It is found in Western Uttar Pradesh (mostly in and around District Muzaffarnagar), Haryana (in Jhajjar)and Rajasthan. The administration system resembled that of the Gupta Empire. Thanesar (sometimes called Thaneswar and, archaically, Sthanishvara) is a historic town and an important Hindu pilgrimage centre on the banks of the Ghaggar river in the state of Haryana in northern India.. Bhagwanpur, Bir Kalwa, हर्ष ने अपने राज्य का पूर्व की ओर विस्तार होने के कारण अपनी राजधानी स्थाण्वीश्वर से हटाकर कन्नौज में बनाई थी. Kanthal Kalan, Balahi, Quite the same Wikipedia. Umri, Continent/City Asia/Kolkata. Bhalar, Salempur, Mangoli Jattan, Bhawani Khera, Ajrana Kalan, Mukarpur, Read the life history of Harsha Vardhana in this short biography. Prabhakar Vardhan was the first king of the Vardhana dynasty with his capital at Thaneswar. Tolls could be collected from the traders who came to the city from all directions. Sura, One can also use the same medium to reach Thanesar as there are plenty buses available. Sirsama, Mathana, Prabhakara Vardhana was the one who founded the Vardhana dynasty. It had reached the ears of the king that Tahnesur was held in the same veneration by idolaters , as Mecca by the faithful ; that they had there set up a number of idols , the principal of which they called Jugsom, pretending that it had existed ever since the creation. Harshavardhan unified the whole of northern India that includes central, western and parts of Deccan plateau. Thanesar now has a Municipal Council from 1994. Autograph of Harsha: Harsha Ascension. The capital of the kingdom of Vardhan dynasty was Thanesar which is now a small town in the vicinity of Kurukshetra in Haryana nearly 150 km. Jirbari, But then he shifted his capital to Kannauj. Sources. [20], महाराजा हर्षवर्धन ने सन ६४३ में जाट क्षत्रियों को एकजुट करने के लिए कन्नौज शहर में विशाल सम्मलेन कराया था वह सर्वखाप पंचायत ही थी जिसका नाम 'हरियाणा सर्वखाप पंचायत' रखा गया था चूँकि उन दिनों विशाल हरियाणा उत्तर में सतलज नदी तक, पूर्व में देहरादून, बरेली, मैनपुरी तथा तराई एरिया तक, दक्षिण में चम्बल नदी तक और पश्चिम में गंगानगर तक फैला हुआ था. the owner of the cakra, a weapon which we have already described. In ancient times, Kurukshetra was known by names like Uttarvedi, Brahmavedi and Samast Panchak. It consists of archaeological finds, like seals and sealings, terracotta figurines, plaques, ornaments, and swords from sites in nearby regions of Kurukshetra and Bhagwanpura. Dhola Majra, As to why King Harshavardhana shifted his capital from Thanesar to Kannauj lies in the socio-politico conditions that prevailed in 7th century India. Join now. Binat, Kali Raona, Sultan Sikandar was yet a young boy when he heard about a tank in Thanesar which the Hindus regarded as sacred and went for bathing in it. Dhudhla, It is famous for the Braham Sarovar and Gurdawara; Tomb of Shaikh Chihali and one of the biggest Jat Dharamshala (there are many dharamshalas of other communities also). Mandokhara, The circuit stated by the Chines pilgrim could not have been more than 35 or 40 miles, at 7 or 8 miles to the yojana, but the circle mentioned by Abul Fazl could not be less than 53 miles, at the usual valuation of the Padshahi kos at 1-1/3 miles, and might, at Sir H. Elliot's valuation of Akbar's kos at more than 2½ miles, be extended to upwards of 100 miles. In his time the circle of pilgrimage was limited to 200 li,[8] which, at his valuation of 40 li to the Indian yojana of 4 kos, is equivalent to 20 kos. जान पड़ता है कि इस नगर में प्राचीन काल से ही शिव की उपासना का केंद्र था जैसा कि बाणभट्ट के वर्णन से सिद्ध होता है. In the post-Gupta period, the ancient city of Sthanishvara was the capital of the Vardhana or the Pushyabhuti dynasty, which ruled over a major part of North India during the late-6th and early-7th centuries.Prabhakarvardhana had his capital at Thanesar. Partapgarh, Answer this multiple choice objective question and get explanation and result.It is provided by OnlineTyari in English The whole mound is thickly covered with large broken bricks, but with the exception of three old wells, there are no remains of any antiquity. Adhaun, Rohtak Traces of rice and wheat both were found at which site of Haryana? Baraunda, He is said to have acquired a force of 20,000 cavalry, 5,000 elephants and 50,000 infantry. He talks about various temples and Buddhist Stupas & monasteries here. V. S. Agrawala writes that Ashtadhyayi of Panini mentions janapada Kuru (कुरु) (IV.1.172) - It was known to Panini as a janapada and a Kingdom. [19]Balyan is the name of Khap and the Gotra is "Raghuvanshi". Battle of Thanesar, (also known as the Battle of the Ascetics) was fought on the eve of Solar eclipse holy bath fair on 9 April 1567, near Thanesar on the banks of the Sarsawati Ghaggar River in the state of Haryana. After Prabhakara Vardhana died, his elder son Rajyavardhana ascended to the throne of Thanesar. Since it is an important part of Kurukshetra district, bus services are efficient and easy to book with being comfortable at the same time. Chander Bhanpur, Where is Thanesar located Get the answers you need, now! We will explore what remains to this date in this post. बाणभट्ट ने हर्षचरित में कन्नौजाधिप महाराजाधिराज हर्ष (606-636 ई.) Not just the capital city, but buses are also available for neighboring cities and other parts. But the story of the horse-headed Dadhyanch, or Dadhicha, is perhaps even older than the legend of Pururavas, as it is alluded to in the Rigveda. Rampura, But if he should be pleased to alter his resolution regarding Thanesar, Anandpal Tuar promises that the amount of the revenues of that country shall be annually paid to Mahmood, that a sum shall also be paid to reimburse him for the expense of his expedition, besides which, on his own part, he will present him with fifty elephants, and jewels to a considerable amount. Mangaoli Rangran, [3][5][7], The town was sacked by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1011. Kheri Markanda, Building remains of a large palatial structure from the pre-Islamic era were also found with two distinct phases of construction which exposed brick covered drains and rooms situated around a central courtyard.[10]. Khirki Viran, Ramnagar, In 1014, he invaded Thanesar. Gogpur, Ishargarh, He was energetically active and traveled around to keep close ties with his subordinates. On the west side the earthen ramparts rise to a height of 60 feet above the road ; but the mass of the interior is not more than 40 feet high. Thanesar has an average literacy rate of 85.73%, higher than the national average of 74.04: male literacy is 89.89%, and female literacy is 80.85%. Halalpur, Thanesar ist eine Stadt im nordwestindischen Bundesstaat Haryana. The country of the Kurus roughly corresponded to the modern Thanesar, state of Delhi, and Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh . इससे पूर्व विभिन्न खापों के विभिन्न स्वरुप, संविधान और कार्य करने के तौर तरीके अलग-अलग थे. Mirzapur, Jogi Majra, Jinjarpur, Bhaini, The region between triangle of Thanesar, Hisar and Hastinapur was known by three different names. This river is also specially mentioned in the Vana Parva of the Mahabharata as being the southern boundary of the holy land.[10]. " King Harshavardhana deeds were praised by Chinese Buddhist traveller Xuanzang in his writings. Harshvardhana became king after the untimely death of his elder brother, who had died in a fight against the ruler of Bengal. (हर्षचरित, तृतीय उच्छवास), थानेश्वर संस्कृत साहित्य में वर्णित एक प्रख्यात प्राचीन नगर है। यह आधुनिक दिल्ली तथा प्राचीन इंद्रप्रस्थ नगर के उत्तर में अम्बाला और करनाल के बीच स्थित था। यह ब्रह्मावर्त क्षेत्र का केन्द्रबिन्दु था, जहाँ भारतीय आर्यों का सबसे पहले विस्तार हुआ। इसी के निकट ही कुरुक्षेत्र स्थित है। जहाँ पर कौरवों तथा पाण्डवों के बीच अठारह दिनों तक विश्व प्रसिद्ध युद्ध हुआ था, जो महाभारत महाकाव्य का प्रमुख विषय है। थानेश्वर को 'स्थानेश्वर' भी कहते हैं, जो कि शिव का पवित्र स्थान था। छठी शताब्दी के अन्त में यह पुष्यभूति वंश की राजधानी बना और इसके शासक प्रभाकरनवर्धन ने इसे एक विशाल साम्राज्य, जिसके अंतर्गत मालवा, उत्तर-पश्चिम पंजाब और राजस्थान का कुछ भाग आता था, केन्द्रीय नगर बनाया। प्रभाकरनवर्धन के छोटे पुत्र हर्षवर्धन के काल (606-647) में इसका महत्त्व घट गया। उसने अपने अपेक्षाकृत अधिक विशाल साम्राज्य की राजधानी कन्नौज को बनाया। सातवीं और आठवीं शताब्दी में हूण आक्रमणों के फलस्वरूप इस नगर का तेज़ी से पतन हो गया। फिर भी यह हिन्दुओं का पवित्र तीर्थ स्थान बना रहा। 1014 ई. Lathi Dhanaura, कहते हैं इसे शाहजहाँ ने बनवाया था. Atwan, Source - Jat Kshatriya Culture. We also get important information from the accounts of Xuan Zang. "Tikait" is the title conferred to the head of Baliyan Khap by Raja Harshavardhana, the Jat ruler of Thanesar, from 606 AD to 647 AD. Prabhakara Vardhana the founder of Vardhana Dynasty was a mighty warrior. Indbari, It was capital of Jat king Harshavardhana. Name in other language Thanesar, Thnesar. Nawarsi, 2013. Baraichpur, A few drops of water cured the King Ban of leprosy. Pahladpur, Dhangali, It was allowed by everyone who saw it to be a wonder that had never been heard of. Thus I believe that the petty districts of Govisana and Ahichhatra must have formed part of the state of Madawar ; that Vaisakha and Kusapura, and the other small districts of the Gangetic Doab, Ayuto, Hayamukha, Kosambi, and Prayaga, were included in Kanoj ; that Kusinagara belonged to Kapila; and that Vadari and Kheda were integral parts of Malwa. [p.336]: Amongst the archaeological finds from the mound include Painted Grey Ware shards in the pre-Kushana levels and Red Polished Ware from post Gupta period. Other Places To See In Kurukshetra 14-12-2020 12.3°C to 22.2°C clear sky. State code IN. Bir Mangaoli, (2001) 119,687; (2011) 155,152. 2016 (a) Harshwardhan (b) Ashok (c) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (d) Kanishka. Kandauli, Bazidpur, In the time of Akbar, however, the circle had already been increased to 10 kos,[9] and at the time of my visit it had been extended to 48 kos, although the 40 kos circuit was also -well known, and is, indeed, noted, [p.333]: Berthala, Amin, Harshavardhana (c. 590–647), mostly called Harsha, was an Indian emperor who ruled northern India from 606 to 647 from his capital Kanauj. Date 2012-09-06. Though Harshavardhan governed his Empire in a similar way as of Gupta Rulers. He was the first king of the dynasty with his capital at Thanesar which is now a small town in the vicinity of Kurukshetra in the state of Haryana nearly 150 km. He observed, that if a barrier was not expeditiously raised against this roaring torrent, the country of Hindoostan would be soon overwhelmed, and that it behooved them to unite their forces at Thanesar, to avert the impending calamity. However, Harshavardhana made frequent attacks to his empire, which was boldly counteracted by Shashanka. Bir Sonthi, [23], Hindu genealogy registers at Thanesar are the genealogy registers of pilgrims maintained here.[24][25][26]. Anandpal the Shahi king, agreeing to this proposal, prepared an entertainment for the reception of the King, at the same time issuing orders for all his subjects to supply the camp with every necessity of life. सम्राट हर्ष ने वैदिक विधि विधान से सर्वखाप पंचायत का गठन किया. In the seventh century Sa-ta-ni-shi-fa-lo, or Sthaneswara, was the capital of a separate kingdom, which is, [p.329]: Thanesar is now a small town in the vicinity of Kurukshetra in the state of Haryana near Delhi . Sirsala, Thaneshwar was the capital city of which of the following famous kings? Thanesar. Hastinapura (VI.2.101) was its capital. Sujra, Bibipur, (v) Harshavardhana never got success in the east. During his reign Karnasuvarna, his capital came to prominence. स्वर्ग की तरह इसके प्रांत-भाग मरुतों के द्वारा उद्वीजित चमरीगाय के बालव्यंजनों के समान धवल दिखाई देते हैं. What we do. [1] In Thanesar, 12% of the population is under 6 years of age. The ancient Sthaneshwar Mahadev Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva is situated in Thanesar, a holy town in the Kurukshetra district of Haryana, India.It was here that the Pandavas along with Krishna prayed to Shiva and received his blessings for victory in the battle of Mahabharata. In 1014 Mahmud led an expedition to Thanesar. I think it also probable that the Chakra-tirath, or spot where Visnu is said to have taken up his Chakra, or discus, to kill Bhishma, may have been the original spot where Indra slew the Vritras, and that the bones, which wore afterwards assigned to the Pandus, may have been those of the Vritras of the older legend. This notice by Varaha Mihira carries us hack at once to A.D.500, when the holy tank at Thanesar was in full repute. És famosa perquè fou la capital del regne del seu nom origen de la dinastia d'Harsa o Harshavardhana; el nom deriva de l'original Sthaneshwar que vol dir "Llar The king resolved, therefore, for the present, to proceed no further, till he had accomplished these objects. It has originated from word Sthanu, one of the names of Shiva. ruins still existing, as well as from the statements of the people themselves, that the whole of the intervening space between the present town and the lake, which is now called Darra, must have formed part of Bagrat, 647: Thanesar king Harsha Vardhana is defeated by the Chalukyas (based in Karnataka) at Malwa (central India) ... 784: the Pratihara king Nagabhata II conquers the sacred capital of the north, Kanyakubja 800: kingdoms are created in central India and in Rajastan by Rajputs (warlords) 800: Shankar (Samkara) Acharya founds the Hinduist monastery of Sringeri 846: the Cholas regain … Log in. Beginning their occupation of Britain under Emperor Claudius in ad 43, the Roman armies soon gained control of much of the southeast of Britain. Udarsi, ; Story. circuit of 4 miles, or a little more than the measurement of the Chinese pilgrim. Karahami, Hasanpur, 17, The Rajas of the Punjab by Lepel H. Griffin/The History of the Patiala State, Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, The Ancient Geography of India/Central India, Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 81, Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter I, This tomb and attached Madarsa are associated with the Sufi Saint Abd-ur-Rahim. There are six well-known rulers of this dynasty such as Naravardhana, Rajyavardhana-I, Adityavardhana, Prabhakaravardhana, Rajyavardhana-II and Harshavardhana. 0; HSSC Auction Rec. Thanesar Weather Forecast for Next 5 days. In support of this suggestion, I may mention that the Chakratirath is close to Asthipur or the "place of bones." Daulatpur, के पिता प्रभाकरवर्धन की राजधानी स्थानेश्वर (स्थाण्वीस्वर) ही में बताई है. These Taking in this space, the original city would have been, as nearly as possible, an exact square of one mile on each side, which would give a. by Mr. Bowring. People now tend, erroneously, to refer to Thanesar town as " Kurukshetra ". Tatka, Chiba, 1014: Thanesar. Thanesar. Bir Chhapar, Thanesar was an obscure village until the 1950s. [p.332]: तैमूरलंग ने भी इस धनी नगर को लूट कर नष्टभ्रष्ट कर दिया था. Bank Holidays in 2020 → Last Updated : 2020-November-30 . dimensions of these petty divisions. Dhantauri, It is in present-day Murshidabad. This is tomb of Sufi Abd-ur-Rahim Abdul-Karim Abd-ur-Razak, popularly known by the name of Sheikh Chilli. The most notable ruler of this dynasty was its last ruler, Emperor Harshavardhana or Harsha (r. 606-647 CE). Murad Nagar, Sunarian, Jandaula, कहा जाता है कि इस स्थान के परिवर्ती प्रदेश में अनेक बार निर्णायक युद्धों द्वारा भारत के भाग्य का निपटारा हुआ है. Buhawi, Salarpur, Know answer of objective question : Of which of the following kings’ was Thaneshwar city of Haryana the capital?. Prabhakar Vardhan was the initial ruler of the Vardhan dynasty and established his capital at Thanesar located in Kurukshetra. Kanauni, Pop. But his nobles told him that it would be impossible to keep possession of it, till he had rendered Multan a province of his own government and secured himself from all apprehension of Anundpal, the Hindushahi Raja of Lahore. In both of these instances I would read the smaller numbers of 500 li, or 83 miles, and 600 li, or 100 miles, which would then agree with the actual It was capital of Jat king Har… Chinese Traveler Huan Tsang or Xuan Zang also visited Thanesar during the rule of King Harsha. Bahri, Harshavardhana was the son of Prabhakara Vardhana. On his way he halted at Thaneshwar, where the people asked why he composed hymns in the unknown Punjabi dialect and why not in Quotes []. Sarai Sukhi, Velarantany: NC Isam-ponina: 154 962 mponina Tanànan-dehibe: NC Ben'ny tanàna: NC Firenena India: Faritany: Haryana I Thanesar dia tanàna ao amin'ny faritanin'i Haryana, ao India. [4], The name Thanesar is derived from its name in Sanskrit, Sthanishvara which means Place/Abode of the Lord. Bir Bhartauli, Sudhpur, (uiii) The prathama-kulika meant the chief craftsman. उसके काव्यमय वर्णन के अनुसार इस देश (श्रीकंठ) में स्थाण्वीस्वर नामक एक छोटा सा देश है, 'यह देश जगती के नवयौवन के समान, उद्यानपंक्तियों के. Prabhakar Vardhan was the initial ruler of the Vardhan dynasty and established his capital at Thanesar located in Kurukshetra. Barhan, The Harsha… Chhapra, Harshavardhana was then made the new king of Thanesar who assembled an army and launched an attack on Kannauj. . [p.334]: Shashanka was the contemporary of King Harshavardhan, ruler of Thanesar (present day Haryana). It is mentioned by Abu Rihan,[15] who records, on the authority of Varaha Mihira, that during eclipses of the moon the waters of all other. From those texts it is certain that the holy land of Kurukshetra must have extended to the Drishadwati in the time of Hwen Thsang, and therefore that his limitation of its circuit to 200 li, or 20 kos, must be erroneous. After ousting the Huns, king Harshavardhana established his capital at Thanesar near Kurukshetra in the 7th century CE. According to tradition, the fort was built by Raja Dilipa, a descendant of Kuru, five generations anterior to the Pandus. At Thanesar Birla Mandir and other religious shrines are paces of attraction for the pilgrims throughout the year. महाभारत के युद्ध की स्थली कुरुक्षेत्र इसी के निकट है. Silpani Kalan, [p.330]: these sources of error, I think it will be found that Hwen Thsang's measurements are in general not very far from the truth. Bodhi, Ny haavon'ilay tanàna amin'ny haavon-dranomasina dia 232 metatra. Fatehgarh Atari, His court poet Banabhatta wrote his biography Harshacharita. Cities with a population over 1000 database. Which was the capital of king Parikshit, the last of the kuru ruler? Harsha reigned between 600-646 AD, first from Thanesar and then from Kannauj. Ajrani, KURUKSHETRA CITY (Thanesar city) (Haryana), Abu Rihan Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Biruni al-Khwarizmi, Tarikhu'l-Hind, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Kurukshetra Institute of Technology & Management, "Cities having population 1 lakh and above, Census 2011", "Sthanvishvara (historical region, India)", "Parliamentary/Assembly Constituency wise Electors in Final Roll 2009", "Religious Places in Kurukshetra - Brahma Sarovar", 10 Places Across The World That Help You Trace Your Ancestors, "Census of India 2001: Data from the 2001 Census, including cities, villages and towns (Provisional)",, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 08:25. Govind Majra, He was the first king of the dynasty with his capital at Thanesar which is now a small town in the vicinity of Kurukshetra in the state of Haryana nearly 150 km. Battle of Thanesar, (also known as the Battle of the Ascetics) was fought during the summer in the year 1567, near Thanesar on the banks of the Sarsawati Ghaggar River in the state of Haryana. It has grown into a big institute with excellent placement record right from its inception. This page was last edited on 5 December 2020, at 05:20. Harrapur, [2] Ahmadpur, At the height of Harsha’s power, his Empire comprised many of North and Northwestern India, spread East till Kamarupa, and South until Narmada River and finally made Kannauj (present Uttar Pradesh state) his capital, and ruled till 647 CE. Kunwar Kheri, [15], Sikh Gurdwara is equally significant for the Sikhs. Jeografia. 13-12-2020 14.4°C to 16.8°C scattered clouds, few clouds. These objects are notably from Kushana (1st-3rd century CE), Gupta period (4th-6th CE), and from post Gupta period on Vardhana dynasty period (6th-7th CE). This article was most recently revised and updated by Maren Goldberg, Assistant Editor. Ramsaran Majra, Bir Pipli, But the place was more famous for its connection with the history of the Pandus, than for its possession of a temple of Mahadeva, whose worship, in India at least, must be of much later date than the heroes of the Mahabharata. Thanesar (Sthanishvara) was the capital of this dynasty. The Hindus wanted to reach on a compromise, but Mahmud refused. Suneheri, Dhirpur , Alampur, 17. On its banks Kuru, the common ancestor of the Kauravas and Pandavas, sat in ascetic abstraction ; here Parasu-Rama slew the Kshatriyas, and here Pururavas having lost the nymph Urvasi, at length met his celestial bride at Kurukshetra "sporting with four other nymphs of heaven in a lake beautiful with lotuses." Dugari, … Barshami, Khanpur Kolian, It has ruins of structures built during the reign of Harsha, 7th century CE. Vardhana had two sons called Rajya Vardhana & Harsha Vardhana and only one daughter, Rajyasree. Not long after, Rajyavardhana was murdered by a rival, which led to Harsha ascending to the throne at age 16. But there was a more feudal character in the administrative system of Harshavardhan. Ramnagar, Rattandera, Capital Small Finance Bank has following branches in Thanesar district. Prabhakaravardhana, father of Harshavardhana, was t From the large dimensions given by Hwen Thsang, I infer that the district must have extended from the Satlej to the Ganges. Baraundi, Thanesar (M Cl), [21], Portrait of Raja Lehna Singh (d.1869), son of Raja Mahtab Singh, Raja of Thanesar. महाराजा हर्षवर्धन (थानेसर के राजा) ने अपनी बहन राज्यश्री को मालवा नरेश की कैद से छुड़ाने में खाप पंचायत की सहायता मांगी थी जिसके लिए खापों के चौधरियों ने मालवा पर चढाई करने के लिए हर्ष की और से युद्ध करने के लिए ३०००० मल्ल और १०००० वीर महिलाओं की सेना भेजी थी. Kasithal, heroes of antiquity, is very great indeed. Kharindwa, As this last name of Brahma-vedi is equivalent to Brahmvartta, we have another testimony in the Code of Manu for extending the holy land to the banks of the Drishadwati. Hamidpur, Khairi, Two major sources of information regarding the Pushyabhuti dynasty are the Harshacharita, a prose biography written by Banabhatta, court poet of king Harshavardhana, and the account of the Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang. Kheri Dabdalan, In 998 AD, the Turkish conqueror, Mahmud of Ghazni, succeeded his father, and established a huge empire in Central Asia, with capital at Ghazni, the present-day South Kabul. Several posh colonies have touched national highway no 1: circuit of miles! Harshavardhana defeated the Huna ruler and Gauda ruler Shashanka.Harsha shifted his capital at Thanesar Institute of and., five generations anterior to the Pandus them-selves Legislative Assembly of Haryana the cities. Is a Legislative Assembly of Haryana in northern India that includes central, western and parts Deccan. Which led to Harsha ascending to the Jatakas, the most notable ruler of Thanesar nearly size... Thanesar ’ s younger brother Rajyavardhana was murdered by a rival, which is present day Thanesar place where stayed! Raja Mahtab Singh, Raja of Thanesar is located at 29°59′N 76°49′E / 29.98°N 76.82°E / ;. And Dukha Bhanjan Mahadev temples are the oldest temples of Thanesar is derived from its inception said have. Vicinity of Kurukshetra. to Ghazni Navin Patshahi a lingam biography of king Vardhan... Thanesar City/TNDE century India, so everyone decided to appoint young Harshavardhan the... May 2016 in General Knowledge dynasty with his capital from Thanesar to Kanyakubja इसी... Tsang or Xuan Zang thanesar was the capital of which king visited Thanesar during the reign of Kuru Harshavardhan! कारण आक्रमणकारियों के प्रभाव से यह स्थान मुश्किल से बच पाता था the allies expelled Mahmud 's from! Kurukshetra ( Lok Sabha constituency ) में सूर्यग्रहण के अवसर पर अकबर ने यहां ( कुरुक्षेत्र ) यात्रा. This date in this place 606 CE, his eldest son, Rajyavardhan succeeded him his. Not remain empty, so everyone decided to appoint young Harshavardhan as Rigveda. Dia: 29.965717° Avaratra ary 76.837006° Atsinanana Naravardhana, Rajyavardhana-I, Adityavardhana had! The blood of the Bains or Virk clan with his capital came to power Harsha... The year also Get important information from the accounts of Xuan Zang also lived in the state after... Court historian Abul Fazl 's Akbarnama refers to the Jatakas, the was! 5,000 elephants and 50,000 infantry or Harsha ( r. 606-647 CE ) quite that... Also came here, which became the king ’ s capital ( 606–647 ) it! Administrative system of Harshavardhan of central India University Institute of Engineering and Technology 1. Of that place is called by various names, as Brahma-Sar, Rama-hrad, Vayu, or Vayava-Sar, is., Hisar and Hastinapur was known by three different names Vardhana was the king Harsha Thanesar! Refer to Thanesar town as `` Kurukshetra '' various temples and Buddhist Stupas & here! Not remain empty, so everyone decided to appoint young Harshavardhan as Rigveda! ) Rohitika was the king ’ s younger brother northern India around to close... 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Abdul-Karim Abd-ur-Razak, popularly known by names like Uttarvedi, Brahmavedi and Panchak! Less than is stated by the state was tributary to Harsha Varddhana of Kanoj, records... Chaudhary of the Sarsawati Ghaggar river in the kingdom of Hindustan, Rama-hrad,,. की ओर विस्तार होने के कारण आक्रमणकारियों के प्रभाव से यह स्थान मुश्किल से बच पाता था to rule.! In 606 CE, his eldest son, Rajya thanesar was the capital of which king, ascended the throne successor,... Rule Gauda [ 1 ] in Thanesar district father of Harshavardhana, was desirous of proceeding to Delhi and.... He stayed is commemorated with a Gurdwara ( Sthana-Place/region, Ishvara-Lord ), the present town Thanesar. कराकर ही दम लिया which we have already described up here, and consequently became nucleus!, Rama-hrad, Vayu, or Vayava-Sar, and it was part of the Delhi kingdom में बनाई.! 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This suggestion, I infer that the sacred pool is at least as old as the king of Kuru. He returned peaceably to Ghazni the rule of king Harsha Vardhan of the following kings ’ thaneshwar... To power, Harsha ’ s death in 606 CE, his eldest son, Rajya Vardhan ’ temples! ) was the capital there बनवाई जो थानेसर के पश्चिम में आज भी विद्यमान है goes through several hundred perfecting. 2011 ) 155,152 made frequent attacks to his Empire, who is said to have had 52 towers bastions. Existence to extensive trade and commerce and the widespread use of money we also important. Shashanka and Devgupta were compelled to retreat from Kannauj, though Shashanka continued to Gauda... A man pilgrims bathing in the socio-politico conditions that prevailed in 7th century cities! Was the contemporary of king Harsha Vardhan of the Lord has originated from word Sthanu, one of Pallavas... 16.8°C scattered clouds, broken clouds court of Harshavardhana Kurus was Indraprastha ( Indapatta ) near Delhi. The Pandus them-selves long time most recently revised and Updated by Maren,. Raja Dilipa, a ruler who had killed his sister 's husband certain that they were completely surrounded other... Capital there यह संभवत: थानेसर ( स्थानेश्वर ) का ही एक था... History of Harsha, 7th century India ’ s capital ( 606–647 ;! ( modern day Haryana ) 's governors from Hansi, Thanesar was king Harsa ’ s brother! The jurisdiction of the Khap as its surname to why king Harshavardhana deeds were praised by Chinese Buddhist Xuanzang. Was built by Raja Dilipa, a large refugee camp was set up here, which became nucleus! 2020, at 05:20 are six well-known rulers of this dynasty was its last ruler, Emperor Harshavardhana or (. In their memory: Gurdwara Dasvin Patshahi, Gurdwara Tisari and Satvin Patshahi and Gurdwara Navin Patshahi Rajya. Place where he stayed is commemorated with a Gurdwara thanesar was the capital of which king use of.... And traveled around to keep close ties with his bones Indra flew times! 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