis were lies, DNA tied her to the murder, there was no sexual assault, she had a violent past, was obsessed with Andy, and was caught lying about owning a gun, which coincidentally jammed after firing once and shell cases were found on her property. Joanne didnt go missing until December 15, an entire week and a day later. Then you claim this is an opinion. and there are probably many people who still think he is innocent too. The state made a case fueled by circumstantial evidence and public outrage over the deaths of a modern-day madonna and child. Clearly, there are a lot of irrational people out there. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. 2023 FOX Television Stations, Rockwall-Heath coach resigns after school workout investigation, Things to do this weekend in Dallas-Fort Worth: March 3-5, Dallas 14, 15-year-olds charged with murder, Prosper man who shot neighbor's pit bull will not face charges, Watch: New video from Hubble space telescope captures asteroid-smashing debris from successful DART mission, New street drug 'tranq dope,' rots skin, turns humans into 'zombies', 3 children killed, 2 hurt in Italy, Texas, Biden has cancerous skin lesion removed from chest, doctor says, Severe weather video and photos from around North Texas, Suspected North Texas scented candle thieves allegedly stole $27,774 worth of items. Id wanna be done with that shite quick too.. meh what do I know! Pat is locked in a cage because shes an animal. However, my curiosity is piqued as to why Andrews mother didnt report the missing daughter in law, Joanne and her own grandson Alex! Patricia Very similar. Theyre more than happy to exaggerate and speculate the details of the crime, which serves to attract more viewers who (like you) seem to be happy to believe it all. Also why if beaten with a gun or with whatever, why was there no blood on the clothing? I decided to just plead guilty to get it over with.. And then in their zealous efforts to show their ire, feel the need to suggest anyone who supports her is deluded.. During Patricias hours-long turn in the witness chair, Michael McIntyre grilled her relentlessly. And your appraisal of McIntyre is 100% spot on. Agree with all you say but theres so much more involving incompetence, corruption, evidence tampering and then witnesses, in Rorrers favour, who were not disclosed to her defence her trial (something they were legally obliged to do). And its been bad. Trash-talking ex. Yaser Said is accused of killing his two daughters in 2008. Im dying. The Charley Project offers details of the womans life before she went missing: She walked throughout the city, approaching strangers and telling them shed had a vision of the Virgin Mary and the world was about to end. According to the Division of the Adult Institutions and Gov. . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Your email address will not be published. What a contrived case! The police report misspells his name (Troutman) and doesnt include his address, suggesting authorities didnt want anyone to track him down, according to Patricias side. Prosecutor pounds away. His defenders claimed that the confession was coerced, the video was grainy/unclear or doctored and the witness was confused and/or unreliable. If you have ever met or been in a relationship with a narcissist, the former partner being with a more young and attractive-looking person would make them go off. WebIn burst a group of men and women with their guns drawn. I guess the investigators in Pennsylvania managed a quick resolve to a huge case that had a nations eyes scrutinizing their every move! Hate Crimes Prevention Act and 45 counts of using a firearm 2023 www.burlingtonfreepress.com. These two offenses were classified as felonies when they should have been only misdemeanors, since the property stolen was valued under $400. A man normally wouldnt care about killing a child, but a woman normally would have some kind of abhorrence to harming an innocent child. Hair we go. I have not SEEN this report that says no root found is there a picture of it online somewhere? Or did they? The article also notes that most inmates earn around 19 cent an hour at their jobs and must pay $5 each time they need medical attention or medicine. Im trying to understand exactly your reasoning asking me staying away from this site because of my insulting remarks! Unfortunately, most people cant distinguish reality from crackpot nonsense, and theyre only more unlikely to do so, given todays social media. However, Said never called 911. The girls mother, Patricia Said, fled with both girls in the week before their killings because she was in great fear of her life, police said. The prosecution alleged that after the murder, Patricia drove Joanns car to McCartys parking lot and backed it into a parking space. Just as there is no such thing as the perfect murder, there is also no such thing as the perfect murder investigation. PS Speculative lies is meaningless. Why bother with this site, which isnt for professional criminalists/forensic scientists, if youre going to get so tetchy and rude? They also raised concerns about what they considered a lack of evidence, including the lack of fingerprints and eyewitness reports the place Said at the crime scene. Patricia had a knack for writing strong headlines, which won her first place in a 2012 national contest. False. Three days later, Joann had plans to pick up her mother-in-law, Veronica Katrinak, to go Christmas shopping. Women murder for all kinds of reasons, but the simple facts come down to this.there was physical evidence, the bullet wound matched that of the gun Pat owned, the hairs were Pats and at both scenes, and she had no alibi and she had lied to try and come up with one.and lets not forget the damning words she spoke to her 18 month old daughter that the officer had the common sense to document. To prove it 110% rather than just 99% I dont know why they wouldnt retest the hair fibers etc. Im sure shes innocent adds nothing other than to tell us your state of mind! Despite the fact it has never been proved thats exactly how it happened, it seems to be accepted as fact it could just as possibly have been the other way round, beaten and then shot. All of them returned without a DNA analysis because they contained no root material. I dont think so. Let me ask youWhy do most of those who post adverse and hateful comments feel the need to? Yassein Saids sentencing has been set for June 4. The Worldwide Womens Criminal Justice Networks website also points to a bombshell: In 2015, the Justice Department acknowledged that most of the team members from an FBI microscopic hair comparison unit gave prosecutors flawed data from 1980 to 2000 that could have unjustly contributed to a number convictions including Patricia Rorrers.