Further, the two provinces must be connected either by sea or by provinces with an appropriate network of roads, which are constructed via the Build action. While not all who carry Azrai’s blood are evil, most are, and that legacy follows his scions wherever they go. For all of the complexity of politics and management of realms, sooner or later a regent will find themselves embroiled in bitter conflict with rivals, brigands, or swarms of marauding monsters. If left to fester without being tended to, the targeted provinces decline in loyalty by one grade for each season the threat is allowed to remain unchallenged. Unfortunately, Prince Darien Avan owns a temple holding in her territory, and he is sore about being snubbed at a recent diplomatic gathering. Dwarven fortifications are notoriously difficult to besiege, as they tend to be built partially or entirely underground. A sorcerer can learn and cast realm spells that require Source holdings. A lieutenant can force an immediate Assassination event upon their controlling regent (provided they are in the same province as the regent at the time the spell is cast). Each listed event has a modifier next to it in parentheses. Each seasonal event can grant a modifier of +1 to +5 depending on its impact. These options are even more contentious in most campaigns, but there are examples of every monstrous player race save orcs in Cerilia. You speak the regional human dialect where the campaign takes place, plus one additional language of your choice from among human or demihuman tongues. A province can only hold a single Castle asset for purposes of this action, though you may well have numerous smaller keeps and palaces in the area that do not necessarily contribute to defense in any meaningful way. Ignoring this event has consequences in the form of damages to the realm that cost 1d6 GB to fix, and may also cause loyalty to degrade. Vorynn, Major: You may use the divination spell beginning at 7th level, once per day as a ritual. This party may become a future thorn in their side. At 11th level, they may summon three units, and at 17th level they may summon four. The end point location cannot be in a lethal location (such as in the middle of a sea or in a volcanic caldera). At 5th level, they may affect up to two provinces, which need not be adjacent. Once you use this ability, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again. As a unique campaign world, the Birthright setting has its own collection of deities. Though only the chief deity of the dwarf and goblin pantheon is listed below, each race has a diverse collection of gods and goddesses to which they give homage -- though the goblins shed and collect gods frequently due to their fickle and hateful nature. Calimor later decides to extend the ley line into enemy territory in the province of Ghiere, in Baron Gavin Tael’s domain of Ghoere. The blood is too tainted (naturally) to actually gain any significant power with it. Units also have a Battlefield Challenge Rating, or BCR, which is used to help determine the results of certain clashes (as well as automatic battle resolution). Such mechanisms have potential pitfalls - some characters, due to incredible luck during character creation, might be overpoweringly unbalanced. The more expansive the castle, the more expensive this spell is to cast, even if the damage you intend to cause is not equal to the level of the castle. Ruling a realm is a time-intensive process that takes away from the usual adventuring most characters undertake, but the demands on a regent are no less strenuous. Major: You may also use this pool to cure diseases or neutralize poison, just as a paladin might. Draconic bloodline sorcerers gain their power from their draconic lineage, and other sorcerers are pure mebhaighl given physical limitations. Unlike their kin from other worlds, Karamhul dwarves are incredibly dense and weigh anywhere from 250 to 300 pounds despite standing but 4 to 4 ½ feet tall. Erik’s Blessing. Addressing the problem can be trickier. The strength of a province’s source rating is inverse to the province’s level; the only exception to this rule is a domain ruled by an elven regent with a predominantly elven population. Birthright Cataclysm is the story of Aria Selnades (the descendant of the Selnades bloodline of vampire hunters) and Maia Etranzi (the princess of vampires). This is typically represented by two numbers separated by a slash. Though they are likely to break under a cavalry charge, goblins are eager mercenaries and are plentiful in the uncivilized areas of the world. Garrisoned units cost half of their maintenance each season, but are slow to bring back to muster in an emergency. It is the intent of this document not to sully or profit from the hard work of those that came before, but to exist as a love letter to Cerilia and the Birthright campaign setting. When determining automatic battle resolution, you may reroll a number of d6 results equal to your Bloodline modifier, but only when the die result is a 1 (before modifiers). It is unfortunate, therefore, that so many of the common folk of a given region are prone to illiteracy. They must pay the GB cost of any unit, as listed in its entry. The world of the Birthright setting is rife with dangers once one meanders beyond the borders of settled kingdoms. Determine troop movements and strength in foreign provinces. The province immediately drops in loyalty by two grades. Part of each domain action phase is the War Move. These spells can affect an entire province or an army occupying a province, and are extremely taxing to the spellcaster. When a regent wishes to establish a foothold in a given province, they may create a holding of the desired type. The Rjuven tribe of humans, which would become the people of the Rjurik Highlands, worshipped Reynir. They do have regular hand weapons and ring mail to sustain them when the foes get too close, and do have a disadvantage against standard infantry units. Low-level holdings generate very little or nothing for the regent, while owning multiple powerful holdings provides a great deal of supplementary cash. Remember that the total level of all holdings of a given type cannot exceed the level of the province in which they are located. The province’s level increases the DC to Contest (thus a level 4 province has a DC of 14 to contest). Most giants are reclusive and rarely emerge from their enclaves to join with armies. Merchants’ Cunning. The scion must be present during the battle, though they do not need to be attached to any units. For this option, magically-inclined fighter and rogue archetypes can be populated by unblooded characters, as their magic does not reach such heights of power that the setting lore is particularly damaged. Any number of units can be affected by this action, and if the units are of regular troops, the success is automatic. Minor: You may use the Lay on Hands ability of a paladin, but only to heal wounds (not to cure conditions). Bloodlines in Cerilia: The Living World are measure a bit different than traditionally done in the Birthright setting. She owns four provinces (levels 3, 2, 1, and 4 respectively) and five total holdings (of levels 2, 2, 1, and 1). Taking command of a holding or province allows you to Agitate or Contest in your favor with an automatic success. Languages. At this phase of the season, you determine how much you will spend on your court this season. Each season, both regents draw Gold Bars equal to the average of the levels of the two connected provinces. For each Gold Bar you sacrifice, you add a +1 bonus to your d20 roll. Targeted units are destroyed unless the controlling regent succeeds on a Bloodline saving throw, which allows the unit to only suffer 25% casualties instead. The caster may summon one unit of undead with this spell. To contest a holding, the regent states their intent to do so over a single holding or any number of holdings within a given domain. Each day you must make a Bloodline saving throw against DC 5. There are seven derivations to select from. Their advantage comes in their quickness to muster when the promise of gold is there to motivate them. This puts her in the Major category, so she can choose any Basaia ability that is classified as Major. As long as the regent ignores this event, the effect persists. At 8th level, the scion can instead transform into a tiger. Upon using Investiture for this purpose, both regents contribute RP equal to the vassal’s Bloodline modifier. I must redeem my family’s honor, lost in some conflict generations ago. If any province becomes rebellious, the regent can no longer collect taxes there and all holdings in that province become contested. A bounty is offered for local monsters, which may draw adventurers to your territory. A neutralized Castle is considered besieged. Basaia, as a sun goddess, was affiliated with fire. For example, the vile lich Manentorok, an awnsheghlien that is effectively an 18th level wizard, maintains a frightened and meager populace of peasants to tend his land and fuel his experiments. Castles are unique in that they may be of higher level than the province in which they lie, but if the Castle’s target level exceeds the province level, costs quickly begin to multiply. Prerequisites: You possess a Bloodline score. Sidhelien Health: You are immune to aging and disease. He pays only an additional 2 RP and 2 GB to push the ley line two more provinces south, but must still succeed at his domain action check to complete the forging. This acts as a typical human, but this option reduces some of the flavor of the setting. The standard human from the Player’s Handbook remains an option for humans who are of mixed ancestry or hail from other, distant lands. It was Azrai that initiated the great conflict in ages past that led to the Battle of Deismaar and the destruction of the gods, and those that bear his lineage in days hence are considered cursed. Thus, a wizard regent can charm a rebellious province to increase the loyalty of its people to high by expending 15 RP. All realm spells have a number of requirements for the casting, which typically include a minimum Temple or Source holding level in the province in which the spell is being cast, Regency Point expenditure, and/or Gold Bar expenditure. If no scouts are present in your armies, then you are unaware of the number and makeup of enemy units unless you perform the Espionage action with that express purpose in mind. Marsupialmancer prefers not to be sued. In and of itself, the lack of bloodline takes some pressure and sometimes-unwelcome attention off of the character, for those who possess a bloodline tend to have greatness thrust upon them or enemies that spring up to steal their birthright. A unit can never be denied a single province’s worth of movement, regardless of how difficult the terrain is to cross or how low their movement rate. At 17th, they may affect up to four provinces. Units can also be replenished by mustering new forces at half cost on the regent’s domain turn, provided the unit in question is in a friendly province. Through this action, it is possible for regents to turn Gold Bars from their treasury into liquid assets to purchase personal equipment or pay ransoms without using official channels. The realm deserves a true monarch, and so I devote myself to the pursuit of the crown. They will never attack you unless first provoked. Gossip, rumor-mongering, or even a death by poison may be the impetus for this event, where the regent and their court become embroiled in the affair. A minor event is dealt with by placating the petitioning party through offerings and compensation. They excel at tests of stamina and morale, though they are not quite as swift as regular cavalry. Game Masters and players are encouraged to use Decree whenever no other action is suitable, but care must be taken not to go overboard with what a Decree can accomplish. This identification takes place at the beginning of the War Moves phase. Good fortune and wealth are associated with Brenna, once well-regarded among the Brechts. Skill Proficiencies. They are described in greater detail under the Lieutenant domain action. It's not a combat benefit, which may make this domain lag a bit behind in raw power compared to some others. If the check fails, the mercenary units become units of brigands within the provinces where they were disbanded. Bloodline Transference is an "in-the-field" version of basic investiture mechanics, but comes very late in the domain's progression and thus I didn't see this as a huge danger. Typically, this involves a trade route request (which may require the regent build roads) or similar mutually-beneficial arrangement. Players who elect to have a bloodline possess a seventh ability score, aptly named Bloodline. Realm magic can only be used in provinces where the regent possess a temple holding (for divine casters such as clerics, druids, paladins and rangers), or a source holding (for arcane spellcasters of all stripes). No one chooses sorcery; the power chooses the sorcerer. The recipient immediately gains a Bloodline score of 11 with the same derivation of the slain scion. If the regent who owns the targeted provinces is in support of your actions, you make your domain action check at advantage. This is represented as the competence of the regent, along with their bloodline power, in order to make something happen within their domain. At 2nd level, a scion of Brenna can transform into a cat as a druid of equivalent level. Infantry units are composed of 200 troops and typically come equipped with a two-handed weapon and ring mail. If you are also a paladin, you need only expend 3 hit points from your pool to cure one of these conditions, rather than 5. Roll 1d6 and consult the list below. Halflings find it important to keep diligent records, and thus ensure their youths learn to read and write at least the Umbric language before they set off into the world. You know the nature and relative strength of such creatures (a low-level scion with a Great bloodline might register to you as weak, while a terrible awnsheghlien would be sensed as an extreme danger). Ability Score Increase. At 17th, they may affect four units. Your mantle of power and nobility naturally influences individuals around you. The currency is used to finance domain actions of all kinds, from construction of holdings to paying spies and mercenaries. Basaia’s scions often find hospitality in Khinasi lands. Example: Erin Velescarpe is a young regent with a lot of work to do to carve out her domain. Now this is capped by the ruler’s bloodline score. It can be as small as a single province, or as large as whole kingdoms. Armies move as far as they desire unless they encounter an enemy force, terrain obstruction, or Castle asset controlled by an enemy regent. DMs Guild Review: The Deck of Multitudinous Things, The Middle Kingdom -- a Metatopia Roundup, DM’s Guild Review: The Complete Martialist Handbook. To determine expenses, the player first adds together the total number of provinces and holdings they possess (not their levels, just the actual number of holdings). Magic-users come with an inherent restriction in the Birthright setting. Heroic: Roll 2d6, re-roll all ones and add 6 to the sum of the dice. You always know which direction is north, regardless of your place above or below ground. A building project is never instantaneous. The caster need not make a domain action roll; the spell is automatically successful and carries no risk of failure. This option saves money, but you are incapable of performing the Decree or Diplomacy actions on any of your action rounds this season. Most of the text herein focused around the copious rules and references one would need to run a campaign in Cerilia, but it is concise and complete. A numeric descriptor of how populated and developed a province is, on a scale of 0 to 10. Forward On behalf of the Birthright community, I’d like to welcome you to the d20 BIRTHRIGHT CAMPAIGN SETTING.It’s been almost five years since Wizards of the Coast decided to stop publishing BIRTHRIGHT game products and novels, but you folks — the community of BIRTHRIGHT fans — have kept Cerilia alive during that long, cold, night. Her base DC of 15 is increased by the level of the Baron’s capital province (6) and the Law holding in his capital province (4). Minor: You possess a slightly altered version of detect thoughts that allows you to read the surface thoughts and emotions of animals of your bloodline’s affiliation. A mighty individual rises to prominence in the regent’s domain. Still, it can be an excellent roleplaying hook to fight the cursed blood that runs in your veins and perform righteous deeds -- or conversely, use the prestige of Anduiras to your own cruel and tyrannical ends. Armies that occupy a province unchallenged automatically Contest the province in favor of their regent, and no roll must be made. As mentioned previously, translators are in high demand in the courts of regents across Cerilia. In order to overcome a Castle’s inherent defenses, it must be surrounded and besieged. By weaving a powerful abjuration, a caster can use this realm spell to remove the effects of harmful realm spells or protect it from possible attack by realm magic. These represent particularly skillful or fortunate outcomes, and will have an improved effect as listed under the respective action. The Game Master determines whether or not the accusations are true, and the regent’s response determines the outcome. Each lieutenant you have costs 1 Gold Bar to maintain. Only the initially-targeted province need be one in which the caster possesses a Source holding or suitable ley line connection. Nor does a lack of bloodline preclude one from actually holding a title or position within a court; most NPC nobles and courtiers won't have a bloodline. If the spellcaster is willing to pay double the RP cost, the castle can be made permanent, though this act is extremely taxing on the spellcaster and ages them 10 years. Now this is capped by the ruler’s bloodline score. A rare few are quite uncomfortable with their circumstances and would rather avoid the attention their bodyguards give to them. Siege warfare is slow, exhausting, and expensive, and it is often more cost-effective to simply bypass the Castle while it is neutralized. Each unit in an engagement is considered to have its sergeants, standard bearers, and other necessary roles already included. Dragonborn may be the hardest sell of the core races to include, and could exist as refugees from another, unnamed continent on the world of Aebrynis. 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