They are all beautiful and lay gorgeous blue/teal colored eggs. Production: Easter Eggers are good layers laying 200-280 medium to large sized light brown, green, blue, or pink eggs a year. They can have any sort of comb with single and pea being the most common (depends on their parents). Hi Angela Colton, If you want to hatch the eggs like I did, I bought my Easter Eggers off of eBay from a farm in El Paso, since I live in Texas. The Easter Egger chicken temperament is exceptionally friendly and hardy – they love getting treats, and are easily trained to sit in your lap. The EE love to be around people. They sit in my lap for treats and both lay pretty much an egg a day when the weather’s right. In our own coop, we have two green egg layers who are Easter Egger/Marans crosses! Would they work with silkies? I have five Easter Eggers. P.O. We’ve purchased our hens and roosters from a variety of places: You can also search for a hatchery or breeder near you. lol). There’s not much you can do to alter this – either they want to hatch eggs or they don’t! Usually, a bantam ameraucana would be crossed with any bird with feathered legs like. Unfortunately we can’t keep a Roo in our town, and I’m at a loss at what to do with him. Easter Egger chickens can give you a variety of blue, green, white, and pink. We also have some with a combination of the two (not quite a pea comb, and not quite a single comb)! I get pink green and teal. While Silked Easter Egger chicks hatch out different colors, they all end up white – imagine that. Their feathers can come in solid colors, patterns and splashes of any color. They aren’t bully birds and may get picked on by more assertive breeds so keep a cautious eye on them with others. They are all pets to me ,but with egg benefits of course. Can anyone tell me if you have introduced new chickens to a flock of Easter Eggers? Each one flies up and sits on my shoulders… one prefers to sit on my head-no joke. It is an extremely popular breed for several reasons. I just ordered some EEs from Meyer Hatchery for our grandkids. Pure bred birds are much more costly than $3.00 Hi there, I have a 10 week old Easter egger roo that appears mainly white but is starting to have a few black feathers here and there. Non-standard is the standard. At places like Tractor Supply, you’ll have to buy 6 or more chicks at once. the best feeders for backyard chickens in this article. They get greens every couple days in addition to free ranging 2 hrs minimal a day on our 1/2 acre fenced. Breed History, Personality, And More . They cost less than $20. Meyer Hatchery here in Ohio has Easter Eggers. Since they’re smaller and the roosters are calm, this chicken breed is a great choice for any family flock. Easter Egger Chicken The Easter Egger is any Chicken that possesses the “blue egg” gene, but doesn’t fully meet any breed defined standard. (I had to look up what saddle feathers are) They don’t have spurs or waddles. or three…. They are friendly, curious and gentle. She lives on her farm in Southeast Missouri with her husband, two children, and about a million chickens and ducks. While both chickens are wonderful, they are definitely two different varieties. With this, you could have green eggs and ham! They are a healthy and vigorous bird. I’m trying to talk my husband into raising and selling in GA because it was so hard for me to find mine. I can’t wait till they arrive! So the inside of the shell is the same color as the outside. Most hatcheries also have minimums. My brother keeps a bigger flock and gets a wider variety of colors including brown, but it depends on what breeds we’re mixed in with the blue genes. They are adorable! Due to their ample size and egg production, Easter Egger Chickens are considered dual purpose – meaning you can keep them for eggs or butcher them for the freezer. It depends on what plumage the parent birds had and which of those colors become genetically dominant. Thanks for any help. I live in indiana northwest and get them from chesterton feed and garden and you can even order them online. Many have beards. I love my girls! I would like some assistance; I had bought hens, but one friend says they are roosters and another says they’re hens. They are on the small size for a standard chicken with the boys weighing around 5lb and the girls 4lb. In this article we cover everything you need to know about them including their temperament, egg laying ability and much more…. I have found that they their first eggs at approximately 9 months old which was hard for me to wait to see that beautiful egg! The legs are usually clean and the shanks can be any color from yellow to slate blue/green. She is orange with little ear muffs and a full tail. I got them at Rural King. First says it’s because they have long, sharp saddle feathers. They are very affordable. I guess chickens are like potato chips….can’t have just one. . When Do Easter Egger Chickens Start Laying? What Breed Of Chicken Is An Easter Egger? No particular health issues other than the usual problems with parasites, especially birds that have beards and muffs. One flock from Cackle and one from TSC….one of my favorite breeds! PREORDER FOR SPRING 2021. If you want to have baby chicks but your hens don’t want to sit on eggs, you can incubate them yourself. Thank you, Also have fertilized eggs for sale. An Olive Egger is really a type of Easter Egger. She’ll even eat from my 7 yr old’s hand. Araucana Some might think that the Easter Egger is a good candidate for making Olive Eggers. Easter Egger aren’t a breed per se. One egg a day is the correct amount of cholesterol for your cells (per my nutrition class.) Tell me this ISN’T true!! Their plumage can vary from stark white to dark brown and black, from buff tones to blue to splash–and anything in between. The Easter Egger can literally be a mixed bag of features. Although primarily thought of as an egg layer, they make a reasonable dual purpose breed. He looks totally different than the other three with his large fluffy tail. Shipping Charges: 1 bird-$171.00 2 birds-$219.00 3 birds-$267.00 4 birds-$432.00 These pullets have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease with no additional charge. What can this be from and will it grow back? They are actually a mix of Collonca and Quetros chickens from the area where they were first found and carry the dominant blue gene for eggs. You’ll have to decide whether you want to free range your hens or not – you can read about advantages and disadvantages of free ranging here. She’s a gorgeous hen but is quite the bully. The Easter Egger chicken temperament is exceptionally friendly and hardy – they love getting treats, and are easily trained to sit in your lap. Table of Contents (Quickly Jump To Information). clover and grass over worms! Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Standard Ameraucanas generally always lay blue eggs, while Easter Eggers can lay blue, green, emerald, or even pink eggs. Cookie won the race, laying a mint green egg at almost egg-zactly (ha) 5 1/2 months of age. She is also the author of Chickens: Naturally Raising A Sustainable Flock, which was a best seller in it’s Amazon category. Do you keep Easter Eggers? Usually, a bantam ameraucana would be crossed with any bird with feathered legs like Silkies, Brahmas, Marans, or Cochins. One of my older flocks avoids warms, another flock would scratch until they found some. Although they retain the blue egg gene they are not classified as a true breed. Raising Goats – The Complete How To Guide, shouldn’t cause problems with the neighbors, Everything You Need To Know About Chicken Combs (Varieties, Colors and More), 15 Most Popular Ornamental Chicken Breeds, 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Purchasing Chicks,, 17 Best Blue Chicken Breeds for Your Flock, 4 Most Popular Bali Chicken Breeds and What You Should Know. The chickens laid their first egg! I have three EE chickens and they are very sweet! I received 15 with an order that advertised a dozen, which was really nice. This is both awesome and insanely frustrating! I own a mixed flock,but I must say for personality hands down it’s my Easter Eggers…. In other words, you can’t choose a buff Easter Egger, a white Easter Egger, a blue Easter Egger, a lavender Easter Egger, etc. White rooster and Easter egger rooster White rooster hatched March 2020 Easter Egger hatched July 22nd 2020 We cover the best incubators in this article. We get all colors of eggs but I don’t know exactly what they are. Well mine doesn’t have this sweet trait. I highly recommend this “breed” for beginners to experts. crossed with dark brown egg layers (like Marans or Welsummers)  might result in an Olive Egger chicken OR it might result in a second generation (F2) Easter Egger! Claire. Araucanas are a chicken breedth… Since they’re smaller and the roosters are calm, this, aren’t a breed per se. As we know, the Araucana and Ameraucana both possess the gene for laying blue eggs. Have red sex link, olive egger, Easter egger and Black sex link all standard sized covered by RIR and Barred Rock roos. Like I said, there’s really no consistency! That’s why when you vigorously clean a brown egg you can sometimes take the pigment off! Easily confused with Ameraucana and Araucana chicken breeds, these feathered beauties aren’t a breed, but rather types of chickens – designer “mutts” that grow into beautiful layers that give us extra large eggs in colors from blue to green and even pink! How Many Eggs Do Easter Egger Chickens Lay Per Year? Your email address will not be published. All Rights Reserved. It's a variety of chicken that does not conform to any breed standard defined in the American Poultry Association's standards. Neither lays eggs yet. This cross is usually between Araucana and Ameraucana birds, but truthfully, Easter Eggers are rather mixed and can be produced when other birds are crossed with either the Ameraucanaor Araucana. Keeping Chickens Laying Through Winter: What The Cluck?! An egg is an egg. They seldom go broody so they devote most of their time to laying those wonderful eggs. However it is widely accepted that the parents are the Araucana and Ameraucana. FrugalChicken, LLC is not a licensed veterinary service. First Easter Egger Egg Colors. We cover, Easter Egger hens don’t tend to go “broody” and want to hatch chicks. Easter Eggers are friendly, great layers of large eggs in shades of blue and green*. I think but not sure that their phone # is Quite a good fit for a family hen. Not only do you get different colored eggs, the chicks can grow up to look very different from each other. Chick season is almost upon us and as you scan over all those fluffy little peeps you may come across some labeled as Americanas. An oyster shell supplement will ensure she lays eggs with strong, healthy shells. She loves attention and crouches down beside me to be picked up and held. When most people think about eggs, they think of the traditional store-bought white or brown eggs. They respond well to praise. There are only 3 breeds or mixed breed of chickens that lay colored eggs other than the typical white … So What Kinds of Chickens Lay Blue Eggs? They don’t seem very assertive and unfortunetly my other chickens tend to pick on them. She has bald patches on each cheek and under her beak. They’re called Easter Eggers because their “butt nuggets” resemble the eggs many people hunt for during the annual spring festival. document.write(CurrentYear) Actually any chicken that possesses the "blue egg" gene, but doesn't fully meet any breed standards is an Easter Egger chicken. If you want a deeper look into blue eggs see our article. They are known as Easter Eggers because they can lay a wide variety of egg colors and their plumage can also be various colors. Not usually, but it’s not unheard of, especially if the parents have feathered feet. RUDD, IA. Finally we get to the Easter Eggers! When your chicken has a vent…, Table of Contents (Quickly Jump To Information) Comfrey salve with oregano is really easy to make, and it’s one of those home remedies that should be in your natural first aid kit.What is comfrey? They may not have ‘pedigree’ but they certainly make up for it in many other ways. The Ameraucana is an American breed (bet you saw that coming!). While Easter Eggers themselves are pretty small (about 4-5 pounds), the bantam sizes are even smaller! We have 11 hens, 6 different breeds; they all love worms; I think they might like my peas our of my garden the best, then kale or spinach. Just remember that Easter Eggers do not conform to a breed standard as defined by the American Poultry Association (APA) or American Bantam Association (ABA), so the cute chicks you get at the farm store can grow up looking completely different from each other! It is important to note, however, that most of the literature that I’ve read claims the Easter Egger to be smaller than the average chicken – meaning there could be less meat to fill the freezer. Does this mean my Henson will lay very light as as that’s what they came out of? It’s really not possible to give a ‘true’ coloration of Easter Egger. The ear tuft gene can be lethal to the embryos. 3 days old. The name derives from the resemblance of their colorful eggs to Easter … How can i got easter egger chicken or hen? They’re usually a cross between blue egg layers like Ameraucanas (though sometimes Araucanas or Cream Legbars) and any other chicken breed. They are super friendly and lovable. Their ear lobes can be any color, but are usually red or white and occasionally a bird will have ear tufts. Eggs can be shades of blue, green or pink. Find me on Facebook for pics, because I’m confused about what I have. I also have a “regular” Easter Egger who is my most prolific with pale green eggs, and a Lavender Orpington whose eggs are pink. I’ve found that double checking CONSTANTLY that they can’t get into the coop or run is the best way to protect my flock. This is for the safety of the chicks. I’m getting 10 Easter Egger chicks in the mail from Ideal Hatchery in Cameron, Tx in a couple of days. Discover this fun breed, the color eggs they lay, and more! It’s very easy to be confused; many sellers mistakenly label Easter Egger chickens as Ameraucanas or Araucanas (or vice versa). You can read about the oldest chicken in the world here. Too many damp dreary days they stop laying for a day or two, otherwise cold or warm, they’re working hard. The Easter Egger Bantam easily adapts to the environment that they are put in. Am hoping the Easter Eggers might be easier to introduce new chickens to their flock. They were developed to the breeders liking and so a standard was issued. The beloved Easter Egger is not in fact a recognized breed but a hybrid or ‘mutt’ chicken. They are all so excited. Every one of mine has a different mix of feather colors. These lovable ‘mutts’ were originally created when people started crossing Araucana or Ameraucanas with other breeds. I absolutely love them! Easter Eggers are friendly birds making them great pets. –Dan, Please see our article on egg laying stoppages. Session 9 [Podcast], Vent Prolapse: How to Recognize & Treat Your Hen, Comfrey Salve For Chickens: Oh So Effective For First Aid. Some have tails, and others don’t (Araucanas – which are blue egg layers – are rumpless, so they don’t grow tails). Facial features can include all, some or no muffs and/or beards, giving them a look that some folks describe as chipmunk-ish. As the Easter Egger is a hybrid, there is no set standard for them. Their feathers are any combination of colors from grey to gold. We have one Americana in our older coop that gives us pretty green eggs a few times a week. As grown birds, males are black and red with small pea combs and females are gray and white with pea combs. If a hatchery only shipped one or two chicks in the mail, they likely would be far too cold, and arrive dead. They come in shades of green, blue, tan, pinkish, brown, buff, and white…hence the name ‘Easter Eggers.’ Color Your Easter Eggs Without a Kit Leave a comment below! 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