Lately they have grown increasingly popular for outdoor use as well. Trim as needed to keep neat and compact. Click here for details. Plectranthus forsteri 'Green on Green' has oversize … Find help and information on Plectranthus forsteri 'Marginatus' Variegated Swedish ivy Swedish ivy Coleus coleoides 'Variegatus', including varieties and pruning advice. Unfortunately every garden center I have been to in my area does not carry this plant. - Water: Water regularly. (Swedish Ivy) Plectranthus ‘Variegata’ cascades, fountain-like from pots and hanging baskets. It is also called lobster flower for the clawlike shape of its blue-purple bloom spikes that rise 3-6 inches above the foliage. Gen. Spec. It enjoys being mulched and fed occasionally but is really a plant that will grow despite being neglected.Hardiness: The plant dislikes hard frosts (USDA hardiness zones 10-11), but if grown under a canopy of trees, will usually be well protected from lighter frosts.Maintenance: The plants will vine but can be pinched to keep compact. It has spires of pale mauve or white flowers in autumn. During the winter months, keep them quite dry or only water enough to keep the leaves from shrivelling. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. Variegated Swedish Ivy is an herbaceous annual with a trailing habit of growth, eventually spilling over the edges of hanging baskets and containers. Variegated Swedish Ivy is an herbaceous annual with a trailing habit of growth, eventually spilling over the edges of hanging baskets and containers. The variegated form lends an added dimension of color when mixed with bright flowering plants. Its relatively fine texture sets it apart from other garden plants with less refined foliage. Plectranthus coleoides ‘Marginatus’ Plectranthus coleoides ‘Marginatus’ è una pianta che appartiene alla famiglia delle Lamiaceae. Find plants you love and create idea boards for all your projects. Allow the soil to moderately dry between the waterings. Add to cart. In any case, its maintenance is not too complicated. This semitrailing plant grows 8-10 inches tall and spreads up to 36 inches wide. Le foglie sono molto ornamentali, spesse e variegate di colore verde chiaro e verde scuro. It has a trailing habit and is great for containers and hanging baskets Full to Partial Sun Moderately moist, do not over water Ships similar to photos but not Excellent houseplants that trail over a container. Branches up to 60 cm long. I over-winter it in a hanging pot by a south-facing window. It grow may grow in shadier parts of the garden under trees in very ordinary soil where many plants do not thrive and can be divided into clumps if it spreads too far. Il nome scientifico è Plectranthus Coleoides ma è conosciuta anche con il nome di Edera Svedese. Il genere Plectranthus appartiene alla famiglia delle Labiatae. : has leaves margined with cream and small white flowers; this variegated variety is the one normally grown. To have a healthy incense plant, we just have to consider the following: Location. Flowers: Small white or pale mauve with purple markings blooming intermittently throughout the year once established. The round medium green leaves have sections of solid white. Calyx 1.3-2.5mm enlarging in fruit to 3.5-4.5 mm. La fioritura è anche gradevole, nel viola chiaro. Click here to … Know Your Zones. It's a Proven Winners selection so it's widely available. Not only is this plant beautiful and easy-care, it releases a heavenly citrus-woodsy aroma when brushed. Inflorescence: Racemose, 7-25 cm long whorls 6-10-flowered. Dark green leaves accented with a bright white edge, Use in hanging baskets and patio containers. Fruits (nutlets): 0.7-1 mm, dark brown, shiny, almost spherical. Don't put them where people will knock against them or high wind areas, for they will lose branches and look lopsided. It's a Proven Winners selection so it's widely available. Variegata. With its attractive, scalloped foliage that's green with white margins, Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegata' makes a worthy filler plant in a container or in the garden. Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegatus' Pianta erbacea perenne aromatica, profumata di incenso, portamento decombente, molto attraente per le belle foglie, allontana gli insetti molesti. This plant cascades, fountain-like from pots and hanging baskets. Plectranthus coleoides 'Nicoletta' has large, fuzzy, silvery-gray leaves and purplish stems. See shipping tab for details. plectranthus coleoides Pianta dell'incenso, denominata così per il forte odore che emana ogni singola foglia. Marginatus is a lovely semi-trailing tender perennial plant, for the urban garden in warmer zones or warm-weather annual. this variegated variety is the one normally grown. Nel corso della stagione forma dei rami lunghi oltre il metro morbidamente ricadenti con foglie variegate e fortemente aromatiche. Rarely grown from seed because the plants seldom flower and set seed. Cultivation and Propagation: Plectranthtis forsteri cv. Il Plectranthus coleoides è forse una delle piante ricadenti più note, comunemente conosciuta come la Pianta dell’incenso. Plectranthus_coleoides Care Of The Variegata – Plectranthus coleoides. Contact Us . Variegata. It grows less than a foot tall and spreads up to 2 feet wide. It grows about a foot tall and half again as wide. With its attractive, scalloped foliage that's green with white margins, Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegata' makes a worthy filler plant in a container or in the garden. Plectranthus species are found in Southern and Tropical Africa and Madagascar, and one in Sri Lanka. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. Plectranthus Emerald Lace - a easy to grow houseplant and also easy to make your own cuttings or propagation . Proven Winners - Variegata - Swedish Ivy - Plectranthus coleoides purple plant details, information and resources. • Plectranthus dolichopodus dalla crescita It was absolutely stunning. “Profumata, variegata, aromatica, originale” Viene comunemente chiamato anche Falso incenso, Il suo nome è dovuto all’intenso profumo, molto simile all’incenso, che si sprigiona appena si sfiorano le foglie. Looks great spilling over container edges. Its relatively fine texture sets it apart from other garden plants with less refined foliage. From soft-wood cuttings at any time during the growing season, cutting will grow within days. Le foglie sono ovali e pelose, di colore verde chiaro lunghe 6-10 cm e crenate. 22, 31 (1971). Common Names include: ENGLISH: Variegated plectranthus. Home • Assortment • Selecta Bedding Plants • Plectranthus coleoides • Variegata. Use as an accent or specimen in beds, planters and window boxes. This is one of my favorite plants. It is very easily propagated from cuttings in spring and autumn. ... Variegata Swedish Ivy Plectranthus coleoides. Ha fogliame variegato di verde chiaro e crema dal tipico sapore pepato. Create colorful and carefree container plantings using variegated Plectranthus with other interesting foliage plants such as Heuchera or grasses. Plectranthus coleoides o Falso incenso 29 Agosto 2019 2 Minuti di Lettura. ... La varietà ‘Marginathus’ o ‘Variegata’ ha lungo i rami ricadenti a volte anche molto lunghi, piccole foglioline a forma di cuore, pelose di un bel verde brillante e bordate di bianco. Leaves: (1.5-)3.5-5(-6) x (1-)2-3(-4) cm, ovate to broadly ovate, hairless or hairy, lower surface glandular, green with irregular creamy white crenately-toothed margins. It grows about a foot tall and half again as wide. Il Plectranthus Coleoides è originario delle zone a clima tropicale dell’India. The natural species comes from New Caledonia, Fiji and Loyalty Islands. You will receive (4) two inch pots of this variegated beauty. Distribution: New Caledonia, Fiji, Loyalty Islands. Uses. We're listening! This is a relatively low maintenance plant, and can be pruned at anytime. Plectranthus neochilus 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' forms a ground-hugging mat of gray-green foliage with white leaf margins. Besides our Selecta Classics we are offering you the Selecta Specialities line with a a lot of special crops to complete your assortment of bedding plants. It's a Proven Winners selection so it's widely available. Several species are grown as ornamental plants. Find help & information on Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegatus' from the RHS If it is getting too much sun, the leaves turn yellow, start curling and look unsightly. Avoid low light situations. Waterings: The plants are regularly watered and allowed to dry before watering again, pay attention don't overwater as stems may rot at the soil line. It will also grow in the most uncongenial shady places and can form a dense carpet under trees or shrubs, and brings light into gloomy areas. Get Local. Corolla 3-8 mm, tube curved downwards, upper side almost straight, white to mauve. - Extras: Easy to please! La pianta è in vaso di 18 cm di diametro Peso: 1.90 KG Sort Colour • Plectranthus coleoides ha portamento per lo più decombente. Learn More. It grows about a foot tall and half again as wide. Origin and Habitat: Garden origin. Exposure: Dappled shade to half sun; this species thrives in dry, luminous locations. Variegated form: The variegated form of Plectranthus forsteri, which has the cultivar name of 'Marginatus' ('Variegatus') is a bushy variant with leaves nicely margined with cream. No pest problems so far. All Plectranthus need to be replaced by new cuttings every so often as they get a bit straggly after a few years.Use: Propagation. Cite this page: "Plectranthus coleoides f. variegata" Text available under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution License. This plant cascades, fountain-like from pots and hanging baskets. It has velvety heart shaped leaves that are green with creamy white edging. When grown under shady or partly shady conditions, it becomes scraggly and unattractive. Being a plant of tropical origin, it does not resist the cold, but it adapts very well to living inside the home as long as we place it in a room where there is plenty of natural light. This is fast growing and makes a lovely hanging basket. It ideally should be grown in a semi-shaded as the leaves will remain a beautiful jade-green colour. This is a relatively low maintenance plant, and can be pruned at anytime. Variegata - Swedish Ivy - Plectranthus coleoides Cultural Data; Search this site: Question? NGA (National Gardening Association). Plectranthus have been familiar houseplants for years. Plectranthus coleoides Variegata - Swedish Ivy Basic Care - Light: High light. Viene usato in panieri sospesi o come coprisuolo. AF-0094-17. Get Local. I have two very large round containers sitting on the top of the stumps, and I planted this Swedish ivy in these containers. Plectranthus forsteri is native to SW. Pacific; Edible: Plectranthus forsteri “Variegata” is not hardy and can be grown on sunny to light shaded places. Feedback? Plant ships in a 4 growers pot Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Care of Plectranthus australis variegata: Shade, temp. Donate now to support the LLIFLE projects. Descriere: Planta originara din Australia si Noua Zeelanda, ideala in ghivece sau jardiniere suspendate, recomandat a se ierna in interior. Remarks: This plant should not be confused with genuine Plectranthus coleoides Bentham, a different specie native to India that is not generally cultivated. It needs little attention - and is quite hardy in a cool, well-lit conservatory or glasshouse, but grow well in a bright spot in the house too, need full sun to partial shade or high interior lighting with a well-drained soil mix. 38 1832. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. I had two giant pine trees growing out of my deck, which were cut down with the stumps of 3 1/2 feet left in place. Petiole to 3.5 cm. The variegated form lends an added dimension of color when mixed with bright flowering plants. Recent Reviews. Il Plectranthus Coleoides è originario delle zone a clima tropicale dell’India. 4C. It is frost tender and grows well in sub-tropical and tropical locations, but will do well in cooler climates if grown in a pot and brought indoors, or moved to a warm sheltered position in winter. They are all very brittle and break easily. La pianta di Plectranthus coleoides è originaria dell'Australia orientale, delle isole Figi e della Nuova Caledonia. I was extremely disappointed this year in not being able to find these plants. “Tropica : color cyclopedia of exotic plants and trees for warm-region horticulture in cool climate the summer garden or sheltered indoors” East Rutherford, N.J. : Roehrs Co., 1981 4) Contributions to the Queensland herbarium 20: f. 2Q. Because of its trailing habit of growth, it is ideally suited for use as a 'spiller' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination; plant it near the edges where it can spill gracefully over the pot. With its attractive, scalloped foliage that’s green with white margins, ‘Variegata’ makes a worthy filler plant in a container or in the garden. E' perenne sempreverde a portamento eretto poi ricadente, di piccole dimensioni (non supera i 30 cm di altezza). Transplant the Plectranthus cutting into a 4- to 6-inch pot filled with standard potting soil three to four weeks after it roots. 17D. Its leaves are usually rounded, green, although there are some that have them variegated. Margin with 3-6 pairs of scallops; base almost cordate to wedge-shaped; apex obtuse. Description: Plectranthus forsteri (also sold as P. coleoides or without any indication of species) is a bushy small shrub to 25-30 cm tall and 60 or ore cm wide with green, scalloped leaves about 5 cm long. Plectranthus australis variegata is the variegated form of what is commonly called "Swedish Ivy". As this variety grows care must be taken to cut out the solid green branches so that the green does not take over the plant. All Rights Reserved. Plectranthus coleoides 'White Surf' Add to cart. Some suggest to water just enough to keep the leaves from shrivelling this keep the plants more compact and enhances the leaves scent. Their lovely scalloped foliage and trailing habit are perfect for annual plantings or cascading from hanging baskets on a porch or pergola. Fertilization: Fertilizer is usually applied only once during the growing season and it is diluted to half strength. Habit: Plectranthus forsteri is a spreading or trailing perennial sub-shrub over a metre wide. Shipping Details Shipment begins in late March 2021, depending on your zone. Plectranthus are very beautiful plants, which are used both to decorate the interior of houses and the shady or semi-shaded corners of gardens and patios. Subspecies, varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to the Plectranthus forsteri group, Bibliography: Major references and further lectures1) Christopher Brickell “RHS Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers” Dorling Kindersley Ltd, 01/Sep/20102) James Cullen, Sabina G. Knees, H. Suzanne Cubey “The European Garden Flora Flowering Plants: A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass” Cambridge University Press, 11/Aug/20113) Graf, Alfred Byrd. With its attractive, scalloped foliage that's green with white margins, Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegata' makes a worthy filler plant in a container or in the garden. If too much water is used, the leaves will turn yellow and get mushy. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle® newsletter, Variegata - Swedish Ivy - Plectranthus coleoides. To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. Plectranthus (English name spur flowers), with some 72 species, is a genus of perennial, rarely annual herbs or soft-wooded shrubs, sometimes succulent; sometimes with a tuberous base. lant actually grows taller than 30 cm but branches droop due to weight of leaves.Stems: Sparsely downy with both long and short hairs. Variegated Swedish Ivy is a fine choice for the garden, but it is also a good selection for planting in outdoor containers and hanging baskets. : is a bushy small shrub to 40-60 cm tall and 120 cm wide with green, scalloped leaves about 5 cm long. © 2020 Proven Winners North America LLC. The erroneous use of the name “coleoides” has caused much confusion among plant fanciers and growers about this species than about any other Plectranthus species. The stems should be cut back fairly hard after flowering (or in early spring in cooler areas if there is the risk of frosts). Denumire oficiala: Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegata' Denumire populară: iedera scandinava Familia de plante: Lamiaceae. Keep soil moist. May be pinched or trimmed as needed to maintain shape and size. Di questa pianta aromatica esistono numerose varietà, ma quelle più apprezzate sono a foglia cuoriforme, variegata verde chiaro e bianco. PLEASE, is there anyone in my area that carries this ivy. Welcome to the famous Dave's Garden website. Di questa pianta aromatica esistono numerose varietà, ma quelle più apprezzate sono a foglia cuoriforme, variegata verde chiaro e bianco. The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). Jul 8, 2019 - Find Variegated Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegata') in Pittsburgh Cecil Bridgeville McDonald Fayette Pennsylvania PA at Bedner's Farm & Greenhouse (Candle Vine, Candlestick Vine) /Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Lamiaceae/29699/Plectranthus_coleoides_f._variegata. ©2013-2020 LLIFLE - Encyclopedia of living forms, See all synonyms of Plectranthus forsteri. It grows quickly in a well-drained, semi-shaded position and tolerates drought and root-competition. Description: Plectranthus forsteri (also sold as P. coleoides or without any indication of species) is a bushy small shrub to 25-30 cm tall and 60 or ore cm wide with green, scalloped leaves about 5 cm long. Plectranthus coleoides 'White Surf' Whether you need a no-fuss, neat groundcover or a maintenance-free container workhorse, ‘White Surf’ does the job with panache. They grew so beautifully trailing down the stumps, and you couldn't even tell the stumps were there. Accepted Scientific Name: Plectranthus forsteri Labiat. Our Guarantee We guarantee your complete satisfaction or your money back. Plectranthus forsteri “Variegata” Common name(s): Spurflower Synonyme(s): N/A Family: Lamiaceae Origin: “Variegata” is a cultivar. Is a spreading or trailing perennial sub-shrub over a metre wide: Fertilizer is usually applied only during! Beautiful jade-green Colour healthy incense plant, for the clawlike shape of its blue-purple bloom spikes that rise inches. 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