keeps... Reza Aslan prefaces his book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of In Mark 4:35-41 Jesus says to the disciples: ... Preaching Mark in Two Voices (Westminster John Knox Press, 2002). Liturgy Man: What is the purpose of the Season after Epiphany? 36 And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. His back is faced to us. Nazareth with his personal story. They come upon us whether we like it or not. Not only was it Father's Day, but it was also the day after our community welcomed 10,000+ guests for the Gentlemen of the Road music festival. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Mark 4:35-41 EXEGESIS: MARK 4-8. But more important, it was the first Sunday following the Charleston massacre at Emmanuel AME church. You can now follow my latest Perhaps this is Peter. In forcing myself to post something, Mark 4:35-41 He Will Not Let You Perish. They knock us around and threaten to destroy all our stability and security. In Rembrandt’s painting it seems that Jesus is looking to the opening in the heavens and the light that is breaking through. His other hand is on his forehead as he stares blankly out at the dark sea. He “rebukes” the wind and orders the sea (4:39). We can almost feel him trembling with anxiety. Jesus wasn’t just in the boat — he was in his Abba’s arms. How did the disciples react to this storm? Then it began to blow a gale and the waves were breaking into the boat so … (This is the way we need to meditate on Scripture. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. Was he planning all along to calm the storm? Recently I was inspired to do this by an article in the Conversations journal, “In the Storm.”. The first occasion on which Jesus controls nature is recorded in Mark 4:35-41. (Sometimes, particularly under stress, people’s roles and reactions may be very dysfunctional!) Jesus was so relaxed that God’s peace permeated his body. By the way, did you see the symbol of the cross of Christ right in the middle of Rembrandt’s painting? Oh, it was the storm that nearly drowned us all at sea! Pray quietly about this…*. I doubt it. Nor is he faking to be asleep. What is one word or phrase that you’re especially drawn to? We experience these at home or work or even here at Faith. The Gospels: Mark 4:35-41 – A Lesson About Storms. Why were we so afraid? By: Greg Carey On a first read, Mark 4:35-41 looks like a demonstration of Jesus’ astonishing power—and so it is. The disciples must have looked at each other incredulously afterwards, “Let’s see. Notice, that the light of God is not just coming from the heavens it’s also glowing from Jesus’s body! Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Mark 4:35-41. Scripture: Mark 4:35-41. There is one more person in the boat with Jesus. Most important of all, you can find in Rembrandt’s painting Jesus and his cross — you can come to experience more of his peace in the storm. A violent storm hits the Sea of Galilee, so violent and threatening that even the seasoned fishermen are terrified and believe they're about to drown. My goal was to post once a week. The huge wave is pounding the man on the left in the middle and he is hanging on to a guy wire for dear life! After the text of Mark 4:35-41 was chanted by a cantor, Pope Francis delivered a sublime meditation on the Gospel text in the light of what communities around the world are experiencing amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. (In different situations or at different times in your life you might find that you have a different reaction.). It was this peace in his body that he spoke into the storm. [It’s best to do this part before you do the guided parts of this meditation below. It seems he’s about to throw up. When a violent storm threatens to destroy the boat and its inhabitants, Jesus somehow manages to remain "asleep on the cushion." It’s also what we need to do with others when we preach or teach from the Bible. Opening Prayer: Mark 4: 35-41 Here’s an opening prayer inspired by Mark 4:35-41, the account of how Jesus calmed the storm. Let's read the account of a severe storm on the Sea of Galilee. Maybe now he’s just holding the tiller because he sees his friend kneeling and his attention has been drawn to Christ the Lord? As a method of inspiration, Luis A. Zazano February 1, 2020. ( Log Out /  CONSISTING IN OBEDIENCE, SYMPATHY, AND CO-OPERATION, II. But Jesus is sleeping. Mark 4:35-41 He Will Not Let You Perish. Jesus is the only person on the boat who sees the source of light in the heavens. By Daniel W. Brettell (silent) May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my soul be acceptable in your sight, O Lord. Ask God to guide and direct your impressions and thoughts as you look at the painting. Daily Reading & Meditation Saturday (February 1): Why are you afraid? Look closely at Jesus. Now let’s turn to Rembrandt’s meditation on Mark 4:35-41. How could Jesus be so relaxed when he and his disciples were in such great danger? He wasn’t just in the storm — he was in the Kingdom of God. Not only was it Father's Day, but it was also the day after our community welcomed 10,000+ guests for the Gentlemen of the Road music festival. Mark 4:35-41.. Christ and his disciples in the storm. He’s setting an example for us to find ourselves in the Gospel, bringing to God our stress and our sin, our hurts and our hopes. Perhaps the disciple at the tiller is also is drawn to Jesus’ light. January 20, 2017 January 19, 2017 ~ phillipschwartz. In my personal devotions and in the groups and retreats I lead for pastors, leaders, and caregivers I have found that using Picture Prayers that come from the Bible can evoke deep personal emotions and needs, even things that we were not conscious of, which we can then pray about. If they learned to live with him and the Father in the Kingdom of the Heavens then they wouldn’t be afraid — even in a terrible storm. Rain, wind, and flood can completely upset our lives. Don’t you care if we drown!”. Freezing rain is pelting down on him, waves are swamping the boat, winds are whipping against him and tossing the boat around violently. Remain in quiet prayer to absorb this word from God.*. And leaving the crowd behind they took him, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him. A meditation on Mark 4:35-41. Mark 4:35-41: Faith Over Fear. Mark 4:35-41 tells the story that inspired Rembrandt’s painting of The Storm on the Sea of Galilee. Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. Pray quietly about this…*. Yet, Jesus is sleeping! Or maybe he’s just working hard at his job. Jesus’ disciples are traveling across the Sea of Galilee. You can meditate on The Storm on the Sea of Galilee using this large image of Rembrandt’s painting. Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 4,35-41. Mark 4:35-41 "On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, 'Let us go across to the other side.' Surely he is not unaware of the dangerous storm. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Mark 4:35-41 NRSV On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, "Let us go across to the other side." He painted The Storm on the Sea of Galilee in 1633. Chapter 4 opens with a series of parables (the sower, the lamp and the bushel basket, the growing seed, and the mustard seed). INVOLVING HARDSHIP AND APPARENT RISK. This time I will guide you. But you may not have ever meditated on it by using Rembrandt’s famous painting of this story, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee. It comes from the Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren. Other boats were with him. You can do this in a time of private devotion or share this with a prayer partner or small group. Jesus' disciples are traveling across the Sea of Galilee. Home Daily Meditation Mark 4,35-41. Rembrandt is known to have painted himself somewhere in his paintings. I invite you to join me in meditating on Mark 4:35-41 as it was painted by Rembrandt in The Storm on the Sea of Galilee. Mom of four, pie baker, beloved child of God, pot stirrer. Mark 4:35-41: With the coming of evening that same day, he said to them, ‘Let us cross over to the other side’. Mark 4:35-41 The Word of God . The King In The Storm [Mark 4:35-41] Grace Bible Church - Killeen, TX. Linger with Rembrandt’s masterpiece painting of this Gospel story and you’ll begin to feel the stormy gale blowing in your face and the enormous waves tossing you up and down and splashing you with freezing cold sea water! His painting of Jesus and his disciples in their boat on the stormy sea is dark, shrouded in shadows, but there is a ray of light streaming down to help us see what is going on in the boat. With Jesus in the Storm: Rembrandt’s Meditation. Read the passage slowly and prayerfully. A week went by and then another and then … We all live in a world of storms and tempests. The service of Christ - I. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Monday Meditation: RCL Year B, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mark 4:35-41 June 18, 2018 by Gary Neal Hansen 4 Comments Ludolf Backhuysen, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee -1695 ( Log Out /  Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. He’s a leader and a professional fisherman who is focused on his work earnestly trimming the front sail. Other are storms of stress or not knowing what to do. He painted The Storm on the Sea of Galilee in 1633. Burton-Edwards answers questions about United Methodist Worship that he I'm transitioning to a wordpress site. It’s also a great tool to help us hear God’s voice, often in ways that surprise us! Only the kneeling disciple is looking at Jesus with trust and reverence. Reflection on Mark 4:35-41 ~ I have been tossed about in wave after wave of discomfort(s). Let’s meditate on The Storm on the Sea of Galilee one more time. Some storms that we experience, like this one on the Sea of Galilee are dangerous. Then it was realizing that we were sitting next to the Son of God with power over nature!”. Proper 7 — Year B – Mark 4:35-41 "Even the wind and the sea obey him," the awestruck disciples say. He is the Light of the World and the Prince of Peace! Mark 4:35-41 (NASB) And on that day, when evening had come, He said to them, "Let us go over to the other side." ... Contemplation Meditations, Lectio Divina Meditations, Advanced Meditations + Lectio Divina Meditations Pack, Christian Contemplation Meditations + Lectio Divina, Advanced Meditations + Contemplation Meditations + Lectio Divina Meditations … I r... Q&A with Liturgy Man is a series of short videos in which Taylor Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God! It seems that a picture provides a generous space for each of us to project our unique self and life circumstances into so that we can then bring ourself to God. Let your mind be open to whatever impressions or thoughts God may give you.]. He is crouched over and looking with dread at the enormous wave that is swamping the boat. receives in a vari... By my friend Allan Bevere: In this post, I am not really offering any new Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. His painting of Jesus and his disciples in their boat on the stormy sea is dark, shrouded in shadows, but there is a ray of light streaming down to help us see what is going on in the boat. An interesting thing about the painting is that in addition to the twelve disciples who accompanied Jesus in the boat there is a thirteenth person sailing in the boat. Just minutes before, they had been in the most Let's read verses 35-41. Speaking to the disciples, Jesus explains He painted The Storm on the Sea of Galilee in 1633. It’s something like the different roles that people play in a family, church, or other group. Jesus said he only did what he saw the Father doing and that always he was submitted to him. He painted The Storm on the Sea of Galilee in 1633. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. What scares you? Now let’s turn to Rembrandt’s meditation on Mark 4:35-41. Other boats were with him. In the stern, at the very back, is the disciple at the helm, holding the tiller. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. The full text of the meditation is available on the Vatican's news media website. And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Mark 4:35-41: Quieting The Storm. Then, Mark moves into a series of stories in which Jesus himself mediates that power to overcome the threatening chaos of the sea (4:35-41), demons (5:1-20), illness (5:24b-34), and even death (5:21-24a, 35-43). Three of the men (probably experienced fisherman also) are at the mast working frantically to fix the main sail. Lectio Divina Mark 4:35-41. To follow is the manuscript of my sermon on Sunday, June 21, 2015. Pastor~Trinity United Methodist Church. Perhaps it’s an adventure for him. His painting of Jesus and his disciples in their boat on the stormy sea is dark, shrouded in shadows, but there is a ray of light streaming down to help us see what is going on in the boat. How are you dealing with your personal storm? So also, the message you hear from God, spoken to you in part through the picture, is personal to you. Maybe he’s flooded with emotion and shut down. DappyTKeys Piano Worship Recommended for you. What you see in the picture is probably different from what others see. The MethoBlog - Conversation from the Methodist World. They terrify us. He’s sitting still and alone. insights or a new perspective. The figurative storms in relationships, illness, or financial waves threaten to swamp our lives and distract us from Jesus. (If you’re sharing this meditation with a group then you’ll want to print out copies of the picture.) ), In Rembrandt’s painting each of the people with Jesus in the boat has their own reaction to the storm. There seems to be a shadowy figure that he’s looking at. THE CONTEXT Jesus' role as teacher is important in this Gospel. On the lower left of the boat is a man in white that is easy to miss. Which person do you most identify with? Psalm 47, Mark 4 35-41 In Psalm 47, God tells us to let go of our worries, yet, like the disciples in Mark 4 35-41, we fear the storms in our lives are bigger than the power of Jesus. Maybe his hands are tightly gripping the tiller because he’s been straining to keep control of the boat? Mark 4:35-41. Quietly pray and reflect on this for a couple of minutes. Jesus was being sincere. Most of the crew seem afraid, but especially the man on the right side of the boat. Spiritual directors call meditating on a picture “Visio Divina.” Applied to a Bible passage, it’s an imaginative and refreshing form of Scripture meditation that helps us to enter into the narrative of Scripture and bring ourselves to Jesus. What is the Lord’s personal invitation for you in the midst of your storm? Change ). We don’t know whether we can survive them. This is the hidden miracle in this Gospel story and it’s why after Jesus calmed the storm he said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid?”, On the surface it’s a ridiculously funny question! On the lower left in back is a distressed man with his hand on his forehead and leaning over the side of the boat. He must be another experienced fisherman because he’s in charge of the boat. ( Log Out /  Who is that? What part of the painting or character in it does God especially draw your attention to? How to Awaken the Sleeping Jesus: A Meditation on Prayer (Mark 4:35-41) A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. sermons, ram... Do you not care? Or something personal that you’re struggling with. A TRIAL AND DISCIPLINE OF FAITH. Which character in Rembrandt’s painting do you identify with? I have forgotten that Jesus is just a thought away. You can do that here. You’ll feel the force of the trials in your life that threaten to sink your boat. Now, bring your storm into the Gospel story. knowledge and acceptance of the supernormal and the unexplained, but Hazel He must be napping. It’s similar to Lectio Divina, but instead of quietly listening to God through words we use a picture. On a first read, Mark 4:35-41 looks like a demonstration of Jesus' astonishing power -- and so it is. I have been quite lax in my blogging lately. Amen. What do you notice? He’s close to Jesus but he’s not looking at him. III. You probably know well the story of Jesus and his disciples in their boat at sea during a raging storm (Mark 4:35-41). He is responsible to guide the boat’s course and instruct the crew on what they need to do. Most everyone else in the boat is either looking at the storm or at what they’re trying to do to secure themselves. No one is looking at Jesus, except the two angry disciples and the disciple kneeling at Jesus’ feet. Daily Meditation. 35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, "Let us go across to the other side." Is it an angel? In this month’s message we take a look at Psalm 47 and Mark 4 35-41 to better understand what it means to “let go and let God.” Other boats were with him. Now let’s turn to Rembrandt’s meditation on Mark 4:35-41. Now let’s turn to Rembrandt’s meditation on Mark 4:35-41. ( Log Out /  He seems to be separated from the frightening storm and the chaos going on around him in the boat. Rembrandt has painted a halo on this disciple’s head to signify his faith in the Lord Jesus in the midst of the terrible storm. ... Christian Meditation Music |Prayer Music - Duration: 3:04:06. (They were fisherman: 1:16-19.) His painting of Jesus and his disciples in their boat on the stormy sea is dark, shrouded in shadows, but there is a ray of light streaming down to … In the Name of Jesus. because I th... Well, picking up where we left off with Faye — Faye may have heightened my And what did many of them do for a living? Your storm might be a difficulty in your family, work, or ministry. Browse Sermons on Mark 4:35-41. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the … The crises of life have often been compared to stormy seas. You’ll see yourself in the boat and the role you play in your family, work, or other group. What is the worst storm you've ever been through? But I decided to post on this subject I know that the Holy Spirit’s gift of courage is in my every breath, yet I had to be reminded that unceasing prayer is necessary to melt extraordinary distractions away. He’s certainly a leader, like a lot of the pastors I work with — like me! Is he having a vision? Mark 4,35-41. by Fr. James Ford. Unconcerned by the situation. ... A Small Meditation on Dukkha. The disciple kneeling at Jesus’ feet sees Jesus’ light! The man in the bow of the ship is on top, riding the huge wave. 36 And leaving the multitude, they took^ Him along with them, just as He was, in the boat; and other boats were with Him. And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat,… On that day, when evening had come, Jesus said to the disciples, "Let us go across to the other side." The gale winds have ripped it and snapped the metal wire so that the boom is disconnected from the mast. In each case, Jesus engages in a power struggle with forces that could destroy life. Two disciples appear angry at Jesus for sleeping in their storm. Certainly, he is at peace. Stormy lives may obscure our faith. I almost gave up before I got started. 06/18/2012 03:45 pm ET Updated Aug 18, 2012 Some years ago, a friend of mine from church invited me and another fellow to spend a few hours relaxing on his new sailboat on Lake Lanier, north of Atlanta. Luis A. Zazano February 1, 2020. written by Fr. He was at peace in the storm because he trusted his Father to care for them — no matter what happened. And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. One shakes him awake and the other raises his voice, “Teacher! Opening Prayer (inspired by Mark 4:35-41) Mighty God, who speaks a word of peace to calm our troubled sea; A meditation on Mark 4:35-41 To follow is the manuscript of my sermon on Sunday, June 21, 2015. The Wave, Paper Cutout, Phillip Schwartz . Meditation On Mark 4:35-41. A man in a blue shirt on the left side of the boat near the back is standing and holding onto a guy wire. It almost seems he is looking to us. 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