The very first one is:  breathe (it’s okay! Typically, it’s one of the first ways to diagnose a watering issue. They are challenging and fun and you feel good when it works right! But if they really disturb you, then you can put them in the soil as long as you can do it without breaking them. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Just remember, Phalaenopsis orchids are fairly hardy. I pray you will have many many more happy and blessed years ahead of you together. This one catches many by surprise, including myself at one time. Thank you for your precise advice. With moss, yes – you can see some examples HERE. I removed the 3 from their pots and most of their terrestrial roots had died. Put the plant in moss and keep it moist at all times. For double-spike orchids: Cut one spike at the base of the plant. On some orchids, it can be tricky to tell the difference between a flower spike and an aerial root. 4. Lastly, if you prefer something more DIY, you can water your orchid with tea water. So first you would have to pollinate a flower, which then turns into a seedpod. Maybe because I spent a long time working with plants at my last job – making sure plants were watered and flowers were on display for the customers, etc. At the time I also watered it with fertilized water using MiracleGro orchid food. God bless you and your wife. The only way to naturally make a new orchid is with seeds. The water should cover only 1/3 or 1/4 of the roots. How to Trim Dead Orchid Roots. It was a bit of a learning process and as always, that process will forever continue. Another stimulant for root growth can be fertilizer. You’re very welcome! Quick question- and maybe a dumb one? Generally, the best time for orchid pruning is either after a plant has flowered or before its active growth period which usually falls during the period of … The only spot by the window that is not direct sun, is a shady NW facing window. Thank you again for coming by! 5. I just am having a hard time bringing myself to cutting that beautiful root off. That normally works very well with rootless orchids. And of course give her the link to your site for tips on what to do. Cinnamon is a proven all-natural fungicide, pesticide and insecticide! Hi Kelly, I recommend cutting away the dead roots on your orchid even though it is growing new leaves. One of the troubles you can come across is phalaenopsis orchid air roots which grow above the ground. “How to cut back a flower spike” Regular plant pots and soil will not work. Brown:  These are the roots to focus on eliminating. In which case you can gently mist the leaves for extra hydration. Be sure to sanitize your cutting tool by wiping the blades with rubbing alcohol or a solution of water and bleach before you begin. Is it a Phalaenopsis orchid, or another variety? Thoroughly spraying the roots will discourage the growth of pathogens that make your beloved orchid sick. Hi Johanna I will take a picture of it and post it is amazing. Thank you for your lovely comment and support – made my day! 4. Phalaenopsis orchid care can be a challenge, especially for the tyros. /Irene. So if you are interested in trying it for yourself, test it with one or two plants first, before transferring them all. I sincerely believe that plants teach us so much about life – they cause us to be more empathetic and compassionate, simply making us better human beings. Creating a bit of moisture on the area that you have cut (especially if you have just cut off a flowering stem), and then covering it with this cinnamon will prevent the wound from being so open and susceptible to fungus and disease. Sometimes that is 1 year, possibly even 2 years. Thank you so much Irene for your reassuring advice. (Don’t panic if old roots start to die out! Cut the roots with a sterilized pair of scissors, removing all the dry or mushy roots. . I’ve tried and failed. I’m an orchid enthusiast, and I created this blog to share my experience with these magical plants with you! For orchid leaves that are diseased or wilting, you can choose to cut away just the portion of the leaf that is affected or, if the majority of the leaf is affected, trim away the entire leaf just above the base of the plant. I am an orchid grower from Sri Lanka. And stick with one method at a time, because a change is always stressful to orchids. Some dead roots are normal upon inspection. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It’s the best stuff I’ve found yet, by far! Thanks so much, I didn’t want to kill it. It kills all the bacteria etc. Many orchids are typically very forgiving plants, thankfully! We can choose to ac, Looking for that perfect gift for the plant lover, Wow. They can rebound from a whole lot of mistakes. Preferably not. There are no dumb questions – only questions! Once you see new roots coming out, you can put the orchid in moss-only. How often do I change the water? That bit was never taught by my employer. If done properly, root pruning can improve the plant's growth and overall health. Can you tell me what else i can do if I cant cut them. . Phalaenopsis Orchids cannot be stagnant in water. Orchids are a bit unique in that they thrive in humidity, yet their roots prefer airflow over soaking wet conditions. (Wipe the blades with rubbing alcohol etc). So when there’s no light, photosynthesis can’t occur, and therefore the production of chlorophyll can’t occur, which would have turned the root or leaf green. It’s just a fact. Why is that happening? Some people love the look of air roots, but others find them visibly disturbing. If you have wet your orchid’s roots and caused them to be pliable, you should be able to gently maneuver the mass of roots to untangle any, very gently, that are wanting to cross into others. So I repotted my old orchids a few months ago with BetterGro orchid potting mix. Orchids aren’t nearly as difficult as they are often made out to be. The orchid should not wobble but it should also not be overly packed in, either. In which case, you’re forced to trim all the dead roots, leaving the plant with few or even no roots at all. Trimming orchid air roots. Take care, and please visit my blog again soon. With their enchanting flowers and ravishing colors they are ornament and pride of their owners. I don’t want to stress the plants out more than they already are. Your email address will not be published. They must drain completely in order to be healthy. After sprinkling with the cinnamon, while still holding the orchid bare root in the pot, I go ahead and add my potting media at this point to carefully secure the orchid in its pot. If there is any active rot happening, you will notice that the peroxide is bubbling and doing its job. I am glad you enjoyed the article. (We will cover the cut in cinnamon later as described below)  If the entire root is dead,  go ahead and cut pretty much flush with the base (where it began). They do need plenty of room to spread their roots (while still being snug), receive air flow and light transmission. Thank you so much for your question. When you spot a root you believe is dead, hold it and gently tug it. Thus, begin with rinsing the old potting materials from the roots. I have used this method with orchids that had only a few roots left if any. This orchid is my favorite orchid that I have, however I got it when I was a beginner orchid owner. The rest of the root is still functioning! Avoiding the sun is mainly for heat purposes, especially during summer months! This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 1. So my question is, I just brought home an orchid from a garden center that was almost done blooming and putting a corner to sell cheap and so thought I should repot it and take a look at the roots which there were several shriveled above and below so no problem I get it, I cut those out. One item to note carefully is that you should never cut the air roots when trimming your orchid. Thus, keep reading to find out in this article the easiest 5 steps towards a safe trimming of dead orchid roots. It depends on the growing environment, how long it takes for the roots to dry. When we stop learning is when we fail, don’t you think? It can be okay, but I’d say less is more. The tangled knot of roots can stress the plant and deprive it of nutrients, water, and food. They do serve a purpose and I wouldn’t normally recommend to cut them, but in your situation, you CAN trim them for space-reasons. Good luck with your new orchid! 8. And if you see it occur often, then give it some dry days. Come back any time. Would love to see the photo! is a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for content creators to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. How to Prune Roots. There are two ways to do water culture; ‘Full water culture’ (FWC) and ‘Semi-water culture’ (SWC). And thank you so much for your kind words and support! Only prune an orchid’s roots when you are getting ready to repot the plant. I saw many videos where they were cutting the roots below the healthy part leaving a piece of rotten root. If the majority of your roots are brown, this is a classic sign of over-watering which has caused root rot. Have a blessed day. Indoor Orchid Care – Pruning, Repotting, Watering of an Orchid Flower. Guess I’ll just bookmark this page. Is this normal? GOOD LUCK! Your email address will not be published. After the orchid finishes blooming and the flower stem is completely dead, it should be carefully pruned back, encouraging the plant to produce new flowers. Thanks for sharing a little about the cinnamon trick too because I actually never knew about this trick for helping with the care of orchids. If you have wet your orchid’s roots and caused them to be pliable, you should be able to gently maneuver the mass of roots to untangle any, very gently, that are wanting to cross into others. Orchids enchant plant admirers with a good reason. Keep an eye on the leaves – if they start to look dehydrated (wrinkled) then the plant isn’t getting enough hydration. The light you bought, I’m sure it’s doing the job! Repot when the plant has grown new roots. To answer your question, you definitely would not want to use any greater strength than 3%. For unhealthy, brown spikes: Cut all the way back to the base of the plant. Choose a pot size that fits in the roots without too much extra space. You can breathe again and move on. Trimming the aerial roots could cause the plant to struggle or even die due to disease or inability to absorb sufficient water and nutrients. Pruning and the Blooming Cycle. May I ask, how is your orchid doing now? I would love to hear more from you and I hope that I can create articles that are informative and fun to read for you and your son I hope you have a beautiful & blessed day! Is it ok for the aerial roots to be in the water? I understand, especially when it comes to Phalaenopsis orchids. The roots are about to hit the floor and i cant move the plant high up so can I cut the roots the are very healthy. I’d love to hear back from you and find out how your beloved orchids are doing now? I love your backstory. Once again thank you Irene. Since I’m trying to regrow roots, should they avoid the sun? I found your blog and decided to do the water culture. If you notice some of your orchid roots have turned yellow, or even white, don’t worry – they’re still perfectly healthy roots. However, as with most subjects, there will be differing opinions, ideas and tactics for going about any given task. The only function the roots have is to absorb water and nutrition to the plant, and to hold on to the growing surface. I have found cinnamon to be a major help in reducing fungal issues and also other pest infestations. And to answer your question, as a beginner with orchids, I would focus more on “is this a healthy orchid?”  vs the actual size of the plant. How I’m keeping my fingers crossed hoping that my orchid will make it. You can tell a lot about the health of an orchid by its leaves as well. Because most orchids are ‘air plants’, plants that grow on trees, etc., that’s what their roots are; different. (Back story – I’ve owned 3 orchid plants for years, but after they flowered, only one plant managed to grow a new flower spike after the first one when I got it from the store. Do be careful if you burn it off because alcohol is highly flammable! Prune branches by trimming the top blossom stalk source by 1cm and prune dead flowers throughout the blooming season for all orchids. Oh it’s Kathy again I have one more question. I sprayed my orchid roots after getting all of the medium out of there, with a weak solution of neem oil. Thank you for taking your time to stop by and share your thoughts! I have both available. Is it ok for 100% of the terrestrial roots to be in the water, since they’re pinching off at the base? This can form a compacted, hard ball that comes out of the pot with effort, retaining the shape of the pot. You are fortunate to have so many of them! It’s a hormonal paste that tricks the orchid to clone itself – this clone (keiki), or ‘baby’ as some like to call it, can be separated from the mother plant when it’s big enough. That unfortunately makes people believe they are no good with orchids and should never buy them again. Well written and easy to understand – has helped me a lot. If often means the plant isn't healthy because the roots have replaced the potting soil. Green & plump:  These are healthy orchid roots that have recently received water. Few things in the plant care realm for many folks can produce fear and panic quite like the subject of how to properly re-pot a beloved plant. Thank you again for taking the time to stop by and comment. A couple of weeks later, I noticed my orchids not looking so great. Cut the other spike 1 inch above the node under the lowest flower bloom. Means a lot. That’s not a problem if you aren’t concerned about the drawbacks of trimming your orchid’s air roots. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. So I guess my question is should I respray it or should I not use neem oil on bear roots like that? Well, it does sound like a good idea actually! . I hope that I’ve been of help to you. If only a portion of the root is dead, make your cut right in the area where there is still live, green tissue. 5. Hi, I found your website with a lot of useful information. And I am in the process of trying to save my original 3. During your annual repotting (if needed) is another good time to give the root system a good once-over and trim away any roots that have failed to thrive. I will be putting you on my home screen. It was a great job! 35% food grade peroxide is extremely powerful. Here you can see the exact way how to trim the flower spike; After trimming, to encourage your orchid to bloom again, you can expose the plant to cooler nighttime temperatures. This method is called ‘water culture’. And hey, I’m here for you if you need more help! Lol. I’m glad you asked! If you are using the correct type of orchid pot, such as the ones that can be found here at my shop, water will not pool and cause the roots to rot. Thanks in advance, Hi, I’m Irene. Keep an eye on it though. I was looking for one specific question – where to cut a rotten roots. I bookmarked this. Yellow orchid roots are ones that have not been exposed to sunlight and therefore have not gone through the photosynthesis process to turn them green. However, it turns out that is a myth. Semi-water culture alternates between wet and dry days; the plant’s roots are soaked in water over a few days, which after the water is poured out and the roots are kept dry for the next few days. 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