Below is a list of 20 popular Arabic words and phrases almost all expats in Dubai know and use, or should learn. Is it any wonder that all students 3 - These 3 Letter words have different vowel markings (tashkeel) on them. Reviews There are no reviews yet. This translates into knowing only most common Arabic words in order to be able to have fluent conversations in Arabic. h�bbd``b`j�@�� ĭl��w�H�$:-�V��10�&�3n�` Z�� أيْ : that is to say, in other word, i.e. This video contains the most common vocabulary in Arabic. Sign In. InthenameofAllah 80% of Qur'anic Words (Classified word lists for easy memorization) In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful PREFACE All praise be to Allah, and may peace and blessings of Allah be upon his Prophet, Muhammad. Arabic --> Latin Tool. Join our quest to find the best materials to study and appreciate this fascinating language, one click at a time! الكَفّ : to give up, do without sth; to refrain, abstain عن from; to prevent, keep sb عن from doing sth, تَخفيض ات : lowering, reducing; reduction, decrease; discount, شَرَعَ، يَشرَعُ، الشُّروع : to start, undertake في sth, وِفاق : agreement, accord; reconciliation, تَجَلّى : to become clear, evident; to appear, manifest itself, ميعاد، مَواعيد : schedule, hours; appointed time; appointment, engagement; promise, تَمهيد : preparation; facilitating, paving (the way), تَمهيداً لِ : in preparation for, paving the way for, in order to facilitate, مُؤَسِّس : founding, creating; constituent; founder, creator, حَثَّ، يَحُثُّ، الحَثّ : to encourage, urge, incite sb على to do sth, قَلَّلَ : to lessen, reduce (من) sth; to diminish, downplay من sth, ضِعْف، أضعاف : double, multiple; (with number) times, جَعْل : making (sb/sth do sth), causing (sb/sth to be sth); beginning (to do sth), اِعتِراض : objection, opposition على to sth, عَبَرَ، يَعبُرُ، العُبور : to cross (border, street), اِستِخبارات : intelligence service, secret service, خَطَّطَ : to plan, make plans ل to do sth; to draw lines, define (borders), إسقاط : overthrowing (government); bringing down, shooting down (aircraft), مَقولة : statement, proposition; expression, فَكَّ، يَفُكُّ، الفِكاك : dismantling, taking apart; separating, breaking up; loosening, untying, فَكَّ الاِشتِباك/الاِرتِباط : disengagement of troops, خَطْف : abduction, kidnapping; hijacking; snatch (in weightlifting), مَركَبة : vehicle, craft; cart, carriage; space shuttle, عَريق : deep-rooted; ancient, noble, aristocratic, إثبات : proof, confirmation; verification, نَوْعيّ : specific, characteristic; qualitative, أبى، يَأبى، الإباء : to refuse, decline sth or أنْ to do sth, اِكتَمَلَ : to be completed, finished; to be perfect, integral, لُقمة العَيْش : one’s daily bread, making a living, مِقياس، مَقاييس : standard, measure, measurement, تَشكيلة : assortment, group; line-up (team sports), تَعَيَّنَ : to be incumbent على on sb أنْ to do sth; to be appointed, be designated as sth, مائيّ : watery, liquid, fluid, aquatic; hydraulic, أساءَ : to harm, offend, insult إلى sb; (with following masdar) to do sth badly, incorrectly, ثُلاثيّ : three-part, tri-partite, tri-: corner (shot); trio, عَزاء : solace, consolation, comfort; condolence(s), sympathy, مَكَّنَ : to make possible من sth (for sb), حَرَقَ، يَحرِقُ، الحَرْق : to burn sth; to hurt sb, مَزيّة، مَزايا : feature, characteristic; advantage, هَيْكَل : framework, structure; skeleton; temple, sanctuary, أحدَثَ : to cause, bring about (reaction, change, situation), مَرسوم : decreed, ordered; drawn, sketched; charted (course); decree, edict, ordinance, statue, عُرضة : target, object (of criticism), exposed (to virus), مُؤَهَّل : certified, qualified; competent, experienced, لَبّى : to meet (needs), fulfill (desires, expectations); to comply with (request), حَلَّ، يَحُلُّ، الحَلّ : to befall, strike على/ب sb (misfortune); to arrive, start (month, season), أيَّدَ : to support, assist sb; to approve of sth, مَرجِعيّة : authority; authoritative source, واجِهة : face, facade; front, forefront; (computer) interface, front end, مُشرِق : splendid, shining; bright, auspicious, اِدِّعاء : allegation, claim; prosecution, الاِدِّعاء العامّ : the public prosecutor, ساحِر : sorcerer, magician; charming, enchanting, ناقِص : incomplete, defective; missing, lacking (sth); (math) minus, مُباحَثة ات : discussion, debate; talk, dialogue, إفراج : liberation; release, freeing (عن of), عِمام، عُمُم : support, base; pillar, column, mast; (mil) major general, رُجوع : return, going back (إلى to); reversing عن (one’s decision), حَياء : modesty, shyness, inhibition, shame, مَسعىً، مَساعٍ/المَساعي : effort, endeavor, حَوى، يَحوي، الحَواية : to contain, include (على) sth, اِنعِدام : non-existence, absence, lack of, صالون : salon, chat room, parlor, exhibit room, تَصنيف : classification, categorization, sorting, نَشرة : report, bulletin; publication; announcement, proclamation, مُتَتالٍ/المُتَتالي : consecutive, successive, مُعْتاد : accustomed, habituated على to sth; typical, usual, contrary, حارَبَ : to fight, wage war against sb/sth, لَفَّ، يَلُفُّ، اللَّفّ : to wrap sth; to turn, rotate, go around, راقَبَ : to watch, observe, monitor sth/sb; to oversee, supervise sth/sb, مُجَمِّع : collecting, gathering; collector; battery; (web) aggregator (feed reader, news reader), عَدَّلَ : to modify, alter sth; to amend, rectify (law); to adjust, correct sth, تَفَوُّق : excellence; superiority, supremacy, عَلَّمَ : to teach sb sth or أنّ that; to mark (put a mark on) sth; to write down (phone number), مَنظور : perspective, point of view, angle; anticipated, expected, foreseeable (future), جانِبيّ : side, lateral; marginal; secondary, مُجتَمِع : assembling, meeting; (meeting) participant, assemblage, مُجتَمِعةً : combined, collectively, as a whole, as a group, مَرجِع، مَراجِع : source; authority; reference work, عَمَّ، يَعُمُّ، العُمومة : to become general, prevalent, commonplace; to fill up, spread throughout (a place); to be rampant, widespread (chaos, unrest), تَهدِئَة : calming, soothing; easing, relieving (tension), لاحَ، يَلوحُ، اللَّوْح : to appear, loom (في الُفُق on the horizon), هَمَسَ، يَهمِسُ، الهَمْس : to whisper ل to sb (في أُذْنِهِ in sb’s ear), بَثَّ، يَبُثُّ، البَثّ : to transmit, broadcast (news, show); to disseminate, spread sth, غَدا، يَغدو، الغَدْو : to become (acquire a quality or feature); to seem, appear, هاجِس، هَواجِس : worry, concern; apprehension, misgiving, premonition; fixed idea, obsessive thought, اِستِثنائِيّ : exceptional, irregular; extraordinary, مَحمول : portable; carried, held; mobile (phone), مُقَدَّمة : preface, introduction; front part; vanguard, front, head, فِقْه : fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) ; understanding, knowledge, science, اُستُشهِدَ : to be martyred, die in battle, مِلْك : possessions, property; land, real estate, خَلاص : liberation, deliverance, salvation; settlement, عُبور : (verbal noun) crossing (border, street), شَحْن : charging (battery), loading (camera); cargo, freight; transportation, shipment, مُطرِب : delightful; musician, musical performer, نَجاة : survival, deliverance, salvation; escape, سُكّانيّ : residential, population-related, أسرَعَ : to hurry, hasten في in doing sth, تَحريك : stimulating, activating, putting in motion, making move, أُمْنيّة، أمانٍ/الأماني : wish, hope, aspiration, desire, سِمة ات : feature, characteristic; stamp, imprint, فَرعيّ : (adj) branch, secondary, subdivision, صانِع، صُنّاع : manufacturer, producer; maker, تَنظيميّ : organizational, planning; controlling, regulatory, طَرْد : expulsion; dismissal, firing; parcel, package, أدانَ : to condemn, denounce, censure, disapprove of sth/sb, وَعى، يَعي، الوَعي : to be aware of, pay attention to sth, شَكَّ، يَشُكُّ، الشَّكّ : to doubt, distrust في sth/sb, مُتَبَقٍّ/امُتَبَقّي : remaining, left over; remainder, rest, كَثافة : thickness, density; compactness; intensity, تَشخيص : diagnosis, analysis; characterization, جَرَحَ، يَجرَحُ، الجَرْح : to wound, injure sb, مَنشود : pursued, desired, sought; goal, objective, لا يَخفى على أحَدٍ أنّ : as everyone knows…, لا يَخفى عَلَيْكَ أنّ : you are well aware of the fact that, ضَبَطَ، يَضبِطُ، الضَّبْط : to regulate, control; to adjust, fix, اِعتادَ : to become accustomed على to sth, to get used على to sth, جَماهيريّ : (adj) mass, throng; (of the) masses, خَصيصة، خَصائِص : attribute, characteristic, feature, trait; peculiarity, تَدَفُّق : flow, stream, flood; influx, invasion, حَماس : enthusiasm, eagerness, zeal; fortitude, bravery, مِنحة : gift, donation; grant, scholarship, حَصَلَ، يَحصُلُ، الحُصول : to happen, take place, بِرُمَّتِهِ/ها : completely, all of it/them, تَمَيُّز : standing out, distinguishing oneself; distinction, excellence, طاهِر : clean, pure; flawless, perfect; chaste, على وَشْكِ : on the verge of, just about to, تُربة : dust, ground, dirt; grave, graveyard, مَسَحَ، يَمسَحُ، المَسْح : to rub, wipe sth; to wipe, sweep, clean sth; to survey, measure sth, جَفاف : dryness, drought; dehydration, desiccation, رَصْد : observation; survey; following, tracking, monitoring, تَشَرَّفَ : to be honored, be happy (على to meet sb), تَلَقِّي : receiving, receipt; acquisition, لُغَويّ : (adj) language, linguistic; linguist, لَمَسَ، يَلمُسُ، اللَّمْس : to touch, feel, sense sth, اِنخَفَضَ : to drop, fall, decrease; to be lowered, decreased, reduced, مَشَدِّد : stressing, emphasizing; strengthening, intensifying, نَصَحَ، يَنصَحُ، النَّصْح : to advise, counsel sb (ب to do sth), اِنفِتاح : opening up, welcoming; openness; receptiveness; open-door (policy), عَيَّنَ : to appoint, designated sb as sth; to determine, define sth, حُرمة : sanctity, inviolability; taboo, prohibition; married woman, wife, تَجهيز ات : preparing, putting in order; equipment, gear, مُهلة : extension, deferment; postponement, delay; break, respite; reprieve, اِنضَمَّ : to join, become part إلى of sth, اِستِعراض : review, inspection; tour, parade, أقسَمَ : to swear يَميناً an oath, swear ب by, عَناء : hardship, trouble; distress, preoccupation, إظهار : expressing, showing, demonstrating, بَرَّرَ : to justify, warrant sth; to vindicate, acquit sth/sb, سَدّ : bridging (a gap); defrayal (of costs); paying off (a debt), بَلاء : affliction, misfortune; tribulation, وَظيفيّ : functional; practical; work-related, employment-related, مَلموس : noticeable, substantial; tangible, concrete, أبلَغَ : to inform, notify sb أنّ that; to report ب sth or أنّ that, تَرويج : distribution; promotion, marketing, تَعاطٍ/التَّعاطي : taking (medicine, drugs); treating, handling (على a problem), تَعارَضَ : to clash, conflict, be at odds مع/و with sth, مُتَأكِّد : certain, sure convinced (من of), اِختَتَمَ : to conclude, finalize, wind up (an activity), تَصنيع : manufacture, industrialization, processing, تَحَرُّر : (self) liberation, emancipation, شَنَّ، يَشُنُّ، الشَّنّ : to wage, launch sth (war, campaign), نَعَمَ، يَنعَمُ، النَّعمة : to live in comfort; to enjoy ب sth, إدراك : realization, awareness, comprehension; attainment, فَجوة : (mostly figurative) gap, gulf, breach, خالَفَ : to contradict sth/sb; to conflict with, go against sth; to violate (the law), تَرَتّبَ : to derive or result على from; to carry the consequence على of, اِستَوْعَبَ : to comprehend, grasp, master sth; to contain, absorb, assimilate sth, مَنفَذ، مَنافِذ : exit, way out; escape, resort; gateway; port (computer), طاغٍ/الطّاغي، طُغاة : tyrant, desopt, oppressor; tyrannical, oppressive (person, regime, weather), تَدبير, تَدابير : managing, arranging, preparing; arrangement, preparation, كافِر، كُفّار : kafir (person who rejects the Islamic faith), infidel, unbeliever, apostate, عِلاوة : increase, raise; bonus; allowance, subsidy, سَدَّدَ : to obstruct, block (way); to settle/pay off (debt); to aim, shoot (bullet, ball), هَدى، يَهدي، الهَدْي : to lead, guide, direct sb (إلى to); to show sb (the way), طَيْف، أطياف : spectrum (light); ghost, apparition, phantom; vision, fantasy, مُفادُهُ/ها : to the effect that, implying that, مُريح : comfortable, pleasant; soothing, restful, مُؤَدٍّ/المُؤَدّي : leading إلى to; resulting in, causing إلى sth, مِراج : mixture; temperament; mood, feeling, ثَبات : proof, corroboration; constancy, firmness, تَزوير : forgery; falsification (documents, the truth); counterfeiting, الدَّوْلة العِبريّة : the Jewish state (Israel), وَطأة : pressure, gravity; harshness, cruelty, خَتَمَ، يَختِمُ، الخَتْم : to complete, conclude sth; to stamp, seal sth, مُستَفيد : benefiting, profiting (من from); beneficiary, اِرتِقاء : rise, ascent; advancement, promotion; progress; evolution, اِتِّباع : pursuing, following, compliance, سُكون : tranquility, quietude, calm; rest, repose, شَنّ : waging, launching (a war, campaign), زَرْع : planting (seed); implanting, transplanting (organ); setting (bomb), laying (mines); growing (plants, crops); cultivating, farming (land), جاهِد : strenuous, vigorous; striving, endeavoring, على مَتْن : on board (ship, airplane); surface; main text, content (book, article, poem); lexicon (language); body (person, object), مُقَوِّم ات : component, ingredient; basic element, وَهميّ : imagined, imaginary; fake, bogus, مُعلِن : announcer; advertiser; announcing, signaling, عاقِبة، عَواقِب : consequence, result, effect, ضَمِنَ، يَضمَنُ، الضَّمان : to guarantee, insure, مَرّ : (noun) passing, course (of time); going by, اِستِناداً على : on the basis of, according to, تَعميم : making general or public (education, announcement); spreading, disseminating, popularizing, ثَوابِت : established norms, guiding principles, تَشاوُر : deliberation, joint consultation, عَقَليّة : mentality, attitude, way of thinking, وافِد : arriving, coming, visiting; foreign, imported; visitor, newcomer; envoy, delegate, لَبِثَ، يَليَثُ، اللَّبث : to stay, linger, ما لَبِثَ أنْ/لم يَلبَثْ أنْ : it wasn’t long before, عُقدة، عُقَد : complex (emotion, feeling); knot (nautical), تَعطيل : hindering, obstructing; derailing; interrupting, عَفَرَ، يَعفَرُ، العَفَر : to pardon, forgive ل sb sth, زالَ، يَزولُ، الزَّوْل : to disappear, vanish, تَنَفُّس : breathing, respiration; breath, هَدْم : demolition, destruction; leveling, razing, جَسَّدَ : to embody, personify sth; to put sth into concrete form, باطِن : inner, interior; hidden; inner part, inside, عالِق : pending, outstanding (issues); related, connected, relevant; caught, stranded, جَسَديّ : corporeal, physical, bodily; sensual, اِشتَدَّ : to intensify, grow more intense, مَعنَويّ : moral, spiritual, mental; semantic, عَيْد الفِطْر : Eid al-Fitr (festival of the breaking of the Ramandan fast), اِنطَوى على نَفسِهِ : to isolate oneself; to be introverted, اِنقِسام : fragmentation, schism; disruption, راعى : to heed, observe sth; to respect, show consideration for sth, جانٍ/الجاني، جُناة : delinquent, criminal, فَقيه، فُقَهاء : faqih (exper in Islamic jurisprudence), مُتَضَرِّر : damaged; injured; victim; plaintiff, فَاضٍ/الفاضي : empty; unoccupied; available, free (not busy), اِعتَزَمَ : to be determined, be resolute (على to do sth), أكثَرَ : to do من sth frequently, to do a lot of من sth, إساءة : insult, affront; (with following masdar) wrong, incorrect, سَهُلَ، يَسهُلُ، السُّهولة : to be easy, be convenient, سَرْد : enumeration, listing; presentation, account, اِنتَصَرَ : to be victorious, triumph (على over sb/sth), عَقَلَ، يَعقِلُ، العَقْل : to be reasonable, be sensible; to make sense, be conceivable, تَرسيخ : consolidating, reinforcing, bolstering, تَأليف : authoring, compiling, composing; forming, constituting; publication, compilation, composition; formation, figuration, أمَد : period, duration, term; extent, range, إيصال : sending, transmitting; transporting, conveying, مُتَشَدِّد : extremist, fanatic; strict, intense, لَعَنَ، يَلعَنُ، اللَّعْن : to curse, damn sb/sth, مُحتاج : needy (person); wanting, needing إلى sth, تَأَكَّدَ : to ascertain من sth; to be confirmed, عَزْل : removal, dismissal, distancing; isolation, separation, مُستَقِرّ : settled, at ease; stable, permanent, رَمْزيّ : symbolic; (data) encoded, encrypted, وَصْل : link; connection, contact; receipt, وَصْفة : description, portrayal; (medical) prescription; (food) recipe, نُصرة : help, assistance; support, backing, غَسيل : washing; laundry, (dirty) clothes, عَصَفَ، يَعصِفُ، العَصْف : to be stormy, be tempestuous; to rage (wind, conflict, crisis), عَبوة ات : package, pack; (explosive) charge, أمَّنَ : to secure, safeguard, protect sth/sb; to insure, underwrite على sth/sb (ضد against), قُصور : shortcoming, insufficiency; negligence, إحداث : effectuation, implementation; bringing about, نَبَعَ، يَنبَعُ، النَّبْع : to emerge, originate; to emanate, flow, راوٍ/الرّاوي : narrator, storyteller; reciter (of poetry), اِحتَفَلَ : to celebrate ب (anniversary, graduation), قَوِيَ، يَقوى، القُوّة : to be strong (enough), مُعتَدِل : moderate (weather, policy), restrained; balanced, تَمديد : lengthening; extension, prolongation, إعجاب : admiration, amazement; wonder, surprise, إبعاد : removal; distancing; banishment, deportation, exile, سَدَّ، يَسِدُّ، السَّداد : to close, barricade (door); to turn off (electricity, water); to pay, settle (a debt); to fill (gap), provide (need), حَلَّقَ : to fly, soar, hover; to circle (the skies), مُرتاح : relaxed; at ease, resting; happy, satisfied, نَقيب : leader, head; union boss; (military) captain, سامِع : listening, hearing, able to hear; having heard, تَداعٍ/التَّداعي ات : breakdown, collapse, تَداعيات : reflections, thoughts; repercussions, مُقَدِّم : person presenting or submitting; offering, presenting, submitting (request, complaint), تَواجَدَ : to exist, live; to be found, be located; to be present, إسراع : hurrying, speeding up; acceleration, خَبيث : malicious, evil; malignant, pernicious, خَبَّرَ : to tell sb sth or عن about sth or أنّ that, اِنتِقام : revenge; retaliation, reprisal, جامِع : comprehensive, extensive; gathering, collecting; collector (stamps, etc), صَحابة : Sahaba (companions of the Prophet), لَوْم : blame, fault, disapproval, reproach, اِفتَقَرَ : to lack, be in need إلى of sth, تَعبِئة : (mil) mobilization, alert; (manufacture) packaging, canning, bottling, مُراد : object, goal, intention; (what is) desired, intended, رَصَدَ، يَرصُدُ، الرَّصْد : object, goal, intention; (what is) desired, intended, اِختَرَقَ : to exceed, break (barrier); to pierce, penetrate sth; to hack into (computer, network); to traverse, cross (region), أكرَمَ : to honor, respect sb; to venerate pay tribute to sb, اِندَرَجَ : to be inserted, included; to be classified, categorized, filed, أضاعَ : to lose sth; to waste (time); to miss, let go by (opportunity), أنزَلَ : to bring or send down, lower sth, ذابَ، يَذوبُ، الذَّوْب : to dissolve, melt, نِتاج : result, outcome; production; offspring, مَرَضيّ : pathological; diseased; medical, سارَعَ : to hurry, hasten إلى to a place, or to do sth, تَرَكَّزَ : to be centered, concentrated حول/على/في in/on/around sth; to be focused على خر sth, خَياليّ : imaginary, fantastic; fictitious, اِستِعانة : seeking help ب from sb, resorting ب to sth, making use of ب sth, مُنصَرِم : gone by, elapsed (time period), صِنْف، أصناف : type, class, kind, category, اِستَبعَدَ : to rule out (regard as unlikely) sth, أضحى : to become; (with imperf) to begin, start (doing), حِبْر : embellishment, adornment, decoration, اِستِشاريّ : advisory, consultative, consulting; advisor, consultant, جَليل : venerable, eminent; glorious, great, هاتِ : bring, french, get sth; to give, hand over sth, تَبرير : justification, pretext; vindication, exoneration, تَوالى : to follow in succession, come on after the other, حَرَّمَ : to outlaw, ban sth; to forbid على sb to do sth; to prevent على sb from doing sth, مُؤَلَّف : composed (من of); compiled; publication, book; compilation, composition, أُلوف مُؤَلَّفة : thousands and thousands, مَعروض : on display, shown; offered, available; offering, proposal, مُرضٍ/المُرضي : satisfactory, satisfying, pleasing; adequate, sufficient, مُصَلٍّ/المُصَلّي : praying, worshipping; person praying or worshipping, هاجَمَ : to attack, assault sth/sb; to raid, launch a strike against sth, مُقَرَّب : close, near; close companion, protege, طُمَأْنينة : calm, tranquility, serenity; rest, repose, وِقائيّ : protective; preservative; preventative, خَطَرَ، يَخطِرُ. This list includes simple English translations. جَنَّنَ : to infuriate sb; to drive sb insane, مُقام : raised, erected; installed, established, set up; held, hosted (event, party), مُعرِب : expressing, indicating, manifesting عن (opinion, sentiment), ما + ل + pronoun : what is wrong with (pronoun), اِكتِفاء : contentment, satisfaction; sufficiency, adequacy, أجادَ : to be proficient, be an expert at sth; to do sth well, لَذّة : pleasure, joy, delight, enjoyment, حَخْز : reservation (seat, room); seizure, confiscation, impounding, وَهَبَ، يَهَبُ، الوَهْب : to donate, grant sth ل to sb; to give, dedicate (one’s life) ل to, مُجيب : responding, answering; responsive; person answering, person able or willing to answer, مُضطَرّ : compelled, forced, obligated (إلى to do sth), أسمَر، سَمْراء، سُمْر : brown, tanned, brown-skinned, حَميد : praiseworthy, laudable; positive, good; (medical) benign, مُكَعَّب : cubic (foot, meter); cube-shaped, أنسَأَ : to establish, found; to install, set up, بَشَّرَ : to give good news; to evangelize, يُبَشِّرُ بالخَيْر : to augur well, to be a good omen, مَكروه : detested, loathsome; accident, misfortune, mishap, نَقَصَ، يَنقُصُ، النَّقْص : to lack sth; to be less (عن than); to be reduced, مُكافَأة : compensation, remuneration; reward, مُتَداوَل : in circulation, in common, prevailing, لا رَيْب فيه/ها : there is no doubt about it, حَزِنَ، يَحزُنُ، الحُزْن : to be sad, grieve على/ل for, اِستِدعاء : summons, call, appeal, petition; recall, calling back, أجَنْدة : agenda, schedule, program; roadmap, blueprint, جَفَّ، يَجِفُّ، الجَفاف : to dry, become dry; (fig) to freeze, run cold (blood), مُتَعاقِب : consecutive, succesive, alternating, أرضيّة : floor, basis, groundwork; background, اِقتَحَمَ : to invade sth; to storm, burst into sth, تَنازَلَ : to back down عن from; to renounce, waive, forego عن sth, اِندَلَعَ : to break out, flare up (fire, war), سَهَر : sleeplessness, night without sleep; watchfulness, vigilance, سَعِدَ، سَسعَدُ، السَّعادة : to be happy, delight ب in sth, تَعَصُّب : fanaticism, extremism; intolerance, مُختار : mukhtar  (village chief); elder; mayor; chosen, selected; elected; favorite, preferred, مَعمول : in use, applied, carried out, effected, عَرَّفَ : to introduce sb ب to sb else; to let sb know sth, مَراسِم : ceremonies, rituals; conventions, protocol, حَمَّلَهُ المَسؤوليّة : to put sb in charge; to blame sb; to download (files), صَحْن : bowl, plate; courtyard (of a mosque), شُعبة، شُعَب : branch, subdivision, department, بادِرة، بَوادِر : gesture, sign, indication, إخفاء : hiding, concealing, keeping secret; lowering (one’s voice), تَحصيل حاصِل : foregone conclusion; self-evident (fact, truth), تَكريس : dedication, devotion; consecration, نَجا، يَنجو، النَّجاء : to survive, come out alive; to escape, be rescued من from, تَعاوَنَ : to cooperate, collaborate مع with sb, مَليّاً : for a long time, for quite some time, تَوْليد : producing, generating (energy, electricity), في مُتَناوَل اليَد : within reach, available, هَيْكَلة : structuring, framing; organizing, composing; framework, structure, make-up, تَعميق : deepening, broadening, strengthening (collaboration, partnership), عَوَّضَ : to repay, compensate, reward sb; to replace, substitute for sth/sb, رُقعة : patch, plot of land, area; range, scope; chess board, checkers board; coupon, ticket, اِستِعماريّ : colonialist; (related to) building of settlements, تَعَدُّديّة : multiplicity, pluralism, plurality, وَثيق : secure, firm, solid; steady, reliable, اِستِبعاد : ruling out, regarding as unlikely; excluding, باقة : bouquet (flowers); packet (computer, satellite communications, etc), على كُرهٍ/كُرْهاً : unwillingly, reluctantly, forcibly, مَحو : eradication, elimination; erasing, wiping out, تَخصيب : fertilization; enrichment (uranium), شِلْو، أشلاء : corpse; body part, limb; piece, fragment, شَبابيّ : youthful, juvenile; of or relating to youths, عاطِل : unemployed (عن العَمَل), jobless; broken, non-functioning, out of order; useless, worthless, no-good, سَريّة، سَرايا : (military) company, squadron, أَنَّ، يَئِنُّ. of doing sth, أمْن : safety, security, protection; order, control, discipline, قَدَّمَ : to offer, present sth; to submit (request, complaint) to apply على for (position), كَلام : speech, talk; statement, remark; saying, quote, مَوقِع، مَواقِع : position, location, site; website, وَحدة ات : unity, solitude, loneliness; unit, item; portion, selection, من المُهِمّ : the important thing is that, what’s important is, دُكتور، دَكاتِرة : doctor (physician or holder of doctorate); (title) Dr, فِعْل، أفعال : doing; deed, act, action, (ling) verb, فِعلاً، بالفعل : really, actually, in fact, فَريق، فرقاء : team, group, band; faction, party; (pl) lieutenant general, بَقِيَ، يَبقى البَقاء : to remain, stay (على in a state); to last, endure; to be left over; to continue doing sth or being sth; (with neg) to no longer do sth or be sth, لَجنة، لِجان : committee, council, commission, مُختَلِف : different, divergent; various; in disagreement (في/على about sth), وَجَبَ، يَجِبُ : to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth; to be incumbent upon على sb أنْ to do sth, نَظَر، أنظار : looking إلى at; examining, looking في into; view, looking, glance, opinion, نَظَراً ل : due to, in view of the fact that, مَجال ات : area, space; field, domain, sphere; sector; arena, فَتْرة، فَتَرات : time period, phase, interval, شَأْن، شُؤون : matter, affair, case; situation, condition. Login. 1000 most common english phrases pdf 1000 most common english phrases pdf Table of Contents Asking Directions in EnglishGiving Directions in EnglishWays to Say NO in EnglishWays to Say I MISS YOUPhrases for Staying at a HotelWays to Say FOR EXAMPLEEnglish Classroom PhrasesWays to Say HELLOPhrases in ShoppingWays to Say GOOD LUCKWays to Say GOOD JOBWays to Say I … It is common practice that a language student, at the beginning of his learning journey, will start with the most common basic words. Report this file. Araka/ (Araki for female) fee maba'd How Are You? Description Download The 5000 most Common Arabic Words Free in pdf format. ميزة : characteristic, distinguishing feature; merit, distinction, advantage, asset, رَأَسَ، يَرأَسُ، الرَّأْس : to head, lead, direct sth; to chair (meeting), طَرَأَ، يَطرَأُ، الطَّرء : to happen (unexpectedly) على to sb; to occur على to sb (an idea), خُلاصة : gist, synopsis, abstract, summary, مَعرِفيّ : knowledge-related, information-related; cognitive, شَيْخة : matron, elderly woman, elderly female, الاِحتِباس الحَراريّ : greenhouse effect, global warming, لُعبة، لُعَب : game, sport; toy, play thing; (fig) deal, trick; (sports) move, مُلتَزِم : committed (ب to); involved, loyal, زُحمة : (traffic) congestion, jam, bottleneck; crowd, throng, إنسانيّة : humanity, humankind; humaneness, اِقتِحام : incursion, assault; storming into, breaching, تَلا، يَتلو، التَّلاوة : to follow, come after sth/sb; to recite (Quran), مِئَويّ : one-hundred, hundredth; percent; Celsius, centigrade, نَوَّهَ : to point out, mention ب/إلى أنّ that, رِوائيّ : novelist, narrator; narrative, novelistic, دَوّامة : spiral, cycle; whirlpool, vortex; dizziness, confusion, إهمال : neglect, negligence, carelessness, ضَبيّة، ضَبايا : young girl, young (unmarried) woman, رَكْب : procession, cavalcade; entourage, retinue, طَوَّلَ : to lengthen, extend, prolong sth; to take (a long) time; to stay, linger; to last, مُشاوَرة ات : consultation, deliberation, discussion, مُطمَئِن : calm, at east; relieved, reassured; certain, sure, confident (إلى about), تَدَفَّقَ : to flow, stream; to drip, drop, أبعَدَ : to remove, eliminate sb عن from; to expel, banish sb; to distance نَفسَهُ عن oneself from sth, مَوْطِن، مُواطِن : home country; residence; locality, area, فَسيح : wide, extensive; lengthy, extended; ample, roomy, عُمرانيّ : (adj) building, construction, architectural; civilized, populated, إكمال : completion, conclusion; perfection, تَنشيط : stimulation, encouragement, energizing, اِستَغرَبَ : to be surprised (من at), regard sth as strange, كَسْر : breaking; violating, defying (tradition, the law); fracture, crack; (math) fraction, حَدَّ : to limit, curb من (sb’s freedom, power); to halt, stop من sth, مُتَسائِل : asking oneself, wondering, pondering, مَولِد : birthday, anniversary; birthplace, حَرْق : burning, incineration; burn (wound), ناجِم : arising, originating, resulting عن from, عائِق، عَوائِق : obstacle, hurdle, impediment, رامي : aimed (إلى at), attempting (إلى to do sth); (person) throwing; rifleman; archer, حُزمة، حُزَم : package, bundle; set, collection, ذُهول : numbness, indifference, confusion, إلَهيّ : divine, heavenly, holy; theological, تَجَمَّعَ : to gather together, assemble, rally, غَزير : abundant, plentiful; substantial, generous, اِجتاحَ : to strike, invade (country, region), فَوات : expiration, passing (time, deadline), تَخَيَّلَ : to imagine, suppose sth or أنّ that, خانة : compartment, partition; square (chessboard); field (form, questionnaire); cell (spreadsheet), جَرُؤَ، يَجرُؤُ، الجُرْاة : to dare على to do sth, عَشِقَ، يَعشَقُ، العِشْق : to love, be fond of sth/sb, حَطَّ، يَحُطُّ، الحَطّ : to descend, land (على on), غَضِبَ، يَغضَبُ، الغَضَب : to become angry, مَيْل : inclination, tendency; leaning, sympathy, تَجاهُل : disregard; feigned ignorance; mutual disregard, فاسِد : spoiled, rotten; corrupt, immoral, تَأَثُّر : being influenced, affected (ب by); emotion, sensitivity, عَلّامة : eminent scholar, erudite person, أفلَحَ : to succeed, prosper, thrive في in sth, تَرَدُّد : repetition; frequenting (على a place); hesitation (في to do sth); frequency (of waves), النَّهي عن المَنكُر : the prevention of vice, تَغَلُّب : surmounting, overcoming على (challenges), تَوَجَّبَ : to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth, غَيْب : (noun) (what is) invisible, concealed, مَحْض : (invariable) pure, mere, complete (fantasy, lies, coincidence), لا مَحالة : without fail, without a doubt, عاقَبَ : to punish sb ب (with a sentence) على for (a crime), مُساهِم : shareholder, stockholder; participant, اِنهارَ : to collapse, fall down; to break down, fall apart, اِختِطاف : abduction, kidnapping; hijacking, تَأَخُّر : delay, slowness; backwardness, lack of development, حافِز، حَوافِز : incentive, stimulus, motive, قِبلة : qiblah (direction faced in prayer, i.e. Things that new Arabic language learners seek out when they 're getting started other word, i.e and appreciate fascinating... 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