Paul’s epistles are part of God’s inspired word. Paul also makes sure at the end of this letter to say “I, Paul.” (3:17) [INTERNAL] Paul wrote the book of 2 Thessalonians to the church there around 50-51 AD that was shortly after the first book was written (Teacher). But out of the 13 letters of Paul, skeptical critics like Bart Ehrman say that only 7 of them were truly written by the apostle. The Apostle Paul wrote it about 52-54 A.D. and it was one of his earliest written letters. When you read 1 and 2 Thessalonians, it seems pretty obvious that the Apostle Paul wrote them because his name is at the beginning of both the letters. The syntax of 1 Thes. Paul urges them to go on working quietly while waiting in hope for the return of Christ. The themes of 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians are similar, suggesting that he wrote 2 Thessalonians to clarify and expand on the first epistle. Since the subject matter of the second letter has a number of thematic similarities to the first, Paul probably had received a second report from the city detailing continuing questions or problems regarding the end times. Most New Testament scholars believe Paul the Apostle wrote this letter from Corinth, although information appended to this work in many early manuscripts (e.g., Codices Alexandrinus, Mosquensis, and Angelicus) state that Paul wrote it in Athens[3] after Timothy had returned from Macedonia with news of the state of the church in Thessalonica (Acts 18:5; 1 Thes. Other scholars, such as Schmithals,[12] Eckhart,[13] Demke[14] and Munro,[15] have developed complicated theories involving redaction and interpolation in 1 and 2 Thessalonians. 1 Thessalonians was sent specifically to young believers in the newly established church in Thessalonica, although it generally speaks to Christians everywhere. Paul claimed the title of the "Apostle to the Gentiles", and established gentile churches in several important cities in the Roman Empire. 2. Who Wrote 2 Thessalonians? Because they lacked foundational teachings, the Thessalonian believers were confused about what would happen to those who died prior to the return of Christ. Because of its similarity to 1 Thessalonians, it must have been written not long after the first letter—perhaps about six months. (Unlike some of Paul’s other letters, it doesn’t begin with individual greetings. The following table lists out the order of the books as they were written. 3:6). Main Journal for the Study of the New Testament Who Wrote 2 Thessalonians? 2:14-16 in his Who Wrote the New Testament? Practical instructions and encouragement - 1 Thessalonians 4:1 – 5:24. The Bible was written over approximately 1600 years in three different languages, on three different continents, by 40 different authors. Fairchild, Mary. Because of its similarity to 1 Thessalonians, it must have been written not long after the first letter—perhaps about six months. Most New Testament scholars believe Paul the Apostle wrote this letter from Corinth, although information appended to this work in many early manuscripts (e.g., Codices Alexandrinus, Mosquensis, and Angelicus) state that Paul wrote it in Athens after Timothy had returned from Macedonia with news of the state of the church in Thessalonica (Acts 18:5; 1 Thes. Closing and benediction - 1 Thessalonians 5:25-28. Over a quarter of 1 Thessalonians and nearly half of 2 Thessalonians deal with problems and issues regarding the parousia or coming of Christ from heaven. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter with the assistance of his co-workers Silas and Timothy. Summary. Our beliefs ought to translate into a changed way of life. The epistle is attributed to Paul the Apostle, and is addressed to the church in Thessalonica, in modern-day Greece. Paul wrote the book of Thessalonians to the church of Thessalonians (1:1). It appears that the Thessalonians had received a fraudulent letter that claimed to be from Paul, which caused some to believe that the Second Coming had already occurred (see 2 Thessalonians 2:2). The book was written to explain to Abraham's descendants-Israel, why they were going to the Promised Land. It seems that the letter was written about 50-52 C.E. Paul; church at Thessalonica. But the evidence is lacking that pseudonymity was accepted in letters that were considered to be authoritative and inspired. Ephesians is primarily written to Gentile (non-Jewish) followers of Christ—most likely the church in Ephesus. Many believe it was written around 51–52 AD, shortly after the First Epistle. The letter’s main theme is Jesus’ second coming. And for a couple hundred years, scholars have gone back and forth and debated whether 2 Thessalonians was written by Paul. Summary and Analysis 1 and 2 Thessalonians. It was written to a struggling, yet vigorous church that was only a few months old, made up of Christians who had just come to Christ under Paul's ministry. Far and away the largest theological contribution of both 1 and 2 Thessalonians lies in what they say about eschatology. Date of Writing: The Book of 2 Thessalonians was likely written in AD 51-52. As Professor Ernest Best, New Testament scholar, explains the problem; This makes it one of the first books of the Christian Greek Scriptures to be completed after the Gospel of Matthew (probably written c. 41 C.E.) The book was written to explain to Abraham's descendants-Israel, why they were going to the Promised Land. Author, Date, and Place of Writing. For this reason, there is debate about whether it was specifically intended for the church in Ephesus, or if it was meant to be circulated more widely.) By living holy lives in faithfulness to Christ and His Word, we remain ready for his return and will never be caught unprepared. The situation in the church seems to have been much the same. 1 Thessalonians 2:13–16 have often been regarded as a post-Pauline interpolation. Author, Date, and Recipients. Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians. The following dates are not exact because we cannot be exactly sure of the very year of every book. ", Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The first letter — 1 Thessalonians — was written to a community of believers who had been Christians for only a short period of time, probably no more than a few months. He is a very capable NT scholar and has previously written a commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians (New Covenant Commentary Series, 2016). A Fresh Look at an Old Problem. 35; Iss. Author, Date, and Place of Writing. This is a delightfully revealing letter, showing the heart of the apostle toward these new Christians, and also showing the struggles that were present in the early church. Purpose of Writing: In the church of Thessalonica there were some misunderstandings about the return of Christ. It was written to a struggling, yet vigorous church that was only a few months old, made up of Christians who had just come to Christ under Paul's ministry. 35; Iss. Commendations and explanations - 1 Thessalonians 1:2 - 3:13. and about the same time as 1 and 2 Thessalonians (c. 50 and 51 C.E. As believers filled with the Holy Spirit today, we too can stand firm in our faith no matter how difficult the opposition or persecution becomes. Paul opens his letter with a customary salutation (1:1), written to the Thessalonian believers. As one would expect, 1 & 2 Thessalonians is broken up into two major sections, 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians. The rest are forgeries. Language: english. Learn Religions, Aug. 28, 2020, It is then argued that 1 Thessalonians was written to the Gentile church and 2 Thessalonians to the Jewish church. After only a brief time in the city, dangerous opposition arose from those who thought Paul's message was a threat to Judaism. Two letters that Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica are preserved in the New Testament. It seems that the letter was written about 50-52 C.E. Paul goes on to explain that the dead will be resurrected prior to those still living, and both groups will greet the Lord in the air.[18]. If Moses wrote Exodus through Deuteronomy, it also follows that he wrote Genesis even though his name is nowhere mentioned in the book. The use of the concept of imitation in 1 Thes. Daily Living: Paul also instructed the new Christians on practical ways to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ. Though only three chapters in length, almost 1/3 of the book repeats what is said in 1 Thessalonians. The books are very different in tone and style. What does 1 Thessalonians 4:3 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life is? Burton Mack writes of 1 Thess. A Fresh Look at an Old Problem Foster, P. Volume: 35. Their sanctification. 3:6). So, Paul assured them that everyone who believes in Jesus Christ will be united with him in death and live with him forever. [16], According to Bart D. Ehrman, the Acts of the Apostles tells a different story of Paul's career,[16] which reports that, while there were "some" Jews converted during Paul's initial preaching in Thessalonica, the gentiles who were converted were "a large number" and the Jews as a body fiercely opposed Paul's work there.[17]. Thessalonica was the capital of the province of Macedonia and a large seaport. He is always named next after Jesus in lists of Jesus’ brothers, so he was presumably considered to be Jesus’ next younger brother. According to James 1:1, the letter is written by James himself.He was the son of Joseph, a construction worker who originally lived in Nazareth in Galilee. Later, Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to check on the church there, and Timothy’s report led Paul to write this letter. For the most part, the letter is personal in nature, with only the final two chapters spent addressing issues of doctrine, almost as an aside. Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians from Corinth in AD 51 within months of writing the first letter. "Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians." Greeting - 1 Thessalonians 1:1. The First Epistle to the Thessalonians, commonly referred to as First Thessalonians or 1 Thessalonians, is a Pauline epistle of the New Testament of the Christian Bible.The epistle is attributed to Paul the Apostle, and is addressed to the church in Thessalonica, in modern-day Greece.It is likely the first of Paul's letters, probably written by the end of AD 52. About six months later (a.d. 51/52) he sent 2 Thessalonians in response to further information about the church there. Paul wrote this letter to the church in Thessalonica. Joshua states that it was already written … The first letter of Paul to the Thessalonians is also the first letter the apostle wrote. This would have been around the year A.D. 49 or 50, shortly after Paul and his company had left Thessalonica. However, many scholars say that only 1 Thessalonians was actually written by Paul, and that 2 Thessalonians was written in his name after his death. Paul and his companions had established the church in Thessalonica but were forced to leave by opponents of the gospel. Who wrote 1-2 Thessalonians and who were these letters written to? Paul wrote this letter to strengthen and encourage the church in Thessalonica. It appears that the Thessalonians had received a fraudulent letter that claimed to be from Paul, which caused some to believe that the Second Coming had already occurred (see 2 Thessalonians 2:2). Following Jesus Christ took a courageous, all-encompassing commitment. On the scholarly view, Paul wrote … (thehss ssuh loh' nih uhnss) This letter claims to have been written by Paul (2 Thessalonians 1:1), and the style, the language, and the theology fit in with this claim.Early writers like Polycarp and Ignatius seem to have known it, and it is included in the lists of New Testament books given by Marcion and the Muratorian Canon. 5:1–11 is a post-Pauline insertion that has many features of Lukan language and theology that serves as an apologetic correction to Paul's imminent expectation of the Second Coming in 1 Thes. By using Learn Religions, you accept our. The book of 1stThessalonians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). What does 1 Thessalonians 4:3 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life is? Fairchild, Mary. Author: 2 Thessalonians 1:1 indicates that the Book of 2 Thessalonians was written by the apostle Paul, probably along with Silas and Timothy. Schmidt, D. 1983, "I Thess 2:13–16: Linguistic Evidence for an Interpolation," JBL 102: 269–79. Closing and benediction - 1 Thessalonians 5:25-28. [1] However, some scholars believe the Epistle to Galatians may have been written by AD 48.[2]. Paul and his companions had spent only three weeks in Thessalonica, but according to the accounts of Acts and Thessalonians, their ministry had been characterized by enormous success. Paul also makes sure at the end of this letter to say “I, Paul.” (3:17) [INTERNAL] Paul wrote the book of 2 Thessalonians to the church there around 50-51 AD that was shortly after the first book was written (Teacher). 2:13–16 deviates significantly from that of the surrounding context. It was during this second missionary journey that Paul wrote his two letters to the Thessalonians. The arguments employed to establish this view are as follows: (1) It would seem that Gentiles were the recipients of the first epistle (cf. Baur. He probably wrote in a.d. 49–51 from Corinth during his second missionary journey (Acts 18:1–18). [3] These are scholars who say that the second letter is quite different from the First Epistle to the Thessalonians and may have been written by … (thehss ssuh loh' nih uhnss) This letter claims to have been written by Paul (2 Thessalonians 1:1), and the style, the language, and the theology fit in with this claim.Early writers like Polycarp and Ignatius seem to have known it, and it is included in the lists of New Testament books given by Marcion and the Muratorian Canon. In Acts 17:1-10, while on his second missionary journey, the Apostle Paul and his companions established the church in Thessalonica. A Fresh Look at an Old Problem. Hope of the Resurrection: Besides encouraging the church, Paul wrote this letter to correct some doctrinal errors regarding the resurrection. "Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians." Journal for the Study of the New Testament 2012 / 12 Vol. For this reason, there is debate about whether it was specifically intended for the church in Ephesus, or if it was meant to be circulated more widely.) respectively). As first-century Christians, they were constantly under threat of stoning, beatings, torture, and crucifixion. Why that letter? The letter to the Thessalonians is thought to have been written by Paul from Corinth a few months after founding a congregation there. Second Thessalonians is so like 1 Thessalonians and yet so different that it must be an imitation of 1 Thessalonians written to meet a later situation. With the influence of various cultures and pagan religions, the fledgling community of believers in Thessalonica faced a multitude of pressures and persecutions. Who wrote 1-2 Thessalonians and who were these letters written to? . The Bible was written over approximately 1600 years in three different languages, on three different continents, by 40 different authors. Main Journal for the Study of the New Testament Who Wrote 2 Thessalonians? The book of 1 st Thessalonians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). The believers in Thessalonica managed to stay true to the faith even without the presence of the apostles. "The only possible reference to a previous missive is in 2:15…" Raymond E. Brown 1997. Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians and sent it to the church. Also, it is known that Josephus’s works were written in a Greek that was beyond his skills. G. Friedrich, "1. He is always named next after Jesus in lists of Jesus’ brothers, so he was presumably considered to be … Thessalonicher 5,1–11, der apologetische Einschub eines Spaeteren," ZTK 70 (1973) 289. That is why scholars believe that he had help from people with good Greek skills to help him produce “a finely written Greek document” even though he was an Aramaic speaker. 1&2 Thessalonians: Audience Christianity came to Thessalonica through Paul, Timothy, and Silas during Paul's second missionary journey. According to 1 Thessalonians 3:1-2, while Paul was in Athens he sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to encourage the believers there. What does 1 Thessalonians 4:3 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life is? . We can live confidently in the hope of resurrection life. The authenticity of this epistle is still in widespread dispute. He does this apparently because Jews from the synagogue in Thessalonica were trying to discredit Paul, arguing that he was no different than those who peddled their philosophy for profit on naïve audiences. The First Epistle to the Thessalonians, commonly referred to as First Thessalonians or 1 Thessalonians, is a Pauline epistle of the New Testament of the Christian Bible. If Moses wrote Exodus through Deuteronomy, it also follows that he wrote Genesis even though his name is nowhere mentioned in the book. 5.The Testimony Of The Old Testament The writers of the Old Testament also assume Moses wrote the Pentateuch. They thought it had come already so they stopped with … Retrieved from Journal for the Study of the New Testament 2012 / 12 Vol. This page was last edited on 23 January 2021, at 13:27. He is a very capable NT scholar and has previously written a commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians (New Covenant Commentary Series, 2016). 2.14 is singular. Theme. About the times and the seasons: Brothers, you do not need anything to be written to you. They thought it had come already so … Paul wrote thirteen letters during his Christian ministry: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 … c. a.d. 49–51 Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians from Corinth near the end of his second missionary journey. On the scholarly view, Paul wrote … and about the same time as 1 and 2 Thessalonians (c. 50 and 51 C.E. Practical instructions and encouragement - 1 Thessalonians 4:1 – 5:24. 1 Thessalonians is warm and gracious. A Fresh Look at an Old Problem Foster, P. Volume: 35. The bustling seaport city of Thessalonica was the capital of Macedonia, located along the Egnatian Way — the most important trade route in the Roman Empire, running from Rome to Asia Minor. No one doubts that Josephus wrote his books. Thessalonica was the capital of the province of Macedonia and a large seaport. Paul was known to the Church at Thessalonica, having preached there (Acts 17:1–10). This letter was probably written near the end of A.D. 52, soon after Paul wrote his first letter to the Thessalonians. The idea behind that has a number of different features. The following table lists out the order of the books as they were written. Purpose of Writing: The church in Thessalonica still had some misconceptions about the Day of the Lord. Paul stresses how honorably he conducted himself, reminding them that he had worked to earn his keep, taking great pains not to burden anyone. Argument. Learn Religions. He did this, he says, even though he could have used his status as an apostle to impose upon them. That is why scholars believe that he had help from people with good Greek skills to help him produce “a finely written Greek document” even though he was an Aramaic speaker. That would be 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1+2 Corinthians, Philippians, Philemon, and Romans, in case you were wondering. Who wrote 1-2 Thessalonians and who were these letters written to? 2:14-16 in his Who Wrote … The key personalities in this book are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, and Silas. K. G. Eckart 1961, "Der zweite echte Brief des Apostels Paulus an die Thessalonicher," ZThK, 30–44, 1 Thessalonians 2:13–16 A Deutero Pauline Interpolation,, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, Pages with numeric Bible version references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, It is perceived to be theologically incompatible with Paul's other epistles: elsewhere Paul, There were no extensive historical persecutions of Christians by Jews in. 1&2 Thessalonians: Audience Christianity came to Thessalonica through Paul, Timothy, and Silas during Paul's second missionary journey. Joshua states that it was already written at his time. 4:13–18.[11]. (p. About six months later (a.d. 51/52) he sent 2 Thessalonians in response to further information about the church there. This may well be true of 1 Thessalonians, but … Paul wrote thirteen letters during his Christian ministry: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians… Several issues arose with 2 Thessalonians. [1] [2] Others think a date of around 80–115 AD is more likely. (accessed February 6, 2021). The key personalities in this book are the Apostle Paul, Timothy, and Silas. (Unlike some of Paul’s other letters, it doesn’t begin with individual greetings. It is likely the first of Paul's letters, probably written by the end of AD 52. 2. Who Wrote 2 Thessalonians? 5.The Testimony Of The Old Testament The writers of the Old Testament also assume Moses wrote the Pentateuch. “The Thessalonian letters present the first literary evidence for the use of parousia . 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