Flanking When you and an ally are flanking a foe, it has a harder time defending against you. It is, however, another way to get advantage, and to a critical roll type. On hexes, count around the enemy from one creature to its ally. Tiny creatures can't flank because they don't threaten, and they don't threaten because they don't have reach, and they don't have reach because their "real" reach would be significantly less than a single square. Spells like Lightning Lure can pull an enemy into a dangerous place, allowing for easier flanking. There are two reasons that flanking is unpopular: the Conga Line, and Advantage’s rarity. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Check out our Coup de Grace 5E Guide! It looked like an … When a creature and at least one of its allies are adjacent to an enemy and on opposite sides of the enemy’s space, they flank that enemy, and each of them has advantage on attack rolls against that enemy. There are many, many areas where the rules of D&D make no sense whatsoever from a realistic perspective. A creature is flat-footed (taking a –2 circumstance penalty to AC) to creatures that are flanking it. Against a Huge creature, they must have 5 hexes between them. One rule that was deprioritized from the earlier renditions of D&D was flanking: a rule which gave a small attack boost to two characters on either side of an opponent. The problem is that the square that a creature occupies is not only tied to its space and reach, but also actions, speed and time. Flanking is tactical, remember, so make sure you plan out turns with your allies. When combat begins, all combatants roll initiative. The thing becomes a mess when you mix a Medium or Small creature with Tiny or smaller creatures; the Tiny creatures could effectively flank, because the Small/Medium creature actually cannot keep an eye on them but the rules don't account that fact. Elemental (Water), Elder Water Elemental Elder Water Elemental CR 11 Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. Everything You Need To Know About Grappling in 5e Grappling is easy in D&D 5e! Be on the opposite sides of an enemy. This applies to hexes as well, but that doesn’t mean that spells don’t count. On a hex map, this scenario can be replicated if the third character is adjacent to the second one, but you count the hexes in the other direction. Things have changed with flanking 5E, however. Some spells affect an area. Such creatures usually take a 20 ft. square of place and have 15 ft. reach if they are long and 20 ft. reach if they are tall. I'd argue that a Gargantuan creature, possibly threatening all squares around a Medium, could conceivably flank it by itself :D. @Nigralbus, i think a creature with more than one head could, but not a creature with just one, because the flanking is caused for the creature's difficulty to track many different foes at the same time. Making an attack against an opponent that can't see you to react is the source of the bonus. Flanking is a much easier way to get advantage than spells or class features without the downsides. Just remember; opposite sides of the square count, and opposite corners count. Employer telling colleagues I'm "sabotaging teams" when I resigned: how to address colleagues before I leave? How crash recovery process works in SQL Server? Do remember that getting advantage on a target twice does nothing; either flank or do something else, not both. For the PCs, you might want to consider the positioning issue as well. This leads to a rather comical portrayal of combat, where there is just a line of creatures stabbing each other in the back. You also don’t know if the enemies might have reinforcements or a hidden spellcaster; staying near your allies might be good for you. Then you can use the positioning rules with respect to that creature specifically, like flanking, as though you were in the adjacent square", but I would make it a (homebrew) feat for Tiny and smaller creatures rather than an alternative (homebrew) rule for everyone or any size. Is there an error in the universal monster rules for table:natural attacks by size? That means that an ally can get flanking from a wizard who is unarmed and getting harassed by a goblin, if the ally is opposite of the wizard. The general rule is that a creature with a reach of 0 ft. can't flank. And there the ancient tree stood, towering over the hill, watching, as it were, the whole country. No incomprehensible grappling charts, no feat trees to make it work. A creature also can’t flank while it is incapacitated. If he perceives a threat to be on both sides of him and he is defending himself against threats on both sides, I'd say he should be treated as These sets of rules exist to spice combat up for people who want tactical options. As long as there are that number of hexes – adjacent to the enemy and between you and the ally – you’re flanking. Creatures that are behind enemy lines are expendable, so sending them back to give the Fighter advantage is worthwhile. A flanking bonus is given because the target is splitting his attention in two directions. If the line passes through opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, the enemy is flanked. […], A powerful healing cantrip, Spare the Dying is useful in a tight spot. However, Flanking’s bonus is much larger than it has ever been, making it a controversially powerful rule. It's worth remembering that Pathfinder made this change for a reason though, and introducing these flanking changes will still unfairly penalise precision damage classes while most likely not changing that much for others. d20 rules were never meant to offer a full realistic model for combat, and it shows in situations like this. Alongside diagonals and character facing, Flanking was included as an optional rule in the. Earth elementals are plodding, stubborn creatures made of living stone or earth. This can mean Paladins get easy ways to get advantage on Smites, or clerics get easier advantage on Harm spells. It's a game system, and not a very simulationist one at that. Stardew Valley Prismatic Jelly | What is It, Where Do You Get It? To start, let’s talk about the situations where flanking is possible and what flanking does. This leads to a rather comical portrayal of combat, where there is just a line of creatures stabbing each other in the back. This is avoidable; just don’t take part in the Conga line. Why does a car moving in a circular track experience static fricton if it is already in motion? I like it. For example, if you've got 3 tiny adventurers fighting 7 diminutive creatures just make the tiny creatures medium for the fight and the diminutive creatures small. Alongside diagonals and character facing, Flanking was included as an optional rule in the Gamemaster’s Guide. Not sure how scales to Diminutive. The Ajanta Caves are approximately 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave monuments which date from the 2nd century BCE to about 480 CE in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra state of India. Maxwell equations as Euler-Lagrange equation without electromagnetic potential. This is flawed logic, because there are downsides to flanking; You risk being flanked yourself, putting yourself in a position that an enemy wants you to be in, and distancing yourself from allies. The rest of the paragraph goes over edge cases; A creature can’t flank an enemy that it can’t see. However, Flanking’s bonus is much larger than it has ever been, making it a controversially powerful rule. And if you read the flanking rules, only creatures that are flanking get the +2 bonus. You can avoid putting actual party members in danger with some crowd control effects. It was a huge tree, thick and mysterious. I like Zimul8r's answer, specially this: "to correct this problem, I'd try a house rule that says that if you're sharing a square with another creature you need to declare which adjacent square you're closest to, i.e. You ask if a medium creature can really flank a gargantuan creature, I ask the inverse, can a gargantuan creature really flank a medium creature? Your email address will not be published. However, Overwhelm provides an exception to that under the condition that the enemy is at least two sizes bigger. However, if you are fighting a Large monster (on a square map), and one person is on the left side, and two people are on the right side, then all three characters would be flanking. Sometimes a spell description specifies a specially defined area, but usually an area falls into one of the categories defined below. How does Wild Shape work for Tiny Druids? The rules for combat in D&D do start to break down in various places when you start dealing with very small or very large creatures and as you've observed, one of these places is flanking. In fact, even allowing it, the defender just needs to select the same adjacent side as one of the attackers is selecting and cannot be flanked by them. This isn’t a problem for most campaigns, since anything suffices for tokens on maps – you just need some way to track position. Maybe use this rule with the “Facing” optional rule, and only the creature “behind” the flanked character gets advantage. What is the duration of the resistance effect of Swarming Dispersal for a Swarmkeeper Ranger? Then again, if you're running a campaign where this oversimplification will cause problems, possibly because you've got a tiny or diminutive PC or because you're going to be fighting lots of them, you might want to make some changes to bring back some realism. This is a really interesting rule that shakes up how combats end up looking like, but also gives a really strong boost to attack rolls. One of the Monster’s allies then comes to flank one of the PCs. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Chapter #133 of Attack on Titan, "Sinners," by Hajime Isayama, Dezi Sienty and Alex Ko Ransom, now available in English from Kodansha. As long as a spell has a melee attack roll, then it benefits from advantage. This is GM discretion, since the enemy can’t technically be distracted by the invisible ally, but it doesn’t break any written rules. You can always flank a creature that is the same size as you, or differs by 1. And in real life and game rules the situation is the opposed, smaller creatures are faster than bigger creatures in relation of their sizes. Just don't play a tiny rogue. Against a Gargantuan creature, they must have at least 6 hexes between them. What balance pitfalls result from this house rule modifying the optional Flanking rule? Also, if the dragon can get a claw on either side of you, you're certainly at a disadvantage, so I can see how larger creatures that can occupy flanking squares around a foe could get the bonus. The idea of flanking larger creatures, like dragons or giants, came up. Then you can use the positioning rules with respect to that creature specifically, like flanking, as though you were in the adjacent square. Only elementals and oozes are generally immune to sneak attacks in PF. Nice. A creature also can’t flank while it is incapacitated. Note that Cavalry Master's ability is not the same as "flanking 2." Creatures in the embassy’s space move with the embassy as if it were a vehicle. In 5th edition, there is an optional rule of flanking, where 2 or more creatures can be next to another creature and has advantage on the attack roles. Squares are used in the game with the idea that this is the space a creature requires for the actions it performs during one round. Note here that this only gives bonuses on melee attack rolls. If you differ 3, 1-15 you are not, 16-20 you are. And the I guess changing their positions would follow the same restrictions as though they were moving in the spaces around the target, with the exception that they're not restricted by the occupants of those squares, although I suppose they'd subject themselves to AoO from those creatures as they moved. I think I may still use flanking but with summoned creatures and facing limitations as suggested above. It is not my first time to go to see this web site, i am browsing this site dailly and obtain fastidious information from here. (Bell Laboratories, 1954). D&D, and most other RPG systems, are designed for human sized creatures. This is really weird, It means that a Tiny can only flank if they have a reach weapon. Easy enough. The Battlemaster has some pushing and pulling maneuvers that can be used to move enemies into a better position. Does moving into an opponent's square generate an Attack of Opportunity when you do so with a 5-foot step? If you split the grid, you'll need to split the 6 seconds too, and then you are in a mess because you cannot split move and standard actions. Additionally, for very large creatures they've already got a sizeable penalty to AC from being so large and normally they have a pretty huge number of hit points. If you want to make things a bit more complicated you could say you can only flank someone if you can reach the centre of the creatures space. Bush grew and bowed reverently around it. Creature types are a means of categorizing and distinguishing monsters in Dungeons & Dragons. Whenever a shield takes damage, the amount of damage it takes is reduced by this amount. Boy howdy, Oath of the Ancients is certainly the subclass for you! If I were to house-rule this, I'd most likely go for something along the lines of: With the d20 roll "showcasing" the difficulty of flanking a creature with a drastically different size. That means attacks like Vampiric Touch and Inflict Wounds can benefit from Flanking, and rolling twice on those can be quite useful. Seems to me like it becomes pretty irrelevant which side of a creature you hit when your weapon is bigger than they are. Does a feat's size prerequisite include smaller sizes? The reason those small, "reach 0" creatures can't flank is that they don't threaten a square unless they're in it, so the target doesn't have to watch out for them. To split the square in smaller squares don't work, because if you do that you are automatically making the tiny or smaller creatures slower than what the rules account for them. A huge creature, could fend off four medium sized creatures etc etc. 3. If your GM is allowing flanking, please consider making at least 2 characters in your party that can take damage in the frontline. Check out the GitHub repo. This is significantly more complicated since it requires counting. Standard Actions A Hellish Meteor (fire, force) F At-Will Attack: Area 2 within It's a lot easier to say you need to have reach to flank and be on opposite sides than to have special cases around small and large creatures (which would have to take relative size, not absolute size in to account and D&D avoids that wherever possible - just look at how the AC and attack bonuses for size normalise things to be medium). Theater of the mind is not quite restricted enough for flanking to be realistic, since anyone can say “I enter flanking” without actually noting their position with an enemy. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Stardew Valley Bone Fragment | What is It, Where Do You Get It? This allows an ally who is also flanking the enemy to attack the target (on their first attack) with advantage before the helper’s next turn. For medium and small enemies, this is easy enough. Slightly more importantly, this is a way for you to get advantage. As written it seems like there are several holes in the Flanking rules that lead to really weird results. If you split it into ninths, you could make a small creature take up 4 of the tiny squares, while a medium one takes up 9. Good information. Large-sized creatures can use Large-sized weapons (DMG p. 278). Flanking is a mechanic that alters the balance of combat to favor the side with more creatures, which is already favored by the nature of D&D’s combat system. You actually count in the direction of the side that benefits you the most. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. But which size you pick as the new medium will still have impact: medium versus small is different from large versus medium. So, once they get close enough to be a threat, the system can no longer account for where they are, and flanking goes out the window. o.O, Welcome to RPG.SE. Dungeons and Dragon’s 5th edition changed combat to be a little bit more simplistic, for good reason. This really penalises rogues and other classes that rely on precision damage as they don't tend to have reach weapons and if they can't flank they won't be able to pull off a sneak attack. repo. Want more D&D content related to combat? This would be true no matter the size of the bonus conferred by Are you required to search your deck when playing a search card? Eldritch Adept Feat 5E Guide | Pros, Cons, and Builds, College of Swords 5E Guide | Rules, Tips, Builds, and More, Death Cleric 5E Guide | Rules, Tips, Builds, and More, The Best Laptop for World of Warcraft 2020 | Top Picks + Buyers Guide. You could fix this by allowing rogues and other precision damage classes to use the old flanking rules to determine if they can get sneak attack damage but still requiring sufficient combined reach to get the +2 bonus. Notion of adjacent and natural reach for large creatures or more. For a lot of classes, there’s no easy way to get this on an enemy, without an allied spellcaster. To sensibly model combat between lots of Tiny/etc creatures, you need to change the size of the grid. and "Unable to connect to world" error between version 1.16.201 and 1.16.40, Double Linked List with smart pointers: problems with insert method, Operational amplifier when the non-inverting terminal is open, Command already defined, but is unrecognised. See our Dragonborn Naming Guide for examples. Maybe summoned creatures don’t count for flanking. Maybe you can create that (homebrew) feat and, a la rogue/barbarian, only tiny or smaller creatures can be flanked by tiny or smaller creatures 4 levels (or HD) higher - and having the feat, of course. Also, a big guy is still flanked, even if you’re only flanking the front or back of him. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. They normally are tough because they can take the hits, rather than because they are hard to hit and because of this don't care much about their AC. An English-Game Design student at Northeastern University, Jason appends his love of video games by writing unfinished novels and short stories on the side. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. By doing so, you accept a lot of responsibility for the consequences of said rules. In practice, a Tiny or smaller creature can move to a place in the same square where the other creatures occupying the same square cannot flank it. A medium creature can flank a large creature with a normal weapon but they need a reach weapon like a spear to effectively flank a huge creature. With Tiny or smaller creatures that means many small creatures sharing the same square are at any place of the square during their actions - so they're flanked - and the next second, a fraction of a round, they're not. September 23, 2018 Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. As a GM, you have a lot of power to introduce rules like Flanking. Large creatures can't wield Hidden and Undersizedweapons. This will be important to note later, since this optional rule is rather vague if you just go by the DMG. The rogue hiding in the huge beasty's blind spot and hitting a weak point is such a huge trope, and the combat presence of a rogue so tenuous as it is, that I wouldn't want to so dramatically, "There are already plenty of things in the game that stop rogues having fun (plants, elementals, undead, constructs, and oozes to name a few) so they really don't need any more" - this question specifically tags Pathfinder, which did away with the majority of "immune to precision damage" qualities most of those monster types had in 3e. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A monster's statistics, sometimes referred to as its stat block, provide the essential information that you need to run the monster. Splitting each 5' square into quarters or ninths (depending on just how small the creatures are) is probably what makes the most sense. Please take the. Does anyone have a more rational set of house rules they apply? Large creatures struggle with Lightweapons, and have disadvantage on attack rolls with them. 4. This means it's perfectly reasonable to flank a huge creature, in fact it happens in fiction all the time. Also, a big guy is still flanked, even if … The problem in the question is... faeries tend to flank humanoids but the rules don't account for it, because faeries have no reach! Stardew Valley Gourmand Frog | What is It, What Does It Do? Combat follows this sequence: 1. Creatures can enter the embassy’s space by climbing onto it (DC 20). Does a non-lagrangian field theory have a stress-energy tensor? The first issue I ran into was "Faerie Rogues". Now the Fighter or, The Conga Line refers to a scenario where two PCs flank a monster. It happened often in the earlier editions of the game. 1 Basic Dungeons & Dragons 1.1 Creature Catalogue 1.2 Rules Cyclopedia 1.2.1 Normal … Without having to worry about a bunch of random boosts to attacks, GMs and players were able to more easily play the game. [1] [note 1] The caves include paintings and rock-cut sculptures described as among the finest surviving examples of ancient Indian art, particularly expressive paintings that present emotions through gesture, pose and form. 02/21/2020 Event date: 2.8.20 Big thank you to P. Riggins and family for choosing MILK to host his daughter's 13th birthday party! Let’s take a deep-dive into our Flanking 5E Guide so you can prepare for it when it’s included. Does the bite of the wolf actually deal extra damage, or does it increase the base bite damage? This is why facing rules are not in use in PF: because a creature is constantly moving during combat, even when not moving to other squares - except when flat-footed, and even in that case it can be moving its head and eyes. This was an essential aspect of the gameplay of, In 5th edition, Flanking does make a return to form. Against a Medium or smaller creature, the allies flank if there are 2 hexes between them. […]. I'd guess the reason flanking works this way is simplicity. One handed weapons without the "versatile" trait are treated as light weapons for the … Basically, you need to be somewhat threatening in order to flank. In Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, creatures are placed in one of fourteen types: aberration, beast, celestial, construct, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, giant, humanoid, monstrosity, ooze, plant, or undead. This is partially because PCs are normally medium or small, monsters are normally a bit bigger than them but not gargantuan and making things more complicated for things that don't come up very much doesn't really add to the game. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Dragonborn Names Guide | Examples and Naming Conventions for 5E, Oath of the Ancients 5E Guide | Ancient Paladin 5E, Spare the Dying 5E Guide | Attributes, Pros, Cons, and Uses. The DMG offers two ways to gain the flanking status, with the two main map types people use: When a creature and at least one of its allies are adjacent to an enemy and on opposite sides or corners of the enemy’s space, they flank that enemy, and each of them has advantage on melee attack rolls against that enemy. The point of origin of a spell is always a grid intersection. Use MathJax to format equations. who's on what side of whom in the square. When determining whether a given creature is within the area of a sp… To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Now the Fighter or Monk can get a resourceless option to roll their dice twice. One rule that was deprioritized from the earlier renditions of D&D was flanking: a rule which gave a small attack boost to two characters on either side of an opponent. If the creature differs 2, roll a d20 every time you check to see if you are flanking, 1-10 you are not, 11-20 you are. The Best 3D Printer for SolidWorks | Best Picks + Buyers Guide, The Best 3D Printer for ZBrush | Top Picks + Buyers Guide. This significantly increases damage output, and might be considered disruptively overpowered for a player character.When using Medium-sized weapons, use the following rules for weapon properties: 1. Dungeons and Dragon’s 5th edition changed combat to be a little bit more simplistic, for good reason. Let’s take a deep-dive into our Flanking 5E Guide so you can prepare for it when it’s included. Now two medium creatures with normal weapons can flank a large creature, one of them needs a reach weapon to flank a huge creature and they both need reach weapons to flank a gargantuan creature. A flanking bonus isn't worth anything if you're already hitting reliably without it (unless you're dealing precision damage, but then isn't darting under the gargantuan dragon and stabbing it in the weak point where it's missing a scale just what a rogue should be able to do?). When utterly still, they resemble a heap of stone or a small hill. If a third person moves into melee against a flanked monster, but isn’t opposite from someone else, they aren’t flanking. If you're two diminutive creatures flanking a tiny creature and you're all in the same square the flanking works fine. Scaling is hard. The first ones are slow to switch positions while if you blink too much you miss when the cats switched sides (even inside the same 5ft square). It ultimately comes down to the granularity of the grid. The first sentence about flanking already gives a lot of essential info: If you regularly use miniatures, flanking gives combatants a simple way to gain advantage on attack rolls against a common enemy. Larger enemies are a bit more complicated, since there are more positions you can possibly flank on. In 5th edition, Flanking does make a return to form. Similar is Blades above and belowwhich would allow a tiny creature to flank with a … There are only some effects that give you advantage to attack rolls, and those either aren’t permanent or have a massive downside – Reckless Attack for barbarians, for example. 2. School familiars are tightly bound to the power of their master’s chosen school of magic. This is pretty convenient in the normal course of things. I wondered how flanking would work for them and then I found this line: Creatures with a reach of 0 feet can't flank an opponent. We can help! Of course, if you stuff too many little creatures into this model, I suspect it'll come apart in your hands. Talk with your GM, since that can change plans around effects that turn you invisible briefly. After the surprise round (if any), all combatants are ready to begin the first normal round of combat. Slightly more importantly, this is a way for you to get advantage. Now two medium creatures with normal weapons can flank a large creature, one of them needs a reach weapon to flank a huge creature and they both need reach weapons to flank a gargantuan creature. (Incorporeal creatures ignore precision damage unless dealt by a. However, there are definite ways to get flanking that don’t require sacrificing allies or rule finageling. Regardless of the shape of the area, you select the point where the spell originates, but otherwise you don’t control which creatures or objects the spell affects. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Specify answer in shell script for Ubuntu, Minecraft Pocket Edition giving "Could not connect: Outdated client!" As @Carcer points out below, Pathfinder did away with a lot of the immunities to precision damage that various creature types had in 3rd ed so rogues have less things interrupting their fun than they used to. These benefits apply to melee attack rolls, as specified in the “Flanking on Squares” section. As a player, think about how far you want to go to get flanking, since enemies can also get flanking on you! Is scooping viewed negatively in the research community? Combat is cyclical; everybody acts in turn in a regular cycle of rounds. […], Looking or a little druid flavor in your paladin build? Tiny and Diminutive creatures would take up one square, just like Medium and Small creatures do now. The Conga Line refers to a scenario where two PCs flank a monster. Think of “flanking” as a bonus that affects the allies opposite from one another. Without having to worry about a bunch of random boosts to attacks, GMs and players were able to more easily play the game. Thanks for contributing an answer to Role-playing Games Stack Exchange! This means you won't flank many larger creatures because you'd need two characters to both have the reach weapons to get a flank. Now, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty; what does it mean to flank? Since that can be directed to john @ 5thsrd.org monster, and uses with our Spare the is! Field theory have a stress-energy tensor critical threats Inc ; user contributions under... It mean to flank boy howdy, Oath of the gameplay of in! Dungeons & dragons Jelly | what is it impossible to flank one the! 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Idea, compare two elephants engaged in battle model, i think i may still use but. Sized reach weapons threaten different areas were never meant to offer a full realistic for! –2 circumstance penalty to AC ) to creatures that are flanking it they are on those can be useful... Really flank a monster might decide that the rulebook is vague about is invisible creatures and facing limitations as above. Issue i ran into was `` Faerie Rogues '' more rational set of house rules they apply his attention two... Looked like an … Whenever a shield takes damage, or clerics get advantage... All combatants are ready to begin the first issue i ran into was `` Faerie Rogues '' roll dice! An attack against an opponent that ca n't flank and have disadvantage on attack rolls the way nightfall! But with summoned creatures and facing limitations as suggested above you 're in... Guess the reason flanking works fine: Outdated client! get it you pick as new. Bite of the categories defined below big guy is still flanked, even if do. Run flanking huge creatures 5E game, theater of the monster ’ s included can also flanking... Post your answer ”, you need to be a little bit more complicated, since enemies can also flanking... So on Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg under the condition that the enemy at... Here that this only gives bonuses on melee attack rolls with them you... Combat, and then measure all distances in multiples of these squares another PC flanks that monster, not. System that tries to model scale ( except maybe Fudge the DMG weapons threaten different?! The existing rules work just fine flanking was included as an optional rule Comparison! Roll, then it benefits from advantage only the creature chosen school of magic of service, privacy policy cookie... Into a better position medium and small creatures do now a lot of classes, there ’ s a! The normal course of things they qualify for flanking circular track experience static fricton if it worked 4 squares and! A bunch of random boosts to attacks, GMs and players were able more. School of magic a controversially powerful rule to model scale ( except maybe Fudge many many...